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LHC/HL-LHC and Injectors - status and prospects

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2 LHC/HL-LHC and Injectors - status and prospects
G. Arduini, Accelerators and Beam Physics Group, Beams Department CERN Acknowledgements: A. Apollonio, F. Bordry, M. Calviani, S. Danzeca, P. Fessia, M. Hostettler, G. Iadarola, R. Jacobsson, M. Lamont, A. Lechner, M. Pojer, S. Redaelli, L. Rossi, G. Rumolo, W. Scandale 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

3 2016: a production year LHC schedule 2016
Integrated luminosity goal: 2016 :  25 fb-1 at 13 TeV c.m Chamonix’16 conclusions (January 2016) 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

4 Summary: 2015-2016: Peak Performance
Parameter 2015 2016 Nominal Energy [TeV] 6.5 7.0 Nb [1011 p/bunch] 1.2 1.15 k (no. bunches) 2244 2220 2808 Bunch spacing [ns] 25 Stored energy [MJ] 280 362 e* [mm] 3.5 3.5  2.0 3.75 b* [m] 0.8 0.4 0.55 Full crossing angle [mrad] 290 370280 285 L [1034 cm-2s-1] 0.5 1.0 Average beg. of fill 28 40 26 The choice of challenging accelerator parameters has paid off!! 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

5 Statistics: 2015 vs 2016 Longer fills (average length doubled wrt 2012 and 2015) Faults mainly grouped in few long interruptions (weasel, PS power supply, SPS beam dump, etc.) 2015 Stable beam fraction in 2012 was 36% Encouraging for HL-LHC! 2016 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

6 Statistics: 2015 vs 2016 Replacement of non radiation hard components in QPS boards during TS in September 2015 2015 2016 Significant work done by Cryogenics to automatize controls in the presence of large heat loads during YETS 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

7 Integrated luminosities
Chart with delivered ATLAS lumi, compared per year Integrated luminosities 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

8 Radiation to Electronics
A lot of work done (mitigation measures are balanced by increased cumulated dose…) Further measures are planned for HL-LHC Remove all sensitive equipment from tunnel PC powering through SC (HTS) links QPS systems delocalized Develop rad-hard electronics Only 3 radiation induced dumps till now! Lower than foreseen radiation level (might be due to reduced beam-gas) Equipment Dumps 2012 Dumps 2015 (After TS2) QPS 32 3 Power Converter 15 7 Cryo 4 EN/EL 1 Vacuum Collimation RF 4* Others (hidden) - Total 3 /fb-1 ~3.4 /fb-1* 2.3 /fb-1 Predicted Dumps 2016 (35fb-1) 0-5 ~25 ? 0-10 ~1-1.5 /fb-1 Predicted Dumps 2017 (45fb-1) 0-5 0-10 ? ~0.5 /fb-1 QPS strategy EPC strategy * To be confirmed 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

9 UFOs in 2016 Further conditioning has been observed this year
11 BLM dumps (w/o quench), 3 quenches in 2016 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

10 Slow conditioning - Need longer trains next year (TIDVG repair)!
Electron Cloud Slow conditioning - Need longer trains next year (TIDVG repair)! 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

11 …still 29 days of pp physics ahead!!
LHC 2016 schedule …still 29 days of pp physics ahead!! 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

12 LHC: new schedule approved on 31st August
Initial LHC SCHEDULE LHC Proton Run 2016 is reduced by one week: one week investment for energy increase The restart date in 2017 is unchanged New Schedule Training of 2 sectors towards 7 TeV (max 2 weeks) 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

13 Possible 2017/18 parameters Nominal BCMS Beta* (1/2/5/8) 0.4/10/0.4/3
Half crossing angle -185/120/185/-150 -155/200/155/-150 Nc 2736 2448 Proton per bunch 1.25e11 Emittance into SB 3.2 2.3 Bunch length 1.05 Peak luminosity 1.4e34 1.7e34 * Peak pile-up 37 51 Luminosity lifetime 20 15 * limited to ~1.7e34 by inner triplets (Laurent Tavian Evian 2012) 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

14 Run 2 Ion runs in 2016 (p-Pb) and 2018 (Pb-Pb)
Extended Year End Technical Stop – 20 weeks General maintenance: LHC and injectors CMS pixel upgrade; Push 2 sectors towards 7 TeV Peak luminosity to ~1.7e34 (limited by inner triplets) ~ fb-1/year in 2017 and 2018 (goals will be fixed at Chamonix 2017) Prepare for HL-LHC and post-LS2 LIU era Prepare for 7 TeV operation 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

15 HL-LHC Timeline & Goals
21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

16 Recent Project Milestones
Completion of the European Funded Study (October 2015) Publication of a Preliminary Technical Design Report (November 2015) Internal Review of the of the Civil Engineering and Technical Infrastructure costs (May 2016) Internal Review of the HL-LHC configuration/parameters (June 2016) Approval of the HL-LHC Project by the CERN Council (June 2016) for a total accelerator material cost of 950 MCHF 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

