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Get Into the Goldilocks Zone
Managing SQL Transaction Log VLF Growth Michelle Poolet, MCIS Zachman-Certified Enterprise Architect™ 4/2/2016
What We’ll Do Today Talk about VLFs, their value, impact and relationship to the SQL transaction log. What causes the VLF count to grow? How to rein in VLF and subsequent SQL Server transaction log growth. How to get into the Goldilocks Zone, that is, get a handle on stabilizing VLFs and the SQL Server transaction log size. 4/2/2016
What’s a VLF & Why Do I Care?
Some background All changes to a database (data & structure) are preserved First write to the transaction log Then write to physical database One transaction log per database SQL Server writes changes to available space in the log file SQL Server must have enough tlog space so that active (uncommitted) transactions can be rolled back one transaction log per database, can be comprised of multiple files one log, sequential write only space can be reused after 1) transaction is committed, and 2) database synched (CHECKPOINT) 3 | 4/2/2016
What’s a VLF & Why Do I Care?
VLF structure Tlog is comprised of blocks of space -- VLF Space management inside the transaction log file No single fixed size for a VLF No fixed number of VLFs per physical log file When using Full Recovery mode: transactions are copied to the tlog until they fill up log file; SQL continues to write the new transactions from the beginning of the tlog file ONLY IF a tlog backup has been taken (CHECKPOINT), old transactions are marked for deletion (CHECKPOINT), and ALL transactions within a VLF have been committed AND checkpointed and the VLF is marked for reuse. If a transaction log backup hasn’t been taken: the tlog file is forced to expand enough to accommodate newly executed transactions; no instant initialization for tlog file, operation will negatively impact performance. 4 | 4/2/2016
Why Would a VLF Not Be Reusable?
Long-running transactions that don’t commit… No commit = VLFs remain “active”, cannot reuse Lack of transaction log backup… a backup issues a CHECKPOINT CHECKPOINT confirms that committed transactions on the tlog have been written to the database committed/checkpointed transactions on the tlog are marked for overwrite It all boils down to... A VLF is reusable ONLY when ALL the transactions stored in that VLF have been committed and CHECKPOINTED number of VLFs and size of the transaction log file are indirectly related FULL or BULK-LOGGED recovery mode, SQL Server MUST capture all changes to the database SIMPLE recovery mode transaction log freezes tlog file size and VLF count What happens when a VLF is “cleared”? it’s marked as inactive nothing is truncated nothing is overwritten the log file size does not change only whole VLFs are marked for reuse 5 | 4/2/2016
What Causes the VLFs (& TLog) to Grow?
If no VLFs available for re-use SQL Server must auto-grow Allows SQL Server to allocate additional space to the tlog must pause processing (no instant initialization) Increases the number of VLFs based on auto-grow size SQL Server must stop processing If auto-grow is not enabled and “out of space in the log” 6 | 4/2/2016
VLF Trivia 2012 TRIVIA FACT for <= SQL Server 2012 TRIVIA QUESTION
Tlog auto-grows between 1-64 MB, +4 VLFs Tlog auto-grows > MB, +8 VLFs Tlog auto-grows >= 1GB, +16 VLFs TRIVIA QUESTION SQL Server created with tlog file = 2 MB & auto-growth by 10% By the time the tlog reaches 500 MB, how many VLFs will it have? 7 | 4/2/2016
VLF Trivia 2012 TRIVIA ANSWER 416 VLFs…
264 VLFs < 1 MB in size (0.25 to 0.93 MB) 56 VLFs < 2 MB in size (1.03 to 1.82 MB) 40 VLFs < 3 MB in size (2.0 to 2.93 MB) 24 VLFs < 4 MB in size (3.23 to 3.9 MB) 16 VLFs < 5 MB in size (4.3 to 4.72 MB) 16 VLFs < 6 MB in size (5.2 to 5.72 MB) 8 | 4/2/2016
VLF Trivia 2014 More Trivia for >= SQL Server 2014
