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Neural Cross-Correlation For Radio Astronomy

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1 Neural Cross-Correlation For Radio Astronomy
Chipo N Ngongoni Supervisor: Professor J Tapson Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa

2 Neural Cross-Correlation For Radio Astronomy

3 Outline Description of Neural Computation Outline of Research
Relevance to SKA Recommendations and Conclusions Future work

4 Neural Computation... Modeling of systems according to human brain response and neural system Neuron behavior Evolution: McCulloch and Pitts(1943),Minsky and Papert(1969), perceptrons Modeling- mathematical,hardware and software

5 Outline of Research ANNs- successful in signal processing in areas in need of computational efficiency Wireless communications, biomedical prosthetics, pattern and speech recognition Analysis of the auto/cross correlation functions Interpretation using neurons

6 The Selected Model Conductance-based Integrate-and-fire model:
Integrate-and-fire membrane potential: 𝑣(𝑑 = π‘š+πœ‰(𝑑)+𝑔(𝑑)𝑑𝑑 drift noise signal

7 The Selected Model Equivalent circuit model
Leaky integrator which resets at hysteretic comparator thresholds

8 The Selected Model Proposed Neural cross correlation basic unit and ISIH x(t)‏ nx(t)‏ mx y(t)‏ ny(t)‏ my

9 The Selected Model Simulated result of membrane potential without any stimulating signal ρ(Ο„) = interspike interval density (with drift and noise only)‏

10 The Selected Model Simulated result of membrane potential without any stimulating signal With sine input: ρ(Ο„)(1 + f(t))‏

11 Model Results Cross correlation Neural Cross Correlation Signals
Mathematical Cross Correlation

12 Proposed Architecture
Signal processor CMAC in correlator Based on the functionalities of analog correlators and neurons N BU Vxl Vxh x(t)‏ y(t)‏ Vyh Vyl Rb

13 Problem areas- Proposed solutions
Problem:ASIC not reconfigurable Solution: Field Programmable Analog Arrays(FPAA), FPGA,SoICs FPGA and FPAA configurations of neural models already introduced

14 FPAAs Analog equivalent of FPGAs-Anadigm,Motorola
CAB- incorporate switched capacitor banks, CMOS operational amplifier, comparator, CMOS switches and SRAM.

15 Relevance to SKA Alternative algorithm/method for correlation-Digital Hardware and Software correlators Bandwidth expansion and not restriction (CBI:WASP2.. : A.I Harris and J Zmuidzinas) Comparison of Analog Continuum Correlators for remote sensing and Radio Astronomy: Koistinen et al‏ Cost

16 Conclusions Neural Computation: what it offers
Mixed signal perspective , reconfigurable Low power usage Diverse neural architecture for parallel or serial processing Counter dominates power consumption SKA relevance:Diversity of applications not limited by the signal processing techniques

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