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Creating a Wiki on Dog Training

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1 Creating a Wiki on Dog Training
Created for Computer Information Systems (CIS 110) at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) by Jason K. Markel and Vanessa Royal Summer 2017

2 A Wiki is born… -First wiki developed in 1995 by computer programmer, Ward cunningham -derived from Polynesian word for quick…wiki -primary purpose is to provide an online collaborative (living) repository for quick access to information. -uses very basic mark up language for content editing. Some of these “wiki engines” are proprietary and others are open source.

3 Wiki hosting sites… -imeet desktop -PB Works -confluence hosted
-Hosting site is the parent website where wiki’s reside -responsible for site maintenance (not wiki maintenance) and backup of content -imeet desktop -PB Works -confluence hosted -Tettra -exo cloud -wikia -Nuclino -wikidot -our project -wikispaces

4 Wiki limitations / variations
-Free vs paid -Public vs private -in-site advertisements vs advertisement free -open source language vs proprietary syntax -wikispaces (our choice) appears to have a proprietary wiki engine and does not support html scripting. Results in a very basic appearance and limited control of final product without increased knowledge of wiki engine syntax. -our project site uses public key infrastructure (pki) for secure uploading and is difficult for a novice to use. Several programs to run for public / private key generation and submission for initial access.

5 Build a wiki assignment
Requirements -Choose a topic -develop a wiki site devoted to education on the topic -cite resources used Assumptions -demonstrate wiki creation -demonstrate development concepts via integration of links to accompanying tabs, informative blocks of text, and visual supporting aids such as pictures and embedded video Goals -satisfy all requirements -gain competency of wiki concept, development, manipulation -create professional end product, educational in purpose, accurate in content, and functional in operation

6 Please refer questions and comment to the creators / admin team
To the wiki… Please refer questions and comment to the creators / admin team Jason Markel Vanessa royal

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