If the impending growth unit is < 1/8 size of the current log: A single VLF of size = auto-grow unit will be created Else Use old algorithm IS THIS A TRADEOFF, an attempt to optimize the VLF count for situations where the transaction log auto-growth is left at 10% Are default values taking on the mantle of “best practice”?????? 9 | 4/2/2016
VLF Algorithm Comparison
Comparing old & new auto-grow algorithms The old formula: auto-grow using a 10% increment causes a fast build-up of VLF count, even with very small transaction logs. The new formula controls VLF count much more efficiently, but the VLF segment size increases more quickly. 10 | 4/2/2016
VLF Algorithm Comparison
Comparing old & new auto-grow algorithms As the transaction log size approaches 1GB, VLF counts skyrocket under the old formula, but the VLF segment size stays very stable. Under the new formula, VLF count is still low, but the VLF segment sizes are getting quite large – this may cause problems with VLF segment reuse. 11 | 4/2/2016
VLF Algorithm Comparison
Comparing old & new auto-grow algorithms The transaction log is in the 10-20GB range. The old formula has very high VLF count but small VLF segment size, good for VLF reuse. The new formula has a small VLF count but very large VLF segment sizes. VLF reuse is at risk, the transaction log could uncontrollably balloon to an "out of space on disk" condition. 12 | 4/2/2016
Why Is This Such A Big Deal?
Too many VLFs adversely impact database operations… Database startup takes longer; Database restores take longer; Inserts, updates and deletes can take longer; Backups are larger because active VLFs (uncommitted, not cleared for reuse) must be included; Tlog file fragmentation - SQL Server has to search for the appropriate VLF whenever writing to the log file or clearing a VLF for reuse 13 | 4/2/2016
Can VLFs Get Too Large? Overly large VLFs (4 GB?) = performance problems… File I/O Buffer cache crunch Clearing large VLFs for reuse takes time… SQL Server search for correct VLF to commit Tlog backups take longer Inability to clear VLFs rapidly = more VLFs created New VLFs will be large = more disk space required 14 | 4/2/2016
Can There Be Too Many VLFs?
There is no hard and fast rule as to how many VLFs any database should have… Too many VLFs = tlog fragmentation, negative impact on performance, slower database startup & restore. Too few and very large VLFs = negative impact on performance, larger backups, ballooning transaction logs. 15 | 4/2/2016
Help! What Do I Do With A Ballooning TLog?
Check for open transactions Take a tlog backup Shrink the tlog file, reduce the VLF count (no maintenance window required) 16 | 4/2/2016
Help! What Do I Do With A Ballooning TLog?
CHECK FOR OPEN TRANSACTIONS Dbcc opentran; What is a tlog file waiting on? SELECT name, log_reuse_wait, log_reuse_wait_desc FROM sys.databases; is there a way to make open transactions commit more often? ANSWERS TO THE TLOG WAIT STATE… Nothing…there’s no impediment. Log backup needs to be run. Active backup running (a full backup needs the transaction log to be able to restore to a specific point in time) Active transaction (somebody typed BEGIN TRAN and walked away) Database mirroring, replication, or AlwaysOn Availability Groups (is there a failed replica? Until all nodes can sync, the transaction log will continue to grow) 17 | 4/2/2016
Help! What Do I Do With A Ballooning TLog?
TAKE A TLOG BACKUP You think that tlog backups have been running regularly? Try running a SQL tlog backup… VM or Hyper-V snapshots will not shrink the tlog Rethink your backup strategy Tlog backups will clear VLFs for reuse but probably will not shrink tlog What happens when a checkpoint is issued? checkpoint identifier (LSN) is written to transaction log file “dirty” data pages are written to: transaction log file physical database file then the pages in memory can be reused What happens when a VLF is “cleared”? it’s marked as inactive nothing is truncated nothing is overwritten the log file size does not change only whole VLFs are marked for reuse 18 | 4/2/2016
Help! What Do I Do With A Ballooning TLog?
