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Co-Teaching with ELLs: The Honigsfeld and Dove Models

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1 Co-Teaching with ELLs: The Honigsfeld and Dove Models
David Irwin Language Development Opportunities

2 What are our goals here? I have some but I’d like to hear yours first!
Understand how co-teaching can be an effective approach in your school Gain an overview of the seven co-teaching models from Honigsfeld & Dove Make a plan to use one of them in your setting before the next session (Dec 5-6) Make a plan to use one more of them in your setting AND/OR modify and adapt one before the third session (March 6-7)

3 Where this comes from… The book – Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners by Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove Being used in Seattle, Bellevue, Federal Way, Clover Park LDO training last 3 years in Federal Way and Clover Park Co-Teaching website: Video: _embedded It’s not just reading groups…

4 A few more examples…

5 How does it fit for you? OSPI and Title III:
Classroom teacher is trained in, and uses, sheltered instruction strategies. ELL teacher provides language support for all levels of ELLs. There is flexibility about where and when this happens. BUT the ELL teacher can’t replace the classroom teacher as the teacher of content. That is supplanting. Discuss your thoughts on the above. In a co-teaching model, how does this work? We will look at each model in light of these guidelines.

6 Model 1 One group of students, ELL & mainstream mixed
One teacher leads One teacher gives informal short mini-lessons to individuals, pairs, or small groups as needed Could be vocabulary, language skills (forms) or comprehension skills (functions). Could be preview/review of content

7 Model 2 One group of students, ELL & mainstream teach same content
Both teachers teach same lesson at once One teacher gives big ideas, the other adds examples or details ELL teacher can add details with sheltered strategies for comprehension or organizing

8 Model 3 One teacher teaches, one teacher assesses
One teacher is running the lesson. One teacher roams the room, assessing with rubrics, checklists, observations, anecdotal records Which activities bring most engagement or were confusing Both teachers review the assessments, plan for instruction with one of the other models

9 Check and confirm Check in with your partner. What do you know so far?

10 Model 4 Two groups of students, ELL & mainstream teach same content
Two heterogeneous groups, ELLs mixed in Two identical classes, smaller class size Additional opportunities for interaction This not ability grouping

11 Model 5 Two groups, one teacher pre-teaches main topic (ABC), one teacher teachers alternative information besides or in addition to main topic (DEF) Two groups based on readiness, ability or language level for that topic Based on assessment, possibly from Model 3 Flexible, temporary grouping Well suited for differentiated instruction strategies More formalized than Model 1

12 Check and confirm Check in with your partner. What do you know so far?

13 Model 6 Two groups, one teacher re-teaches main topic, one teacher teachers alternative information besides or in addition to main topic Based on assessment of previous lesson Flexible, temporary grouping Well suited for differentiated instruction strategies Might need more than two groups Similar to Model 5, except for re-teaching, not pre-teaching

14 Model 7 Two teachers, multiple groups
Homogenous or heterogeneous groups Skills-based instruction Students move or teachers move

15 Check and confirm Check in with your partner. What do you know so far? What questions?

16 Practice Time Pairs of teachers assigned one of the 7 models
Choose a topic you will teach to the whole group You will be chosen a random to “teach”. Those left sitting will be your class. (You may subdivide the group if your model calls for it) You will assume that some of your students have language skills and some background in the topic, & others have little language and/or background in the topic. You will have some prep time for Objectives Vocabulary and discourse structures (sentence frames) Download visuals Instructional strategies Organize materials Assessment

17 Topics Classroom management strategies Family engagement strategies
How to make a pizza How to drive a car How to care for a dog (cat, bird, rat, horse, you name it) Music of the (pick a decade) 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s The Constitution (just the basics) National Parks (or other vacation location) Your idea!

18 Random pick! Unless someone wants to step up…

19 Happy partnering! Exit Ticket Check the objectives I’m leaving with
Ideas A plan One co-teaching model I will try several times, enough that I can report on it in detail Happy partnering!

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