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B1 Topic 1Classification, Variation and Inheritance

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1 B1 Topic 1Classification, Variation and Inheritance
This topic looks at:: Classification, vertebrates and invertebrates, species, variation, reasons for variety, evolution, genes, explaining inheritance, genetic disorders. List the 5 main groups of invertebrates. Give the features of the five kingdoms of organisms. Describe how you would tell the difference between a plant and a fungus. Describe what we mean by variation in a species. Give two problems with classifying a group of organisms as a species. Problem one... Problem two... List the seven classification groups of organisms in order, stating with the largest. Viruses are not classified in a kingdom. Explain why. Keywords: variation, adaptation, Kingdom, characteristics, species, fertile, hybrid. Match each word to its correct definition. Definitions Oviparous Controlled body temperature Viviparous Lays eggs Poikilotherm Live births homeotherm Varying body temperature Keywords: fertilisation, oxygen, reproduction, thermoregulation, absorption. Chordata,

2 l B1 Topic Classification, Variation and Inheritance
Give two extreme environmental conditions in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and give an adaptation the Pompii worm has to live there. l Describe how you would tell the difference between a protoctist and a prokaryote. . Variation When a characteristic only occurs in distinct forms, it show continuous /discontinuous variation Human blood group is an example of continuous/discontinuous variation. Discontinuous variation is caused by genes only/by genes and the environment. Give two problems with classifying a group of organisms as a species Problem one Problem two How do scientists share new discoveries with other scientists? Keywords: adapted, distribution curve, genetic variation. Environmental, variation. Bats and birds are vertebrates with wings, but they are classified in different vertebrate groups. Use these examples to help explain why it is sometimes difficult to classify vertebrates. Describe the four ways that scientists sort vertebrates into main groups. Keywords: eggs, temperature, live births, varying, backbones, gills, internal, lungs, internal, external, classified,

3 B1 Topic Classification, Variation and Inheritance
Artic foxes have thick fur and are white in winter. Explain how these characteristics are adaptations to the environment. Explain what an identification key is used for Construct a key to identify the following four animals: elephant, dog, dolphin and human. Darwin’s Theory Give two sources of evolution by natural selection. Keywords: overproduction, evolution, advantageous, survival, struggle, existence, DNA. Define the terms Natural selection evolution Name two extreme environmental conditions that occur near deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 1. 2. Choose the correct words to make these sentences correct. When a characteristics only occurs in distinct forms, it shows continuous/discontinuous variation. Human blood group is an example of continuous/discontinuous variation. Discontinuous variation is caused by genes only/by genes and the environment. Keywords: adapted, genes, extreme, polar, hydrothermal, high pressure, oxygen, acidic, pressure,

4 B1 Topic 1Classification, Variation and Inheritance
Explaining Inheritance. Coat colour is inherited in rabbits by one gene. The dominant allele for this gene (B) gives a brown coat colour. The recessive allele (b) gives a black coat. Write down the genotype and phenotype for a rabbit that is heterozygous for coat colour. B) Complete the Punnett square to show the possible offspring form two heterozygous parents. Write down the meaning of the following words... Allele Gene Genotype for blue eyes is Phenotype tells us .. A pea plant has a recessive allele for white flower colour and a dominant allele for purple flower colour. Identify if the plant is homozygous for heterozygous for flower colour and explain your answer. Heterozygous or homozygous? Reason why.. b) State whether the plant will have purple or white flowers. Purple or white? Reason why... C) Write down the ratios of possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. Genetic Disorders Describe sickle cell disease Family Pedigrees. Explain what a pedigree diagram is, what it shows and how the are used . Keywords: gene, homozygous, heterozygous monohybrid, inheritance, recessive, allele, evolution, Cystic Fibrosis Describe the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Keywords: genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive, gene, chromosomes, nucleus, alternative, offspring, gametes.

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