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FHSU Business Office Training Topics

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1 FHSU Business Office Training Topics
Purchase Requisitions Travel BPC Invoices Fiscal Year End Reminders Contact Accounts Payable at 5948 with questions. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

2 The following FHSU services should be utilized:
Central Purchasing-all office supplies must be ordered through CP Printing Services Copying Binding Business Cards Envelopes and Letterhead Brochures Mail Center Computing & Telecommunications Computers Printers Parts Software » » If approval is given to use an outside vendor, the written approval must be attached to your receipt/invoice when it is delivered to the Business Office. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

3 Description Field Formats When Submitting PR’s:
Travel PR’s Topeka, KS-7/1/09 Registration Last Name, First Name-Reg-Destination Membership (If membership is in individuals name, must indicate in Print After Notes if membership will remain with FHSU) Membership 1/1/09-12/31/09 Subscription Subscription 1/1/09-12/31/09 Reminder: Description field is limited to 30 characters. Detail should be provided in Print After Notes. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

Do not type detail of what was purchased What should the Print After Notes Include??? Function Date Host and Title Number of Guests Purpose of Function CHANGE IN POLICY--- No longer need to type the following statement in the Print After Notes: “No state employees receiving meals are claiming subsistence”. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

5 Food Purchases Official Hospitality (must meet hospitality guidelines)
Fees collected for that purpose (must reference receipt # on PR) Grant allows food (must send copy of grant) Required as part of a contract (must supply copy of contract) Purchased for classroom use (not being consumed) Last Updated: June 23, 2009

6 Candidate Form on Lotus Notes
Form changed from Candidate/Non-Employee Form to Candidate Form Form is only to be used for Candidate expenses. Must be submitted for ALL candidates. Expenses paid for Candidates on BPC will be recorded and scanned in to the form. Form is no longer to be used for payment for services or when no invoice is available. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

7 POLICY CHANGES When a PR is submitted and NO invoice is available, print the PO Status Long Form in IFAS. This will serve as your documentation and should be sent to Accounts Payable. IF the amount of payment has changed from the time the PR is submitted, the new amount needs to be written on the PO Long Form and the budget authority must sign it before sending to Accounts Payable. Certification of Expense statement (“I certify that…) is no longer required on invoices paid by individuals. Only the PO # should be written on invoices and receipts. The PR # is no longer required. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

8 Make hotel reservation Start Travel Receipt Form
A faculty member has told you he will be going to a conference in Orlando, FL, leaving Sunday, July 12 and returning Thursday, July 16. He will fly out of Hays, needs to pay registration by July 1, and make hotel reservation at the conference hotel to secure room. WHAT IS YOUR FIRST STEP? Book Airfare Submit PR Make hotel reservation Start Travel Receipt Form A new Travel Receipt form on Lotus Notes Workflow must be created in order to have an estimated cost of the trip. Starting the Travel Receipt form should ALWAYS be your first step when preparing a travel. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

Create an IFAS purchase requisition (PR) for the amount of the trip in the name of the traveler by using the total on the Travel Receipt form and only for the amount to be reimbursed to the traveler. The PR must be submitted through the approval cycle before paying for any expenses such as airfare or registrations fees. If the employee is not being reimbursed for any expenses, create a PR with the funding as $0.00 in order for the employee to be approved to go on the trip. Description on Travel PR’s should be: Destination, Travel Leave Date (Example: Topeka,KS 12/31/09) Once PR is approved, update Travel Receipt Form with PR and PO numbers. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

10 Registrations Paid on PO
Submit Purchase Requisition Update Travel Receipt Form Write PO # on bottom left corner of invoice Write traveler name and corresponding PO # from Travel Receipt Form on bottom right corner of invoice Attach Flyer---What information should flyer have?? When Where Hotel/room rate Meals Provided Registration amount Last Updated: June 23, 2009

11 AIRFARE QUOTES When trip will involve personal time, an airfare quote must be obtained (prior to travel) for the business portion of the trip. If an employee is taking a private vehicle to an out of state destination (excluding Border Cities), a direct printed airfare quote and enterprise conversion form must be completed. Lodging en route is not reimbursable and per diem is paid as per the airfare quote. Request for exceptions to this policy must be submitted in written form and approved by the Agency Head (VP of Admin & Fin) PRIOR to the trip. Airfare quotes should be sent to Accounts Payable along with the travel receipts after the trip. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

12 BTA As of July 1, 2009, the cardless Business Travel Account (BTA) will be closed and no longer available to purchase airfare and rental vehicles. The State of Kansas has determined it is no longer needed now that the BPC can be used to purchase travel expenses. To obtain a BPC, submit the BPC Request form in Lotus Notes Workflow. Mark YES to always allow travel Route form through cardholder’s supervisor Travelers have the option of paying all travel expenses personally and requesting reimbursement after returning from the trip. BPC cannot be used for rental car expenses for non-employees due to liability issues. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

13 One-Day Meal Reimbursement Policy
To qualify, you must work at least 11 hours, ( 13 hours during Summer hours). Time taken to eat the meal is not included as work hours. Part-time, 3/4-time, and student employees requirements are the same as full-time employees. For travel on non-scheduled work days (e.g., Saturday), regular full time employee work hours are assumed. To qualify for a dinner, the return time must be 6:30 p.m. or later. The meal requested for reimbursement (e.g., lunch), amount of meal, employee’s scheduled work hours for the day (e.g., 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), and time spent eating the meal (e.g., meal break was 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.) must be entered in the meal section of the Travel Receipt form. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

