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Presentation on theme: "10/13/2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/13/2017

2 Topic 1: Ketchup
Jurafsky uses history of ketchup (& ice cream elsewhere) to shed light on currently popular methods in speech and language He traces etymology of “ketchup” from an Asian fish sauce Advances in (sailing) technology made it possible to replace anchovies with less expensive tomatoes and sugar from the west The ice cream story combines fruit syrups (Sharbat) from Persia with gun powder from China and advances in refrigeration technology Big Tent Sept 9, 2017 Topics in HLT

3 The Speech Invasion At speech meetings (Interspeech-2016, as opposed to NAACL-2009), Jurafsky credits speech researchers for transferring currently popular techniques from speech to language Some of these people were probably also involved in transferring similar methods from information theory into speech (and perhaps hedge funds) Sept 9, 2017 Topics in HLT

4 What happened in 1988? Sept 9, 2017 Topics in HLT

5 What happened in1988? Sept 9, 2017 Topics in HLT

6 What happened in 1975? Jurafsky’s story is nice & simple,
But history is “complicated” IMHO, speech did onto language, what was done onto them What happened in 1975? The same thing that happened to language in 1988 (and to hedge funds in 1990s)? Sept 9, 2017 Topics in HLT

7 Speech  Language Shannon’s: Noisy Channel Model
I  Noisy Channel  O I΄ ≈ ARGMAXI Pr(I|O) = ARGMAXI Pr(I) Pr(O|I) Trigram Language Model Word Rank More likely alternatives We 9 The This One Two A Three Please In need 7 are will the would also do to 1 resolve 85 have know do… all of 2 the important 657 document question first… issues 14 thing point to Channel Model Application Input Output Speech Recognition writer rider OCR (Optical Character Recognition) all a1l Spelling Correction government goverment Application Independent Eurospeech 2003

8 Didn’t have the guts to use this slide at Eurospeech (Geneva)
Speech Invasion: Speech  Language Using (Abusing) Shannon’s Noisy Channel Model: Part of Speech Tagging and Machine Translation Speech Words  Noisy Channel  Acoustics OCR Words  Noisy Channel  Optics Spelling Correction Words  Noisy Channel  Typos Part of Speech Tagging (POS): POS  Noisy Channel  Words Machine Translation: “Made in America” English  Noisy Channel  French Didn’t have the guts to use this slide at Eurospeech (Geneva) Eurospeech 2003

9 HMM Example: Dictionary Attack
Wikipedia HMM View In computer science, a one-way function is a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert  In cryptanalysis and computer security, a dictionary attack is a technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying hundreds or sometimes millions of likely possibilities, such as words in a dictionary. Authentication System password  Noisy Channel  hash Unix used to publish hash function (not even noisy) encrypted passwords (/etc/passwd) Dict attacks exposed weakness I  Noisy Channel  O I΄ ≈ ARGMAXI Pr(I|O) = ARGMAXI Pr(I) Pr(O|I) 10/13/2017

10 Motivating Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

11 Norvig’s Blog

12 How It Works: Some Probability Theory http://norvig. com/spell-correct

13 Prior / Language Model Channel Model

14 Spelling Correction << Code Breaking http://norvig

15 Hypo: HMMs: Bletchley  IDA  IBM  Speech  NLP

16 Spelling Correction 10/13/2017

17 Channel Model

18 10/13/2017

19 I  Noisy Channel  O I΄ ≈ ARGMAXI Pr(I|O) = ARGMAXI Pr(I) Pr(O|I)
Language Model Channel Model I  Noisy Channel  O I΄ ≈ ARGMAXI Pr(I|O) = ARGMAXI Pr(I) Pr(O|I) Prior / Languag Model Channel Model 10/13/2017

20 10/13/2017

21 10/13/2017

22 http://www. computational- logic tagging.pdf 10/13/2017

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35 10/13/2017

36 Part of Speech Tagging is Stuck? Why?
Programs appear to be working as well as people But when a computer disagrees with a a person, the computer is wrong And when two people disagree, it is a difference of opinion Evaluation needs to distinguish errors from differences of opinion Current evaluation method for tagging Humans label text with a single correct answer (Penn TreeBank) Computer is judged correct if it produces that answer Other tasks (IR, Web Search) allow for multiple answers NDCG: Scoring method Machine returns top 10 candidate ans Human judges grade each candidate perfect excellent good fair poor NDCG: candidates + grades  score Ideally, top 10 candidates have lots of good grades, especially in first few positions NDCG is expensive Need to judge all candidates returned by all versions of all systems (unlike Treebanks) 10/13/2017

37 10/13/2017

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42 http://www- stat. wharton. upenn ovModels.htm 10/13/2017

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