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Search for 0nbb decay with SuperNEMO

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1 Search for 0nbb decay with SuperNEMO
Ruben Saakyan UCL UCL_HEP/MSSL day out 18 July 2005

2 Outline Neutrinos 0nbb decay NEMO-III SuperNEMO

3 Why study neutrinos? 2nd most abundant particle in the Universe photons ~ 107/m neutrinos ~ 3  106/m protons ~ 0.5/m3 As many produced in Big Bang as photons. Crucial for element formation. Only 1% of energy from supernova appears as photons. Other 99% is neutrinos. Neutrinos are crucial for our understanding how the Sun shines. Very important for heavy element formation in stars (CNO cycle). Neutrino astronomy: the only way to study distant objects Very far-future neutrino beams: search for oil and destroy WMD?

4 Why study neutrinos? Essential part of the building blocks of matter and the Universe Fundamental for understanding deep principles of nature In Standard Model assumed to be massless We now know they have non-zero mass Neutrino mass – window beyond Standard Model





9 Absolute neutrino mass
Neutrino oscillations measure Dm2  can not solve this problem For sure less than g 3H decay (look at end point of b-spectrum) Cosmology 0nbb decay

10 Weighing neutrino. Cosmology.
mi < 0.7 – 2.2 eV

11 Double beta decay and neutrino mass
Neutrino nature  Dirac (n  (anti)n vs Majorana (n = (anti)n) The only way to answer this fundamental question Absolute neutrino mass Might be the only way to weigh n in a lab Important consequences for particle physics, cosmology, nuclear physics

12 Double beta decay and neutrino mass
DL=0 DL=2 ! Q


14 A controversial claim by Heidelberg-Moscow group (4.2s)
214Bi unknown 214Bi 0nbb 71.7 kgyr A controversial claim by Heidelberg-Moscow group (4.2s)

15 NEMO-3 AUGUST 2001

16 Fréjus Underground Laboratory : 4800 m.w.e.
The NEMO3 detector 3 m 4 m B (25 G) 20 sectors Fréjus Underground Laboratory : 4800 m.w.e. Magnetic field: 25 Gauss Gamma shield: Pure Iron (e = 18 cm) Neutron shield: 30 cm water (ext. wall) 40 cm wood (top and bottom) (since march 2004: water + boron) Source: 10 kg of  isotopes cylindrical, S = 20 m2, e ~ 60 mg/cm2 Tracking detector: drift wire chamber operating in Geiger mode (6180 cells) Gas: He + 4% ethyl alcohol + 1% Ar + 0.1% H2O Calorimeter: 1940 plastic scintillators coupled to low radioactivity PMTs Able to identify e-, e+, g and a

17 PMTs scintillators Cathode rings Wire chamber Calibration tube
bb isotope foils

18 Sensitivity to mn ~ 0.2 – 0.4 eV by 2009
bb decay isotopes in NEMO-3 detector bb2n measurement 116Cd g Qbb = keV 96Zr g Qbb = 3350 keV Sensitivity to mn ~ 0.2 – 0.4 eV by 2009 150Nd g Qbb = keV 48Ca g Qbb = 4272 keV 130Te g Qbb = 2529 keV 82Se kg Qbb = 2995 keV External bkg measurement natTe g 100Mo kg Qbb = 3034 keV Cu g bb0n search (All enriched isotopes produced in Russia)

19 bb events selection in NEMO-3
Deposited energy: E1+E2= 2088 keV Internal hypothesis: (Dt)mes –(Dt)theo = 0.22 ns Common vertex: (Dvertex) = 2.1 mm Vertex emission (Dvertex)// = 5.7 mm Transverse view Longitudinal view Run Number: 2040 Event Number: 9732 Date: Criteria to select bb events: 2 tracks with charge < 0 2 PMT, each > 200 keV PMT-Track association Common vertex Internal hypothesis (external event rejection) No other isolated PMT (g rejection) No delayed track (214Bi rejection) bb events selection in NEMO-3 Typical bb2n event observed from 100Mo Transverse view Run Number: 2040 Event Number: 9732 Date: Longitudinal view 100Mo foil 100Mo foil Geiger plasma longitudinal propagation Drift distance Scintillator + PMT Trigger: PMT > 150 keV 3 Geiger hits (2 neighbour layers + 1) Trigger rate = 7 Hz