14 Travel Receipt Form Complete Expense Paid on BPC/PO/IFV section of form before sending receipts to Accounts Payable. No Submit button????? Make sure you have selected either YES or NO to the question “Receipts for Reimbursement”. Only mark YES if you have receipts to send over which the traveler is requesting personal reimbursement for. Org key must be entered at bottom of form. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

15 BPC Monitor VIS to make sure transactions are allocated at least weekly. If a transaction is at a P status and it is getting close to the cut off time, contact Accounts Payable to see if there is a problem (may not have received receipt). Send receipts to Accounts Payable as soon as they are allocated on VIS. Do not send receipts when the charge is not on VIS. Wait until charge shows up, allocate, and then send to AP. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

16 BPC Receipt What should be written on this receipt??
IFAS Bank ID (2 letter code) Purpose (how items were used, not what the items are) Last Updated: June 23, 2009

17 BPC Receipt Completed BPC receipt ready for delivery to Accounts Payable Last Updated: June 23, 2009

18 Description Field Formats for VIS:
Type the description over the “Auto Allocate” in the description field. Travel Expenses Last Name, First Name-Item-Destination Airfare (Smith,Jane-Airf-Manhattan,KS) Lodging (Smith,Jane-Lodg-Manhattan,KS) Registration Last Name, First Name-Reg-Destination Rental Car Fuel Last Name, First Name-Fuel-# of Price Smith,Jane-Fuel $3.89 Gal Membership (If membership is in individuals name, must indicate on the receipt/invoice if membership will remain with FHSU) Membership 1/1/09-12/31/09 Subscription Subscription 1/1/09-12/31/09 Reminder: Description field is limited to 30 characters. Detail should be provided on the invoice/receipt. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

19 State Contract Number Corporate Express: 10583
Cartridge King: State Use KETCH: State Use Envision: State Use Last Updated: June 23, 2009

20 Splits On VIS Split transaction when: Multiple object codes
Multiple org keys to be charged Sales tax charged Travel expense split between multiple travelers Invoice number must be the same for all splits. When an original expense is coded as due to an expected refund, be sure to use when preparing your deposit slip. Description should indicate the transaction is clearing out object code Last Updated: June 23, 2009

21 BPC Receipts/Invoices
If invoice number is available, do not assign a generic number. For Walmart receipts, use the Transaction number as your invoice number. Walmart tax exempt card must be shown at the time of the purchase. If invoice/receipt has no invoice number, but does have an approval number, use the approval number as your invoice number. When invoice/receipt has no number to use, create one using Bank ID, two digit year, two digit month, two digit day, and sequence number for the day entering the receipt on VIS. Todays Date: 6/1/09 First receipt: AB Second receipt: AB Last Updated: June 23, 2009

22 BPC Receipts/Invoices
If you have received a credit/refund from a vendor, you must have a credit memo to use as your documentation. Once the credit is allocated, you send the credit memo to Accounts Payable as your documentation for that transaction. If the BPC is used by someone other than the cardholder and this person signs the receipt, the cardholder must initial the credit card slip by the signature to acknowledge their approval of the transaction. If BPC is used for official hospitality, the BPC Hospitality Form on Lotus Notes Workflow must be completed, printed, and attached to the invoice before sending to Accounts Payable. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

23 BPC Logsheets Important to turn Log Sheets in by due date. If unable to meet deadline, notify Accounts Payable by of your situation. If multiple org keys are listed on the log sheet, make sure that ALL Budget Authority signatures are obtained PRIOR to Log Sheets being delivered to Accounts Payable. Cardholder signature is a requirement of the State of Kansas. Logsheets must have cardholder signature. Substitute signature is not allowed. If unable to obtain cardholder signature by deadline, contact Accounts Payable. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

24 Invoice Reminders If the description on the receipt/invoice is not clear, write the description of the item on the receipt/invoice. Do not write information on the back of receipt/invoices. Do not use hi-liters on receipts/invoices as it can “erase” information over time. Tape small receipts/invoices to an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper Do not tape over any information. DO NOT staple small receipts to 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. Tape small credit card slips to the back side of the invoice. Departments keep their COPIES of information for current Fiscal Year plus previous Fiscal Year. (Invoices, receipts, deposit slips, timesheets, etc.) Original timesheets must be kept 5 years Last Updated: June 23, 2009

25 Invoice Reminders Write only the PO # on all invoices (prefer bottom, left-hand corner if possible), identifying page 1 of #. The PR# is no longer needed. If invoice/receipt has full credit card number printed or written on it, white out all but the last 4 digits of the number. If invoice/receipt has a social security number printed or written on it, white out the number. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

26 The following envelopes can now be put in the campus mail slot in the Mail Center:
Payment Voucher (PR) Credit Card Travel BPC Logsheets Campus mail envelopes addressed to Business Office staff AP Department Notification form is our way to communicate with departments. Type your response in department comments before clicking approve. Be sure to always approve (or deny) the form. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

27 Fiscal Year End Reminders
Any purchases made between our cutoff date of June 25 and June 30, 2009, for which a PO was not submitted and cannot be paid by BPC are FY09 expenditures. Contact Accounts Payable for instructions. Estimate high when submitting PRs to ensure that enough funds get encumbered. If you have a situation where enough funds did not get encumbered, contact Accounts Payable. Funds cannot be encumbered for refunds (revenue object codes). Those PRs must be processed by 6/30/09 or a new PR will need to be issued in the new Fiscal Year. If per diem, lodging, and mileage rates set by State of Kansas change, we will update the Quick Reference guide for FY Make sure you work with the new rates. Last Updated: June 23, 2009

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