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Danube River 2nd longest river in Europe

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1 Geography of Europe SS6G8 The student will locate selected features of Europe.

2 Danube River 2nd longest river in Europe
20 million people depend on for drinking water Major trade route in Europe Starts in Germany travels through 10 countries and ends in the Black Sea

3 Rhine River Originates in Swiss Alps and flows to the North Sea
Has had a major influence on international trade. Pollution is increasing in the river.

4 English Channel Narrow sea that separates France and England.
An underground rail tunnel was built for transportation under the channel. Major shipping lane for European nations.

5 Mediterranean Sea The world's largest inland sea, located between Europe, Africa, and Asia. Allows for trade dating back to ancient civilizations

6 European Plain A vast, flat area stretching from France’s Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains in Russia. Climate is ideal for commercial farming, the main economic activity in this area.

7 The Alps Mountains stretching from eastern France and northern Italy though Switzerland and Austria. Rich source of minerals Temperatures decrease as elevation increases

8 Pyrenees A mountain range that extends between the border of France and Spain. Minerals and mineral springs located in the mountains

9 Ural Mountains The boundary between Europe and Asia.
Mountain range runs north and south Rich in minerals and an important part of the Russian economy.

10 Iberian Peninsula A peninsula that contains Spain and Portugal.
Mostly mountains with few rivers Oil deposits found off northern coast

11 Scandinavian Peninsula
In northern Europe and is occupied by Norway and Sweden. Largest peninsula in Europe Iron ore is shipped to other countries in Europe

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