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Prospective Tracer Release Experiments In the Arctic Jim Ledwell

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1 Prospective Tracer Release Experiments In the Arctic Jim Ledwell
Title Prospective Tracer Release Experiments In the Arctic Jim Ledwell Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

2 Topics A proposal submitted to NSF to study gas exchange and mixing in the upper ocean in the Marginal Ice Zone. 10 to 40-day experiments. 2. Possible large scale studies. Multiyear experiments.

3 IDEAr Interfacial and Diapycnal Exchange in the Arctic
(proposal just submitted to NSF/OPP) Goals: Study the effect of partial ice cover (30 to 80%) on gas exchange And mixing in the upper 200 m of the ocean, in order to better understand the Carbon cycle and other nutrient cycles there. Investigators: Brice Loose, URI, Leader, Tracer analysis; Data management David Ho, U. Hawaii, SF6 for Gas Exchange Tracer Measurements Peter Schlosser, LDEO, 3He for Gas Exchange Jim Ledwell, WHOI, Rhd for GX, CF3SF5 for diapycnal mixing, Patch tracking Sylvia Cole & Rick Krishfield, WHOI, ITP-V for CTD/velocity under ice Miles McPhee, IOBL fine structure and covariance fluxes, Patch tracking Bill Asher, APL/UW, Waves, Active IR, Passive IR, Surfactants Chris Fairall & Byron Blomquist, NOAA/ESRL, ABL fluxes, including CO2, CH4, DMS Ron Kwok, Remote sensing of the ice Ilker Fer, U. Bergen, TKE dissipation rates, diffusivity Taro Takahashi, LDEO, Cooperating: PCO2 Lisa Miller, IOS, Cooperating: Carbonate Chemistry in ice and water

4 Tracer-centric summary of IDEAr
Two Field Efforts in the MIZ: Ice Retreat Experiment in early summer Gas exchange, and mixing at the base of the ML k in the seasonal pycnocline ~ 10 m below base of the ML. Ice Advance Experiment in early fall k in the upper permanent pycnocline 60 to 100 m depth. Multitracer gas exchange experiment in each, with SF6, 3He, Rhodamine. 35-day deeper mixing experiments in each, with CF3SF5. Plus ABL, IOBL, and water column flux and microstructure measurements, Wave, surface IR, and surfactant measurements

5 Larger Scale Experiments
Would a multi-year tracer release experiment in the Arctic be useful? If so, it should be designed and executed together with the modeling Community

6 Example: DIMES 1st year From Ledwell et al., JPO, 2011
Funded by US NSF and UK NERC, BAS

7 DIMES Pacific Diffusivity
K=1.3x10-5 m/s2 @ 1500 m Ktracer = 1.3x10-5 m2/s From Ledwell et al., JPO, 2011

8 Gaussian ‘Fit’ Ly ~ 170 km Rough measure of along-isopycnal diffusivity (of order 500 m2/s), But scale-dependence affects the first year result, at least.

9 Residual Circulation in the Arctic?
To what extent is Ekman convergence (e.g. Proshutinsky et al. JGR 2009) balanced by a divergence of eddy-mass flow, i.e., thickness flux e.g. Marshall et al, JPO, 2002: Use tracer to measure the eddy flux from the center of the gyre?

10 Or: Release tracer in a boundary current to study exchange of mass and heat with the interior, e.g., in the Atlantic Water? Note: our long term tracers are volatile; they will escape to the atmosphere. So surface layer releases are useful mostly for gas exchange studies.

11 From McLaughlin et al. JGR 2002

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