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Keele University Sustainability Hub Stockholm May 2014

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1 Keele University Sustainability Hub Stockholm May 2014
KEO Keele University Sustainability Hub Stockholm May 2014 Dr Sharon George

2 The Hub Concept

3 Keele Earth and Space Observatory
1962- One of only 3 such facilities open to the general public £500k upgrade underpinned by £250k from the Wolfson Foundation (Phase 1)

4 Home Farm 1833 - Relocated from Keele Hall 1980 – Disused
Stabilisation work started 2011 – Refurbishment complete Site of Phase 2 for KESO development Cost of refurbishment £4.5M

5 Home Farm BREEAM Excellent Solar Thermal Rainwater harvesting Solar PV
Climate control Underfloor heating, and evaporative cooling Ground source heat Biofuel woodchip burner Wind

6 KU Sustainability Hub Exhibition Area:
- direct viewing of the renewable energy sources being used; - models of high tech energy systems (wind, clean coal, geothermal energy); - brief history of Home Farm Resources Suite: - access to information Keele Earth Observatory: - an outreach centre to demonstrate the environmental importance and interrelationship of the earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere Training and Education: - facilities, for students, businesses and the public Applied Research: - evaluating technologies throughout the campus, and elsewhere

7 themes are interlinked within the Centre and across campus
About the Hub themes are interlinked within the Centre and across campus Exhibition Area Resources Suite Teaching facilities Environmental Outreach Centre KEO Research facilities Teaching Research Business Enterprise Training Outreach

8 MSc in Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology
KEO Students: MSc in Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology

9 The public



12 Technology Development

13 Business and academia

14 About the Hub > 10,000 unique visitors every year! Why??????
Schools, students, academics, businesses, members of the public Why??????

15 Supporting teaching and research
MSc in Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology Providing an inspirational place for meetings, teaching an academic events Attracting businesses to collaborate in research, deliver talks and to inform our teaching and research

16 Why? Better links with community Links to organisations
Grey Matters Schools Family fun days Links to organisations Routes to impact Funding and sponsorship Resources Research Student projects Research links and funding Access to activities and groups Publicity for the University

17 themes are interlinked within the Centre and across campus
What resources? themes are interlinked within the Centre and across campus Exhibition Area Resources Suite Teaching facilities Environmental Outreach Centre KEO Research facilities

18 Earth Observatory 4 zones and a campus laboratory! Wild in the Woods
Biodiversity Lakes Energy expertise Solar Wind Marine energy Cleaner coal Biofuels Fracking Geothermal Fuel cells

19 KEO Hydrosphere Geosphere Biosphere Atmosphere Aquatic life
Water quality and pollution Oceans and rivers Groundwater mobility Drought and water conservation Hydropower, wave and tidal energy Ancient oceans Soil science Structure of the earth Geothermal energy Rock and fracking Earthquakes Oil and gas and fuels Fossils and dinosaurs KEO Biosphere Atmosphere Woods and trees Invasive species Adaptation and habitats Ecology and conservation Birds, bats, bees and minibeasts Bio-energy Biomass and water content Short-term carbon cycle Weather Climate change Drought Gas and fuel fuel density and CO2 Pollution Wind power Solar power

20 What resources? Grounds, facilities and expertise
KEO What resources? Grounds, facilities and expertise Conference rooms Laboratories Water testing equipment UV Spectrometer Microscopes Soil sampling and testing Physics demonstrations Earth Science demonstrations Solar electronics kits Demonstration wind energy generators Anemometers and light meters Chemical sensors Thermal imaging camera Biofuels testing …etc.,etc.,etc.,… ………and plenty of things that go bang!!!!!

21 KEO World waste Conservation Biodegradation Reduce, reuse, recycle
Rockets Litter Music Food miles Darlek – Exterminate your waste! KEO

22 KEO Ideas, visits, volunteers and collaboration always welcome Come and talk to us! Dr Sharon George

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