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What is EGDPR?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is EGDPR?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is EGDPR?

2 Watch our video

3 What is EGDPR? The EU wants to reform data protection and cut red tape for businesses across Europe by bringing in a single set of rules. The Regulation aims to protect the rights of European citizens, giving them better control over their personal data.

4 New EGDPR rules Individuals will have more information and control over how their personal data is processed – data protection must be “by default” and “by design” for products and services and include adequate “affirmative consent” Personal data will be portable, so it can be moved more easily between different organisations

5 New EGDPR rules The “right to be forgotten“ is clarified under the GDPR Companies will have a greater level of accountability for managing data. Data protection authorities will be able to fine companies that do not comply up to 4 percent of global annual turnover

6 Why an organisation should prepare early?

7 2018 will come around quicker than you think

8 There is a threat of reputational damage

9 Not complying with the Regulation will cost money

10 Good data governance and treating data as an asset can raise profits

11 How you can prepare

12 Begin with an information audit
Understand what information you have and what you need

13 We will create a score card to identify high risk areas

14 Securely destroy unnecessary data to avoid risks

15 Create a remediation programme to deliver compliance with EGDPR

16 Case study

17 Case study The client Project Results Global insurance company
Carry out an information audit on the creation, capture, storage, management and the transfer of three types of data Sensitive Core Contact and Organisational Results Over 250,000 files were identified containing Personal data from define categories 76% 24%

18 Contact For more information about GDPR please visit +44 (0)

19 Thank you

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