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WP 9: Beam-driven plasma acc.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 9: Beam-driven plasma acc."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 9: Beam-driven plasma acc.
Jens.Osterhoff (DESY) & Massimo.Ferrario (INFN – LNF)

2 WP 9: Beam-driven plasma acc.

3 Interfaces: Plasma and Beams

4 WGs interfaces

5 Start to end simulations
WGs interfaces Start to end simulations PWFA schemes Plasma Injector Structure Staging HB injector Witness/Driver Crucial Experiments

6 WP9 Tasks

7 FLASH_Forward


9 EuPRAXIA WP9 Meeting at LNF
Monday October 3 10:30 Jens & Massimo "Introduction to WP9 and goals of the LNF meeting" 10:50 Jens "Ideas for a beam-driven accelerator with high rep rate (SCRF) operating in the blowout regime" 11:10 S. Romeo "High quality electron beam from a PWFA in the linear/non-linear hybrid regime" 11:30 Coffee Break 11:50 Discussion 12:45 Lunch 14:30 Andreas Walker " Preliminary EuPRAXIA parameters list" 15:00 ENEA "EUPRAXIA FEL Parameter space investigation" 15:30 Discussion about a baseline machine design and parameters (injector, Linac, FEL) 16:30 Coffee Break 16:50 Jens "Flash_Forward activities and future perspectives" 17:10 M. Ferrario "SPARC_LAB activities and future perspectives" 17:30 A. Marocchino " Multi-bunch working point” Tuesday October 4 10:30 A. R. Rossi "Advanced beam manipulation" 10:45 R. Pompili "Active Plasma Lens experimental results" 11:00 Discussion 11:30 A. Cianchi "Single shot emittance measurements" 11:45 F. Filippi "Plasma diagnostics at SPARC_LAB" 12:00 Discussion

10 FLASH_Forward



13 rad sl 0.74 um , 6.6 pC  30 pC , 3.4 um (11 fs)

14 Ls=20*Lg


16 We need a baseline design supported by start to end simulations
Beam parameters 0.5-1 GeV 3 kA <1 um emittance <1% spread 1-5 GeV 3 kA <1 um emittance <1% spread ~MeV ? 3 kA ? <1 um emittance? <1% spread? We need a baseline design supported by start to end simulations

17 Preliminary parameter list @ 1 GeV
1 GeV, 0.1 %, 1.0 um, 3 kA 1.5 cm , k=1 , rho 10^-3 => 4 nm Cooperation length ~ 0.74 um Undulator Length > 25 m Pulse shaping?

18 WHAT NEXT? Linac (150 MeV -> 1 GeV) design under WP9 responsibility? 1 GeV FEL parameter list identified, good starting point Plasma scaling laws (linear – non linear regimes) to define plasma target, driver characteristics and operational regime Input from WP5 about parameter 2) Next WP9 meeting in January (week of 22/1/2017) in Hamburg: -drive beam parameters, -propose joint experimental activities, -code discussion and sharing

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