17 Work done to minimize the required volume
Civil engineering Extra cost of ~120 MCHF for civil engineering and technical infrastructure w.r.t. the initial estimates Work done to minimize the required volume 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

18 The HL-LHC IR (new baseline)
Reduction of the triplet gradient from 140 T/m to 133 T/m. Additional safety margin taking into account of the completely new technology Staged installation of larger aperture quadrupole for other optics configurations (flat) following June review IP1&5 HL-LHC Reduction #Crab Cavities from 4 to 2/beam/IP side (3 required for full compensation) - reversible LHC IP1&5 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

19 Dispersion Suppressor Collimators with 11 T Dipoles
New collimators (TCLD) with 11 T dipoles around the LSS7 only. 2 units sufficient (initially 4) according to recent simulation results and MDs. Reversible. LHC MB replaced by 3 cryostats + collimator, all independently supported and aligned: Same mm length between interconnect planes as an LHC MB Connection cryostat between two 11 T magnets to integrate the collimator Same interfaces at the extremities: no changes to nearby magnets, standard interconnection procedures & tooling D. Duarte 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

20 HL-LHC Parameters Parameter Nominal HL-LHC updated
Bunch population Nb [1011] 1.15 2.2 Number of bunches 2808 2748 Beam current [A] 0.58 1.12 Stored Beam Energy [MJ] 362 677 Full crossing angle [mrad] 285 590 512 Beam separation [s] 9.4 12.5 Min b* [m] 0.55 0.15 0.2 Normalized emittance en [mm] 3.75 2.5 r.m.s. bunch length [m] 0.075 0.081 Peak Luminosity (w/o CC) [1034 cm-2s-1] 1.2 (1.2) 21.3 (7.2) 12.6 (6.5) Max. Luminosity [1034 cm-2s-1] 1 5.3 Levelled Pile-up|Pile-up density [evt. | evt./mm] 26/0.2 140/1.2 140/1.3 The virtual luminosity refers to the case with half crab cavities 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

21 Nominal scenario , 240 fb-1/y for 160 days ions collisions end at LS4 Physics days: 160 Run4  200 Run5 220 Run6 HiLumi LHC Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

22 Ultimate scenario : 320 fb-1/y for 160 days ions collisions end at LS4 Physics days: 160 Run4  200 Run5 220 Run6 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 HiLumi LHC Ultimate scenario assume 8% higher efficiency than nominal Last run with 220 days and 8% higher efficiency: 440 fb-1/y 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

23 “Physics Beyond Colliders” Study Group established in March 2016
Mandate Explore opportunities offered by the (very rich) CERN accelerator complex to address outstanding questions in particle physics through projects: complementary to high-energy colliders (studied at CERN: HE-LHC, CLIC, FCC)  we know there is new physics, we don’t know where it is  we need to be as broad as possible in our exploratory approach exploiting the unique capabilities of CERN accelerator complex and infrastructure and complementary to other efforts in the world:  optimise the resources of the discipline globally Enrich and diversify CERN’s future scientific programme F. Gianotti Kick-off meeting 06/09/2016 Goal is to involve interested worldwide community, and to create synergies with other laboratories and institutions in Europe (and beyond). Note: interesting ideas may emerge from these studies which do not need to be realised at CERN. Overall coordinators: Joerg Jaeckel (Heidelberg; theory), Mike Lamont (CERN; accelerator), Claude Vallée (CPPM and DESY; experimental physics) Kick-off meeting 6-7 September 2016 Final report by end 2018  in time for update of European Strategy 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1 23

24 New ideas (some of them....)
SPS Beam Dump Facility complete technical feasibility studies of a beam dump facility in the CERN North Area (extraction, target, radiation protection) Electric Dipole Moment Polarized protons, 0.7 GeV storage ring LHC fixed target via crystal extraction LHC fixed target via internal gas jet NuSTORM – explore possible synergies (e.g. target…) Study reports at a appropriate level depending on the maturity of project proposal with possibly a rough resource/timescale estimate 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

25 Objective For update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in ~ Evaluation of the physics case in a world wide context Will range from: Results of BDF feasibility studies Exploratory study reports for selected new ideas Required R&D going forward –initiate feasibility studies depending on resources Preliminary evaluations of more long term options Ranking left to ESU Working groups to be set-up Will inform the community once the structure has been decided 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

26 North Area and Beam Dump Facility
BDF Prevessin site TT20 SPS 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

27 Requirements High intensity proton beam: 4*1013 p+/pulse, 4*1019 POT/year, 355 kW average beam power (CNGS ~500 kW) Slow extraction (~1 sec. flat top) O(400 GeV) optimal beam momentum Minimal impact on running the North Area program Dense target/dump to maximize production & stop p and K before decay into m+n - Maximize production (cross-section scales with A^0.7 for mesons + extra yield from cascade processes in long target, and Z^2 for photons) The proposed BDF is a new permanent facility in the NA with unprecedented average beam power 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