SHRINK THE TLOG FILE (no maintenance window required) TEMPORARY SOLUTION ONLY, reduces VLF count and releases log space to the operating system Root cause has not been addressed Tlog files will re-grow over time, will have to repeat process No instant file initialization as SQL tlog grows, performance hit USE MyDatabase GO dbcc loginfo -- check VLF count before shrink DBCC SHRINKFILE (N‘MyDatabase_log' , 100) dbcc loginfo -- check VLF count after shrink ROOT CAUSE = auto-grow value 19 | 4/2/2016
What’s the Ultimate Goal?
GET INTO THE GOLDILOCKS ZONE Study & monitor tlog growth and behaviour Schedule a Maintenance Window Resize and pre-grow the tlog file Monitor tlog growth and behaviour after-the-fact Repeat if necessary If you understand well how each database uses its tlog file, you may not have to do this step. Ever. Until things change. 20 | 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Zone: Pre-Grow A Tlog File
Schedule a Maintenance Window determine a new size for the log file shrink the transaction log re-grow the transaction log change tlog auto-grow settings 21 | 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Zone: Pre-Grow A Tlog File
1. How large should the tlog be? How much data is being added to the database in one year’s time? How often are index rebuilds being done? Are there excessively-long transactions that are running against the database? Can they be shortened? Is data being bulk-loaded into the database on a regular basis? How much and when? What’s the disk usage history? (applies only to mature databases…) Does this database take part in mirroring, replication, or AlwaysOn Availability Groups? 22 | 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Zone: Pre-Grow A Tlog File
2. Shrink the tlog to smallest possible size Use dbcc shrinkfile to shrink the log file Shrink slowly, in small increments Allow SQL Server to transfer “active” transactions to the newer portion of the tlog how much of the tlog file is in active use? dbcc sqlperf(logspace) example 10GB database 3GB tlog file with 10% auto-grow 0.2% of the log is active determine that optimal tlog size = 500MB, with auto-grow at 100MB (8 VLFs, 12.5MB each) SHRINK In 100 MB increments 23 | 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Zone: Pre-Grow A Tlog File
3. Re-grow the tlog file Use alter database modify file command Incrementally grow the log file to an appropriate size Grow it slowly Grow too fast results in too-large VLFs IDEAL CASE: size the tlog so it will not have to auto-grow in future operations Determine that optimal tlog size = 500MB, with auto-grow at 100MB (8 VLFs, 12.5MB each) REGROW in 100 MB increments 24 | 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Zone: Pre-Grow A Tlog File
4. Change auto-grow settings Adjust auto-grow to new growth increment If dynamically-created databases (Sharepoint) Adjust model database to minimize tlog growth ALTER DATABASE PROD MODIFY FILE (NAME=PRODLOG, FILEGROWTH = 100 MB) GO 25 | 4/2/2016
DEMO 4/2/2016
Goldilocks Database 3/25/2017
Goldilocks – what do I know?
