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3.06 Understand the Disorders of the Integumentary System

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1 3.06 Understand the Disorders of the Integumentary System

2 Essential Questions: What are some disorders of the integumentary system? How are integumentary system disorders treated? 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

3 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Acne vulgaris: Common and chronic disorder of the sebaceous glands Sebaceous glands secrete excessive oil or sebum, which is deposited at the openings of the glands. Eventually this oily deposit be comes hard or keratinized, plugging up the opening

4 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Acne vulgaris: How is it treated? Topical medication that dry up oil Antibiotics 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

5 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Acne vulgaris: Can it be prevented? Keep area (face) clean Balanced healthy diet 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

6 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Athlete’s foot What causes athlete’s foot? Contagious fungal infection Fungus infects the superficial skin layer and leads to skin eruptions. Skin eruptions look like small blisters 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

7 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Athlete’s foot Symptoms Dry and cracking feet Can be between toes and fingers Itchy burning sensation Not Everyone has same symptoms 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

8 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Athlete’s foot Treatment Keep feet dry and cool Use antifungal medication Wear shoes in public areas such as showers, pool areas and hotel rooms 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

9 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Traumatic injury Result of: Radiation from the sun (sunburn) A heat lamp Contact with boiling water Steam Fire Chemical Electricity 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

10 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: First-degree Superficial burn just on the surface of the skin in the epidermis Symptoms: Redness, pain, swelling Treatment: apply cold water Diagnosis: heals within a week superficial 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

11 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Second degree Involves epidermis and dermis Symptoms: pain, swelling, redness and blistering Treatment: pain medication, dry sterile dressings applied to open wounds to stop infection Diagnosis: Healing generally occurs within two weeks Partial thickness

12 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Third-degree Involves complete destruction of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers Symptoms: loss of skin, eschar (black skin), no pain or limited pain (WHY?) Treatment: Hospitalization, surgery, fluid replacement, infection preventions, skin grafting Full thickness

13 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Compare the different degrees of burns. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

14 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Rule of Nines Used to quickly assess percentage of body surface burned. Can be used to determine extent of treatment needed.

15 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Burns: Rule of Nines Measures the percent of the body burned Body is divided into 11 area and each area accounts for 9% of total body surface

16 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Dermatitis Dermat itis Inflammation of the skin which is nonspecific. Ex: using a particular soap may cause a rash Ex: emotional stress my cause blotchiness Skin inflammation 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

17 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Dermatitis/Eczema How are dermatitis and eczema similar? Both cause rashes on skin Both exhibit redness and inflammation 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

18 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Dermatitis/Eczema How are they different? Dermatitis is non-specific Eczema is noncontagious inflammatory skin disease, usually occurs as an allergic reaction in first year of life. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

19 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Dermatitis/Eczema What is the treatment? Remove irritant by washing or avoiding causative agent Apply topical cream or ointment 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

20 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Herpes Viral infection that is usually a blister Most common types are Herpes Simplex Genital Herpes Herpes Zoster (shingles)

21 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Herpes Herpes simplex virus: Occurs around the mouth and is commonly known as fever blister or cold sore

22 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Herpes Herpes simplex virus What are the symptoms? Various, sometimes burning, itching 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

23 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Herpes Herpes simplex virus How is it spread? May be spread through oral contact (kissing) 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

24 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Herpes Herpes simplex virus What is the prognosis? Recurrent once infected Antiviral medications, ointments 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

25 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Impetigo Acute, inflammatory and contagious skin disease seen in babies and young children. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

26 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Impetigo What two bacteria cause impetigo? Staphylococcus Streptococcus 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

27 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Impetigo Symptoms: Blisters that rupture and crust over. Appears as yellowish blister and crust. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

28 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Impetigo Treatment: Topical antibacterial creams Oral antibiotics 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

29 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Psoriasis Chronic inflammatory skin disease Characterized by development of dry reddish patches which are covered by reddish silvery- white scales 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

30 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Psoriasis Most affected areas are elbow, knees, shins, scalp, and lower back 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

31 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Psoriasis What is the treatment? No current treatment Keep skin moisturized 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

32 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Ringworm Highly contagious fungal infection. Symptoms are a red circular patch Two examples of ringworm How would this be diagnosed? 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

33 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Ringworm How is it spread? Contact with infected area Can spread from animal to human

34 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Ringworm How is it treated? Antifungal cream 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

35 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Scabies Mites burrow under the skin Causes intense itching Appears on skin as small blisters and red patches will form on the skin above each mite 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

36 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Scabies Is it contagious? Easily transmitted from skin-to- skin contact with an affected person Highly contagious 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

37 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Scabies How is it treated? The mite is a parasite so it is treated with anti- parasitic cream, topical corticosteroids and oral antihistamines for itching 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

38 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Scabies How is it prevented? Avoid contact with infected person or animal 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

39 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Shingles What is the cause of shingles? Herpes Zoster Is it contagious? Not contagious 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

40 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Shingles Who is most at risk? Older adults that were infected with Chickenpox as a child Generally exhibits with adult who is immunocompromised 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

41 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Shingles How is it prevented? vaccine 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

42 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Associated with exposure to UV light Scientists are cautioning people to limit direct exposure to sunlight or use sunscreen Skin cancer is the most common cancer in people

43 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Three types: explained on next slides Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant melanoma 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

44 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Basal cell carcinoma Most common Least malignant Usually on the face 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

45 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Basal cell carcinoma Abnormal cells start in epidermis and extend to dermis 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

46 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Basal cell carcinoma Treatment: Surgical removal Cryosurgery Radiation Prognosis: Full recovery in 99% of cases 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

47 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma Arises from the epidermis Occurs most often on scalp and lower lip Grows quickly and spreads (metastasizes) to the lymph nodes 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

48 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma Treatment is surgical removal and radiation Prognosis is good if found early 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

49 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Malignant melanoma Occurs in pigmented cells of the skin called melanocytes. Cancer cells metastasize to other areas quickly

50 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Malignant melanoma This type of tumor may appear as a brown or black irregular patch which occurs suddenly. A color change of preexisting wart or mole may also indicate melanoma

51 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin cancer Malignant melanoma Treatment is surgical removal and the surrounding tissue area. Along with chemotherapy

52 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin lesions: Discuss the characteristics of the different skin lesions. Next slides

53 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin lesions: Compare these types of skin lesions. Macule - localized changes in skin color of less than 1 cm ex: Freckle Papule - solid, elevated lesion less than 1 cm in diameter ex: elevated navi 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

54 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin lesions: Compare these types of skin lesions. Pustule - vesicles or bullae that become filled with pus usually described as less than 0.5 cm in diameter EX: acne, impetigo 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

55 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin lesions: Compare these types of skin lesions. Accumulation of fluid between the upper layers of the skin Elevated mass containing serous fluid, less than 10 mm EX: herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chickenpox Vesicle 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

56 Disorders of the Integumentary System
Skin lesion: Decubitus ulcer A depressed lesion of the epidermis and upper papillary layer of the dermis Decubitus ulcers are usually caused by repeated pressure in one area Prevention through movement Treated with cleanliness, keeping area dry and using topical ointment

57 Disorders of the Integumentary System
warts Caused by human papilloma viral infections Very contagious Usually affect skin surrounding or underneath nail 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

58 Disorders of the Integumentary System
warts Can be painful and sometimes cause limited use of the affected finger or toes Treatment: freezing wart off or chemically treating There are many different types! 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

59 Essential Questions: What are some disorders of the integumentary system? How are integumentary system disorders treated? 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

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