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EEA and Norway Grants Use of the Funds for bilateral relations

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Presentation on theme: "EEA and Norway Grants Use of the Funds for bilateral relations"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA and Norway Grants Use of the Funds for bilateral relations at national and programme level Tomáš Tesař Ministry of Finance

2 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
- aim: - to strenghten bilateral cooperation - allocation: - min. 0,5 % of EEA/N Grants in the Czech R. - approx EUR - activities of NFP (ca EUR) otevřené výzvy (ca EUR) - eligible applicants: - any entity with ties to the sector - activities: - any of bilateral aspect

3 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
- system: - out of IS CEDR - application for funding - realization of activities - accounting and request for payment - reimbursement - summary: - 1st Call: 26 approved applications (ca EUR) - 2nd Call: 6 approved applications (ca EUR) - 3rd Call: 24 approved applications (ca EUR) - all calls closed

4 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
Examples of supported initiatives

5 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
Examples of supported initiatives

6 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
Examples of supported initiatives

7 Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level
„Lessons Learnt“ - significant interest of applicants - in total 113 applications submitted - many /phone questions raised - two levels of the Funds (National vs. Programme) are confusing for applicants - avioidable formal failings - limits, annexes, timing, exchange rate etc.

8 Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level
- aim: - to find project partner - to strenghten bilateral cooperation in implemented projects - allocation: - min. 1,5% of total programme allocation programmes in total: approx EUR - during the implementation, some allocations were raised due to savings from the open calls

9 Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level
- eligible applicants: - seeking for partners: all entities with ties to the sector (before the end of the open calls for proposals) - strenghtening bilateral cooperation during and after the implementation: final beneficiaries - supported activities: - those aiming at strenghtening bilateral relations in approved projects‘ activities of partners which were not included into the original budget

10 Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level
- system: - via IS CEDR (where the PO is Ministry of Finance) - application for funding - realization of activities - accounting and request for payment - reimbursement - statistics: - allocated funds 0-100% programmes with closed call - the other with ongoing calls for proposals

11 Fund for Bilateral Relations at Programme Level
- current status: - due to a low interest and commitment rate, it is planned to prolong some deadlines in some calls and extend the eligibility of applicants (all entities instead of final beneficiaries only) - the calls shall be amended in October – web-sites: předkládání žádostí (do dubna 2017) a realizace aktivit do června/července 2017, následně předložení závěrečné zprávy do srpna 2017;

12 Thank you for your attention.

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