3rd-party package used to make reservations. Normal processing behaviour is bursty, based on upcoming events. Transactions are short (ticket purchase, integrate with PayPal, send to purchaser). Business & activity reports are run against the same database. Tlog size is <2% of the database file (seems very small, out of proportion, especially given the large auto-grow size). This is a copy sent for review. DBA may have shrunk transaction log file prior to backup? 3/25/2017
Goldilocks Assumptions…
IF...this transaction log is indeed a good size for this database... the VLF count is high, higher than optimal for the type of transactions (short, succinct), auto-grow value is disproportionately large, larger VLF will take longer to clear. During high activity periods, SQL may need to acquire additional log space... ...having to pause SQL while the tlog initializes during high-activity periods is not good. 3/25/2017
Goldilocks Recommendations
Let's restructure the tlog file, reduce the VLF count, to better align with the type of processing and the type of data. 3/25/2017
Goldilocks: Shrink the tlog file slowly…
REPEAT as necessary until shrinking stops 3/25/2017
Goldilocks: REGROW THE Tlog file
Use growth increments until target size is reached grow to 500 MB, growth unit = 100 MB 3/25/2017
Goldilocks: Change the tlog auto-grow value
to match the value used to re-grow the file and make a final check 3/25/2017
Real-world Case: Personify
ERP solution, SQL Server 2012 PPROD data file = 22.9 GB, FULL recovery, growth unit = 20 MB log file = GB, VLFs growing over time, 30 MB growth unit, 4.55% of log space used log file should be regrown to 4 GB, growth unit = 500 MB data file = 23,486 MB, FULL recovery model, growth unit = 20MB log file = 16,638 MB, VLFs growing over time, 30 MB growth unit, 4.55% of log space used log file should be regrown to 4000 MB, growth unit = 500 MB USE PPROD GO -- SHRINK THE TRANSACTION log file without truncating, SHRINK in small increments, allowing THE VLFs to clear -- REPEAT as necessary until TARGET SIZE OF 1000 is reached, or until shrinking stops … DBCC SHRINKFILE (2, 10); SHRINK log file by units of 1GB each time dbcc loginfo VLFs -- REGROW THE TRANSACTION log file, using growth increments until target size is reached USE master; ALTER DATABASE PPROD MODIFY FILE (NAME = T6LOG, SIZE = 4000MB); regrow log in 500MB units to a total size of 4000MB dbcc loginfo (8 * 8 = 64 + original 3 = 67, opted to create smaller VLFs when increasing by 500MB; the VLFs will clear for reuse faster if smaller.) -- CHANGE THE AUTO-GROW AMOUNT USE master MODIFY FILE (NAME=T6LOG, FILEGROWTH = 500 MB); 34 | 4/2/2016
Real-world Case: Sharepoint 2013
SQL Server 2012 msdb data file = 22.9 GB, FULL recovery, growth unit = 20 MB log file = GB, VLFs growing over time, 30 MB growth unit, 4.55% of log space used log file should be regrown to 4 GB, growth unit = 500 MB msdb data file = 116 MB, SIMPLE recovery model, growth unit = 10% log file = log file = 195 MB, VLFs stable over time, 10% growth unit, 3.3% of log space used log file should be regrown to 200MB, growth unit = 50MB -- SHRINK THE TRANSACTION log file without truncating, SHRINK in small increments in units of 50MB, allowing THE VLFs to clear, until the target size of 50MB is reached, or until the shrinking stops … USE msdb GO DBCC SHRINKFILE (MSDBLog, 1); dbcc loginfo VLFs -- REGROW THE TRANSACTION log file to 200 MB, using growth increments of 50MB until target size is reached USE master; ALTER DATABASE msdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = MSDBLog, SIZE = 200MB); dbcc loginfo (4 * 4 = 16 + original 4 = 20, opted to create smaller VLFs; the VLFs will clear for reuse faster if smaller.) -- CHANGE THE AUTO-GROW AMOUNT USE master MODIFY FILE (NAME=MSDBLog, FILEGROWTH = 50 MB); 35 | 4/2/2016
Is There a Methodology? Sort of…
Track changes over time to determine transaction activity and log growth needs. Set up a maintenance window Reduce VLF count Regrow tlog size while controlling number and size of VLFs Reset database > file properties > auto-grow size to align with changes made Continue to monitor; if necessary, fine-tune assumptions and repeat process. 36 | 4/2/2016
What We’ve Covered… VLFs, what they are, what impact they have on your SQL Server Why VLFs to grow? How to shut down a ballooning transaction log How to get into the Goldilocks Zone - get a handle on stabilizing VLFs and the SQL Server transaction log size. 37 | 4/2/2016
Michelle Poolet, MCIS Zachman-Certified Enterprise Architect™
Questions? Michelle Poolet, MCIS Zachman-Certified Enterprise Architect™ 3/25/2017
Good References Ivan Stankovic Kim Tripp, Eric Darling 3/25/2017
Thank You Sponsors Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Swag 3/25/2017
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