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Exeter Clinical Trials Support Network

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Presentation on theme: "Exeter Clinical Trials Support Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exeter Clinical Trials Support Network
Event 14, Wednesday 8th Nov 2017

2 The Team Core CTU Staff:
Exeter CTU launched yesterday – nicked the slides

3 10:40 11:00 11:15 12:30 INTRODUCTION & NEWS
UKCRC Informational Sites Operational Group Meeting Tim Eames – ExeCTU Senior Analyst Programmer Performance Metrics in Multicentre Clinical Trials consensus workshop National Trial Managers Meeting Shelley Rhodes - ExeCTU Senior Trial Manager General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Sofia Sanabria – ExeCTU Analyst programmer 11:00 Q&A followed by networking 11:15 WORKSHOP How to improve Recruitment: communication with sites Please bring example news letters for group discussion/workshop Mary Davis - Analyst Programmer Shelley Rhodes –ExeCTU Senior Trial Manager 12:30 End Sarah Dean – CTU Deputy Director UK CRC registration update

4 Performance Metrics in Multicentre Clinical Trials consensus workshop
Voting Data from 3 rounds of a delta survey using COMET initiative software 294 registered, 227 round 1, 251 round 2, 211 round 3 Meeting Chair: Prof Mike Clark, Dir MRC Methodology Hub 15 “consensus in” metrics were the focus of the consensus meeting 3 main areas: recruitment, retention, data quality there were others, such as staffing, that did not make it in to the 15 7 Metrics were selected Results to be published soon!

5 2017 National Trial Managers Meeting
Similar attendance to last year - 122 Streamlined efficient trials - Shaun Treweek SWAT 59: Offering financial incentives to potential trial participants to improve recruitment SWAT 60: Mentioning scarcity of trial places in text (SMS) reminders SWAT 61: Telephone reminders to people who do not respond to a postal invitation to join a trial Update from the HRA – Chris Cannaby amendments every day so increased team of 4 people to 40 people 40% of applications not correct UK Policy for health and Social Care is out! New website

6 2017 National Trial Managers Meeting
NHS Digital – Gaynor Dalton, Data Access Request Service Record level data i.e. identifiable or pseudo anonymised or anonymised Anonymous aggregated data “counts” easier to get Research without prior consent- Kerry Woolfall Woolfall K, Firth L, Gamble C, Young B. How experience makes a difference: practitioners’ views on the use of deferred consent in paediatric and neonatal emergency care trials. BMC Medical Ethics 2013; 14 (45) We have now posted the slides from the presentations and workshops at You will need to be a Full member to access these slides. If you are an Affiliate member wishing to upgrade to Full member status, please and we will send you instructions to upgrade.

7 NHS General Data Protection Regulation Guidance
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Sofia Sanabria – ExeCTU Analyst programmer NHS General Data Protection Regulation Guidance

8 GDPR timeline

9 GDPR Data Controllers vs Data Processors
Means a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be processed. In relation to personal data, means any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller.

10 According to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
The government has confirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of the GDPR. According to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)



13 Resource Links for GDPR
Ico. Information Commissioner's Office - Data Protection Reform NHS General Data Protection Regulation Guidance Ico. GDPR Data Controllers and Data Processors guidance Information Governance GDPR University of Exeter Bespoke training: Information Governance Team University of Exeter GDPR training: You can register using Trent and searching for: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Overview ( )

14 WORKSHOP How to improve Recruitment: communication with sites
Mary Davis - Analyst Programmer Shelley Rhodes –ExeCTU Senior Trial Manager Anita Hill - Research Project & Data Manager (NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility)

15 Screening/Recruitment Module Demo
Mary Davis - Analyst Programmer

16 Example COBRA Identified from case note screening n = 7615
Exeter n = 2711 Durham n = 2409 Leeds n = 2495 Excluded by GP n = 1859 Exeter n=870 Durham n=663 Leeds n=326 Invited to participate n = 5752 Exeter n = 1841 (*12) Durham n = 1742 Leeds n = 2169 (*600) Declined/no response n = 4663 Exeter n=1437 Durham n=1456 Leeds n = 1770 Gave permission to contact n = 1089 Letter n= 925; Telephone n = 164 Exeter n = 404 (*1) Letter=305; Phone=99 Durham n = 286 Letter=271; phone=15 Leeds n = 399 (*136) Letter=349; phone=50 Excluded by telephone n = 483 Exeter n = 162 Durham n=95 Leeds n =226 Baseline Assessment Arranged n = 592 Exeter n = 228 Durham n = 191 Leeds n = 173 Pending Baseline n = 41 Exeter n = 8 Durham n=31 Leeds n =2 Baseline carried out n = 551 Exeter n = 220 Durham n = 160 Leeds n = 171 Ineligible/withdrew n = 190 Exeter n = 98 Durham n=35 Leeds n = 57 Eligible/Randomised n = 361 Exeter n = 122 (*1) Durham n = 125 Leeds n = 114 (*35)




20 Exeter Clinical Research Facility
StartRight A prospective study to assess utility of clinical features and biomarkers in classifying adult diabetes Recruitment Target: 1800 NEWLY DIAGNOSED DIABETES PATIENTS (identified in primary or secondary care) Funded By: The National Institute for Health Research and Diabetes UK

21 53 Sites: 44 Sites Recruiting & 9 Sites In Set Up



24 Workshop Questions Who are you communicating with?
What do they need to know? What is the best way to tell them? How can you check that they got the information?

25 Services offered: Automated randomisation Statistical design
Database management Sample size calculation Trial Oversight Committees Funding application development Trial Management Central and Remote Monitoring Assistance with costings Protocol development Analysis and Reporting Case report forms Quality Assurance

26 Request CTU support for your proposed clinical trial 3 months prior to any funding application deadline

27 ANY QUESTIONS? for general enquiries or for IT/database support Telephone: Website:

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