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7th Grade Unit 2 Ch3, Section 4

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1 7th Grade Unit 2 Ch3, Section 4
The Southern Colonies 7th Grade Unit 2 Ch3, Section 4

2 The Southern colonies relied on cash crops to survive while the French and Spanish tried to establish their own settlements. Spanish & French settlements developed in different ways from the English settlements.

3 Maryland Maryland arose from Catholic Lord Baltimore (Sir Calvert)
Wanted to establish a safe place for persecuted Catholics Also hoped for a colony that would bring him fortune

4 In establishing the colony of Maryland settlers turned to tobacco farming
To avoid dependence on one crop, law declared that 2 acres of corn must be grown by all tobacco farmers Also grew wheat, fruit, vegetables, and livestock

5 1649, The Act of Toleration was passed by Lord Baltimore
Protect Catholics from attempts to make Maryland a Protestant colony Right to worship freely 1692, Protestant controlled Assembly made the Anglican Church the official church of Maryland Imposed the same restrictions on Catholics as in England

6 Virginia Western settlers opposed Virginia’s government run by easterners Disobeyed Berkeley’s pledge to not push further inland Settled in forbidden lands and blamed Jamestown for not protecting them from the Native’s raids

7 Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 Nathaniel Bacon leads westerners in attacks on Native villages Bacon’s army marches into Jamestown, sets fire to the capital and drives Berkeley into exile Bacon’s sudden illness and death prevent him from taking charge of Virginia Berkeley is recalled as governor Colonial government of Virginia created a militia to control the Natives and opened up more land to settlement.

8 The Carolinas 1663, King Charles II created a large proprietary colony south of Virginia Called Carolina Given to 8 prominent members of the King’s court who helped him regain his throne

9 Proprietors carved out large estates for themselves
Hoped to make money by selling and renting land 1680, founded a city called Charles Town Would become Charleston

10 John Locke wrote a constitution for the Carolina colony
Covered subjects such as land distribution and social ranking Concerned with people’s rights and principles No person can “own” another body or their work The colony did not develop according to the plan North and south go separate ways and create 2 colonies

11 Northern Carolina was settled mostly by farmers from the Virginia back country
Grew tobacco and sold forest products (timber and tar) With no good port, relied on Virginia ports and merchants to conduct their trade

12 Southern Carolina was more prosperous due to fertile farmland and a harbor at Charles Town
Also traded in deerskins, lumber, and beef Discovered rice grew well in the coastal lowlands Soon becomes the colony’s leading cash crop Eliza Lucas discovers the cash crop of indigo Use to dye textiles Known as the “blue gold” of Carolina Most colonists came from the English colony on the island of Barbados in the West Indies Brought enslaved Africans with them to work the rice fields By 1708 more than ½ the population of southern Carolina were enslaved Africans

13 Settlers of Carolina wanted a greater role in the colony’s government
Southern settlers seized control from the proprietors in 1719 1729 Carolina becomes 2 royal colonies—North Carolina and South Carolina

14 Georgia Last of the British colonies to be established in America, founded in 1733 Group led by General James Oglethorpe received a charter Create a colony where English debtors and the poor could make a new, fresh start

15 British government had different reason for creating Georgia
Protect the other British colonies from Spanish attack Britain and Spain at war in the early 1700s with new conflicts over territory in North America Located between Spanish Florida and British South Carolina, to serve as a military barrier

16 Oglethorpe led the 1st group of settlers to Georgia in 1733
Built a town called Savannah and forts to defend against the Spanish Wanted people of the colony to be hardworking, independent, and Protestant Kept farm sizes small Banned slavery, Catholics, and rum

17 Although planned as a British debtors colony, few debtors came
Hundreds of British poor Religious refugees of Germany and Switzerland Small group of Jews Georgia soon had a higher percentage of non-British settlers than any other British colony in North America

18 Many settlers complained about the limits on landholdings and the ban on slave labor
Also objected to Oglethorpe’s rules regulating their lives Referred to as “our perpetual dictator”

19 Oglethorpe grew frustrated over the colonist demands and the colony’s slow growth
Agreed to larger landholdings and lifted the ban on slavery and rum 1751 gives up and turns the colony over to the King

20 New France French were not interested in large-scale settlement in North America Mainly concerned with fishing and fur trapping Built forts and trading posts to protect their profitable trade

21 1670s, French fur trader, Joliet, and priest, Marquette, explored the Mississippi River by canoe
Hoped to find gold, silver, or other precious metals Looking for water passage to the Pacific Ocean Reached as far south as the junction of the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers When realized the Mississippi River emptied south into the Gulf of Mexico rather than west to the Pacific, they turned back

22 Few years later, Cavelier and La Salle followed the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico La Salle claimed land around the river for France Called the territory Louisiana (honor King Louis XIV) French governor founded the port of New Orleans at the mouth of the River

23 New France settlement growth was slow
Built large estates with tenant farmers Good relationships with the Natives Lived amongst them, didn’t try to change their culture Didn’t push them off their lands

24 New Spain Spain wanted to control land between French Louisiana and their own colony in Mexico Established settlements in Santa Fe, Arizona, and San Antonio Built string of missions along the Pacific coast Claimed California Convert the Natives to Catholicism and serve as laborers in fields and workshops

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