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Cybersecurity in Belarus a general overview of support areas

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1 Cybersecurity in Belarus a general overview of support areas
Marianne Sakalova November 2014

Context Strategic documents Legislation Awareness International Cooperation Strategic vision

3 Internet penetration 70%
CONTEXT Population  Internet users 4, Internet penetration 70% 84, 4% access internet on daily basis

4 CONTEXT “Crimes in the sphere of information security”
“Theft with the use of computer equipment” “Crimes in the sphere of information security” Ministry of Internal Affairs 2013

5 CONTEXT Technocratic approach (informatization)
part of national ICT development program doesn’t have any specific attention as public policy issue Low level of public awareness Belarusian legislation does not provide satisfactory basis for proper balance between freedom and security online,

6 CONTEXT 2012 Survey of the National security Institute: Is there a necessity to adopt legal acts on information security? 22 Ministries 411 government officials 12 experts Информационная безопасность как составляющая национальной безопасности государства: материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, июля 2013 года: в 3 т. / Ин-т нац. безопасности Респ. Беларусь; редкол.: С.Н. Князев (гл.ред.) [и др.]. – Минск, – Т. 2.- C. 24, 28, 32

7 STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS National Security Concept (2010)
Strategy for the Information Society Development (2010) National Programme for Accelerated Development in the Sphere of Information and Communication Services (2011) (Subprogram “ICT security and Digital Trust”)

8 DEFINITION Information security means the state of the protection of national interests in the information sphere, as determined by the overall balanced interests at the level of the individual, society and the state Cybercrime

9 LEGISLATION Law on Information, Informatization and Information Protection (2008) The Law on state secrets (2010) Law on Electronic Document and Electronic Digital Signature (2009) Presidential Decree on Measures to Improve the Use of the National Segment of the Internet (2010) О мерах по cовершенствованию использования национального сегмента сети Интернет Presidential Decree on Measures to Provide Security of Critical Informatization Facilities (2011) О некоторых мерах по обеспечению безопасности критически важных объектов информатизации Presidential Decree on Measures to Improve Information Protection (2013) О некоторых мерах по cовершенствованию защиты информации Resolution of OAC and Ministry of communication On some issues of subprogram on information security and digital trust (2011) OAC Order on some issues of functioning of State System of PKI (2012)


Operational level Collective security treaty organization INTERPOL NATO Strategic level CIS Bilateral agreements Agreement with RF on cooperation in the sphere of international information security (2014) Cyberwar Cybercrime Protection of information space Infrastructure A joint regional project of the European Union and the Council of Europe on cooperation against cybercrime under the Eastern Partnership Facility ( )

United Nations A/65/201, 30 July 2010, Report of Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security Further dialogue among States to discuss norms pertaining to State use of ICTs, to reduce collective risk and protect critical national and international infrastructure; Confidence-building, stability and risk reduction measures to address the implications of State use of ICTs, including exchanges of national views on the use of ICTs in conflict; Information exchanges on national legislation and national information and communications technologies security strategies and technologies, policies and best practices; Identification of measures to support capacity-building in less developed countries; Finding possibilities to elaborate common terms and definitions relevant to General Assembly resolution 64/25 (Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [on the report of the First Committee (A/64/386)] 64/25. Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security.

13 STRATEGIC VISION Council of Europe Facility: Cooperation against Cybercrime Continue the work to accede to the Budapest Convention Announced in 2012 Develop a national cybersecurity strategy including the protection of critical infrastructure. Announced in 2013 Amendments to the national legislation + Establish a multi-agency task force to discuss and resolve practical challenges against cybercrime. Announced in 2014 («Центр противодействия киберпреступности») To found a national computer emergency response team (CERT) and integrate it into the international CSIRT/CERT network Established in 2012 Member of FIRST 2013

14 Convention on international Convention on cybercrime
STRATEGIC VISION Russian Federation Council of Europe Convention on international information security (2011) Convention on cybercrime (2001) ?

15 Thank you!

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