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Internet Society Advisory Council Status, Priorities, Issues, Plans

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1 Internet Society Advisory Council Status, Priorities, Issues, Plans
Ed Juskevicius Jonne Soininen Nicholas R. Trio ISOC AC Chairman ISOC AC Vice-Chair ISOC AC Secretary 11 November 2006 San Diego, California, USA

2 ISOC Advisory Council Meeting July 14, 2006
13:00 Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review 13:15 Summary of July BoT Meeting – Lynn St.Amour 14:00 Advisory Council Operating Plan – AC Officers 14:20 Break 14:40 ISOC’s Public Policy Priorities – Matthew Shears 15:20 ISOC’s Education Priorities – Mirjam Kuehne 16:00 Any Other Business 16:15 Wrap-Up 16:30 End Page 2

3 Advisory Council Operating Plan DRAFT - July 14, 2006
AC Officers had 3 calls since Dallas AC meeting we organized ourselves & established an operating rhythm Some ideas for how to improve AC operation: improve communications to/from ISOC with AC members convene monthly calls for AC members and their parent orgs improve cooperation with the Board of Trustees get early notice and information about upcoming BoT meetings convene AC prep calls (e.g. 1 month before each BoT meeting) enhance AC member visibility of ISOC staff and projects more focus at F2F meetings of the Advisory Council Public Policy and Education & Training today ! improve usability of the ISOC website & tools overhaul the Org Member corner of Page 3

4 ISOC Advisory Council Meeting November 10, 2006
13:00 Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Goals 13:10 Agenda Bashing 13:15 Advisory Council Officers’ Report 13:35 ISOC President’s Report – Lynn St. Amour 14:00 “Introducing Terry Monroe” 14:15 IGF Update – Matthew Shears 14:45 - break - 15:00 ISOC Board Meeting Goals 15:10 ISOC Major Strategic Initiatives discussion 15:55 The ISOC Website 16:10 Any Other Business 16:20 Formal Wrap-Up and Closing 16:30 Adjourn Page 4

5 Who met yesterday ISOC AC: RSVPs as of November 1, 2006
Page 5

6 AC Officers’ Report November 10, 2006
AC Officers coordination calls have continued We pursued some ideas for improved AC operation: improve communications to/from ISOC with AC members convene monthly calls for AC members and their parent orgs improve cooperation with the Board of Trustees get early notice and information about upcoming BoT meetings convene AC prep calls (e.g. 1 month before each BoT meeting) enhance AC member visibility of ISOC staff and projects more focus at F2F meetings of the Advisory Council We will be meeting Terry Monroe today ! improve usability of the ISOC website & tools overhaul the Org Member corner of Page 6

7 ISOC Major Strategic Initiatives Proposals Submitted to November 1, 2006
Page 7

8 Take-aways from Yesterday
The Advisory Council needs more insight into ISOC priorities, issues and discussions to add value Need better visibility of Board issues and discussion items Perhaps “read-only” access to Board mailing list ? Perhaps a monthly report by Daniel ? Perhaps understanding the Board’s work plan? Need better visibility of ISOC staff and projects Perhaps a monthly report by Lynn, or a monthly call ? ISOC needs to develop and execute a communications plan for the Organization members Need some tools (beyond merely ) to enable the AC to progress work outside of face to face meetings This will take some investment in technology, and staff time Page 8

9 Advisory Council Operating Plan Going Forward Plans
Work with Terry Monroe (ISOC’s new Director for Memberships) to address AC operational issues: improve communications to/from ISOC with AC members convene monthly calls for AC members and their parent orgs improve usability of the ISOC website & tools Mobilize the AC on “ISOC Strategic Initiatives” to contribute recommendation to Board before March 2007 Deliberate on Fred’s proposal to reduce size of Board Articulate goals for AC in 2007, including deliverables and desired future mode of operation Page 9

10 Future ISOC AC Meetings
The next ISOC Board Meeting will be in Prague Saturday and Sunday, March 24-25, 2007 The next regular meeting of the AC will also be in Prague Friday March 23, 2007 We will convene a preparatory call by mid-February 2007 Target = February 15th, plus or minus one week Other AC meetings in 2007 are still to be determined: Should we co-locate with the Board (at ICANN) on July 1st, or continue to meet after IETF (i.e. in Chicago later in July 2007) ? We may also convene an interim call or F2F before March Focus = To develop AC consensus on Major Strategic Initiatives Page 10

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