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Focus: How are we going to QUACK as we read?

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Presentation on theme: "Focus: How are we going to QUACK as we read?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus: How are we going to QUACK as we read?

2 Q.U.A.C.K QUACK is an interactive reading strategy to with factual text. Students are required to look for main ideas and code the text.

3 QUACK stands for…. Q- question mark next to words you don’t understand
U- underline definition of unknown word A- asterisk important details C- circle examples K- place a “k” by keywords or phrases

4 QUACK Graphic Organizers

5 Example of QUACK

6 Partner Up! Work with the members of your table.
Read the story and mark the text accordingly. Fill in the QUACK sheet on the chart paper.

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