20 From NEMO-III to SuperNEMO. Motivation.
Very successful technology. > 15 years of experience. Quick start as a lengthy R&D is not needed Next generation bb0n experiments should have at least one “bubble chamber”-like detector which will see a signature of bb events

21 SuperNEMO = NEMO3×10(20) + better DE/E
Sensitivity ~0.03 – 0.06 eV in 5 yr Feasible if Zero BG experiment: 1) No BG from radioactivity the only possible BG from 2n tail (NEMO-III) 2) Improve DE/E from existing (14%-16%)/E to (7%-9%)/E* *Demonstrated (UCL+ Bordeaux) DE/E = 8% at 1 MeV DE/E = 12% at 1 MeV

22 SuperNEMO. Possible Sites.
Frejus – France (new cavern) Boulby – UK Gran Sasso – Italy Canfranc – Spain

23 10-20,000 PMts/scintillator blocks
Baseline conceptual design. Scintillator blocks SuperNEMO = submodule × 50 100 kg of 82Se (or other) in 2m×4m×40m + shielding 10-20,000 PMts/scintillator blocks

24 Possible alternative scintillator bar design
Double sided readout If feasible can reduce the number of PMT’s to 3-5,000 as well as the floor area to ~12x12 m2

25 UK involvement The UK group is part of the international Super-NEMO collaboration (UCL/MSSL, Manchester) This proposal is part of a coordinated approach with the French to start Super-NEMO UK/French groups have agreed on the sharing of the main work. Other collaborators (Russia, Czech Rep, Japan, US will contribute on a smaller scale) Money request for a 2 yr design study submitted by UK (PPRP), France (IN2P3), US (NUSAG). UK main contributions: Tracking detector Finish up ongoing scinitllator R&D

26 MSSL involvement Large scale production  exploit MSSL technical expertise New Lab space allows UK to bid for such big construction projects MSSL main contributions Tracking detector R&D + Wiring robot SuperNEMO submodule production

27 Wiring robot The challenge: from 6,000 to ~60,000+ cells Wires must be
strung terminated crimped This can not be done manually (~10 min/wire) Complications Copper pick-ups Must be cost effective Solder can not be used (radiopurity)

28 Tracker Read-out Electronics
Prompt signal from anode wires (transverse coordinate) Delayed signal from cathode rings (longitudinal coordinate TDC read-out with ~20 ns resolution Triggering based on track parameters Custom discriminator chip on or close to detector Challenges: Large number of channels (~60,000+) High radiopurity

29 Tracker Front-End ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits)
Design and prototype at UCL/MSSL Amplifiers and discriminators with programmable threshould and zero suppression Data collection and triggering/buffering/clock via serial link to minimise number of connections Exact ASIC specifications need to be developed

30 Tracker Read-Out Boards
Design and prototype in close collaboration with UCL and Manchester HEP Concentrator boards receive data from ASIC provide data reduction and concentration provide trigger data and first stage track reconstruction Final read-out/track reconstruction/on-line monitoring via a DAQ PC farm. FPGAs can be used to model ASIC for prototyping

31 SuperNEMO Milestones. 2004 – 2005: ongoing scintillator R&D in UK, France, Russia, US March Design study proposal submitted to UK and French funding agencies. UK answer after 24th August By mid 2007 Full Technical Design Prototype Experimental site 2007: Full Proposal 2007 – 2010: Production : Start taking data 2014: planned sensitivity ~0.04 eV

32 Conclusions Very exciting time for neutrino physics in general and 0nbb in particular A positive signal is now a serious possibility in light of oscillation results Costs of experiments in the £25M range: this is more than reasonable for the potential scientific gain SuperNEMO is so far the only project which will look at 0nbb signature Thanks to MSSL facilities UK (and specifically UCL) can be a crucial player in these and other large HEP projects

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