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What is a computer? A computer is a device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions at speeds millions and even billions of times.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a computer? A computer is a device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions at speeds millions and even billions of times."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a computer? A computer is a device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions at speeds millions and even billions of times faster than those of human beings. Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called computer programs. These programs guide computers through orderly sets of actions that are specified by individuals known as computer programmers.


3 Computers Hardware: keyboard, screen, mouse, disks, memory, CD-ROM Software: Computer Information System: Hardware, Software, People, Data, Procedures

4 Computer Organization
Central processing unit (CPU) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) Control unit (CU) Memory unit Input unit Output unit Secondary storage unit

5 Computer hardware history
First generation, 1940s Vacum tubes: cost, size, energy requirements Second generation, 1950s Transistors Programming languages were developed Third generation, 1960s Integrated Circuit (IC) Future More computing power, smaller, more reliable, faster, cheaper, networked Programmers needed to write new programs Programmers needed to update older programs

6 Evolution of Operating Systems
Single-user batch processing Operating systems (software) were developed Multi-programming Timesharing UNIX (C was developed to write it)

7 Programlama Nedir? Programming is the ability to talk to the computer in a language it can understand and using grammar and syntax that it can follow to get it to perform useful tasks for you. You write code and the computer interprets your request and does something. Doing something is a vital part of programming. Step-by-step instructions

8 Programlama Süreci

9 Programlamanın Erken Tarihçesi
1822, Charles Babbage Difference machine: a single-purpose machine that could ultimately only carry out one operation Analytical engine: This engine would contain the basic components of a modern computer and led to Babbage’s being called the “father of the computer.” an inability to clearly document and convey his ideas!

10 Programlamanın Erken Tarihçesi
1854, Charles Boole Described the symbolic logic system 1890, A.B.D. Nüfus sayımı necessity is the mother of invention data processing equipment 1946, ilk programlama dili “Plankalkül” By Konrad Zuse, for Z-3 computer Birth of modern programming

11 Programlamanın Erken Tarihçesi
1945, “bug” kavramının doğuşu “debugged” “debugging a computer” “debugging a computer program” 1949, development of “Short Code” code had to be made into machine-readable code by hand

12 Programlama Alanları Geleneksel programlama Web programlaması
Ticari/uygulama amaçlı programlama: C/C++, Java, VB Öğrenme/Akademik amaçlı programlama Web programlaması Server-side programming: ASP, PHP, SQL Client-side programming: JavaScript, VBScript

13 Programlama Dilleri Makine dili Assembly dili Yüksek düzeyli diller

14 The difficulty of a programming language comes down to how far it is removed from natural written language.

15 Makine dili Any computer can understand only its own machine language directly This machine language is defined by the computer’s hardware design Consists of streams of numbers Machine dependent Makine dili örnek kodu

16 Assembly Dili Makine dili yavaş, sıkıcı ve hataya açık
English-like abbreviations to represent the elementary operations of the computer These abbreviations formed the basis of assembly languages Translator programs called assemblers convert assembly lanuage programs to machine language Assembly dili örnek kodu ADD A, 6 MOV A, OUT LOAD B SUB B, A

17 Yüksek düzeyli diller Assembly languages still required many instructions to accomplish even the simplest task To speed up the programming process, high-level languages, in which single statements accomplish substantial tasks, were developed. Translation programs called compilers convert high-level language programs into machine language. Looks almost like everyday English Yüksek düzeyli dil örnek kodu Sayı3 = Sayı1 + Sayı2

18 Yüksek Düzeyli Dillerin Gelişim Süreci
, Fortran (by IBM), for creating scientific and engineering applications, first commercial high-level programming lang. 1959, Cobol, Commercial applications requiring manipulation of large amounts of data Late 1960s, Pascal, for academic use New offerings build on aspects of their predecessors 1967, BCPL, for writing OSs, software, compilers 1970, B, early versions of UNIX 1973, C, UNIX, major operating systems 1975, BASIC 1980s, C++, object-oriented programming (OOP) 1995, Java, create dynamic content for Web pages and for consumer devices 2000, C#, designed specifically for the .NET platform

19 “Hello, World!” yazdırmanın 1001 yolu

20 Neden bir çok programlama dili var?
each type of computer (hardware) really only understands one language A program (either an interpreter or a compiler) is required to convert the code from text into a binary language that the computer can decipher.

21 Programs needed to create programs
Development Environment: A development environment is a program that you use to type the code into. Compiler: A compiler is a program that changes the code you type into code that the computer can understand.

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