28 The main challenges for a BDF
Target design for longevity and reliability Extraction from SPS High cumulated radiation doses Injectors, injection, extraction, target, etc… Radiation damage on materials Extraction septa, target and target station Personnel and environmental protection Close distance to the CERN site boundary Detailed environmental study needed Good compatibility with North Area operation 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

29 BDF scenario: proton sharing
BDF goal 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

30 LIU upgrades and non-LHC physics
LIU upgrades implemented in LS2 Goal is to double intensity and brightness of LHC beams Benefits for non-LHC physics beams ISOLDE, HiRadMat, AWAKE Potential for nTOF and SPS Fixed Target Still limitations from beam loss and machine activation 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

31 Outstanding intensity limitations for non-LHC beams
Beam losses in all accelerators  machine activation PSB: Losses at recombination septum limit vertical emittance of high intensity beams PS: Losses at extraction  With currently operational Multi Turn Extraction (MTE) islands are extracted without need of intercepting device and losses are controlled SPS: Losses due to limited vertical acceptance Losses on electrostatic septum (ES) during slow extraction – might pose in the future a serious limit on the maximum number of protons per year that can be extracted to the North Area Capture losses Other intensity limitations  Require additional beam dynamics studies PS & SPS RF power Beam instabilities Heating/outgassing/sparking of sensitive elements, stress on beam dump 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

32 SHiP Status and Progress
SHiP Technical Proposal (April 2015) was aimed at demonstrating physics case, feasibility (experiment and facility), performance, and motivation at CERN with one year of work Very conservative  Comprehensive Design Study Global re-optimization of experimental configuration Simulation tuning Configuration of muon shield Geometry of decay volume and evacuation of decay volume Re-visit detector technologies Consolidate background rejection and extended PID for additional decay modes Investigate extending to include invisible hidden portal decays  First iteration of global re-optimization underway (6 months) Implementation of Beam Dump Facility studied within context of Beyond Colliders Physics R. Jacobsson 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

33 Potential of crystals Present collimation Crystal collimation
Crystals as primary collimators: large angles and reduced change of rigidity (diffractive losses and ion fragmentation). Challenges for the LHC: - small angular acceptance ~2 μrad; - localization of losses up to 1.0 MJ in one single collimator absorber. <θ>MCS ~ 3.4 μrad (7 TeV) Amorphous (0.6 m of C) Crystal (Channeling) (4 mm Si) <θ> ~ 50 μrad (7 TeV) Present collimation Crystal collimation Promises of crystal collimation: 1. Improve collimation cleaning efficiency, in particular for heavy ion beams; 2. Reduce electro-magnetic perturbations of collimators to the beams (impedance). 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

34 First proton channeling at 6.5 TeV
Phys.Lett. B758 (2016) Measurement Simulation model 1 Simulation model 2 Beam core Collimator Crystal Halo Secondary collimator position [ mm ] Losses at collimator [ a.u. ] Example: scan at 6.5TeV (2) Linear collimator scan: measures the profile of the channeled halo. (2) (1) (1) Angular scan: strong reduction of local losses in channeling compare to amorphous. ~1/30 Beam losses at crystal [ a.u. ] Crystal angle [ μrad ] Loss rates in amorphous Reduced losses in channeling Example: scan at 450GeV Channeled halo Beam core Offset at collimator Critical: Achieved the required angular control of better than ~1 μrad (A. Masi et al.) 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

35 Timeline for LHC crystals
: crystal test stand on beam 1 Two crystals, one per plane. Different technologies (quasi-mosaic / strip) : New crystal test stand also on beam 2 Installation of 2 crystals during EYETS: Aim to test new technology for goniometer with bending angles 50.0 ± 2.5 mrad EYETS2017: Considering upgrade “old” beam 1 goniometers. If beam experience indicates the need for testing the new goniometers in both beams . LHC second long shutdown (LS2): 4 new crystals for ion collimation This is not yet a baseline within the HL-LHC project, but we have R&D funding to prepare for it. Need for 4 crystals calls for production of ~10 units (including spares). Crystal for LHC fixed target experiment – larger angles above 200 mrad – waiting for feedback from recent “Physics Beyond Collider workshop” 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

36 Thanks for your attention

37 Electron cloud driven instabilities
The understanding of these phenomena relies on numerical simulations (PyECLOUD-PyHEADTAIL) In space: small beam (~100 mm) in a big chamber (4 cm) In time: 1 ns for the e- motion, 1 to 10 s for instability development Multi-scale problem: Electron density during a bunch passage e-cloud driven instability 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

38 Frequency content of the bunch motion
Simulation of e-cloud instabilities Recent work focused on increasing the performance of our simulation tools: Introduced multi-grid Particle in Cell solver Exploit parallel computing through a new parallelization layer (PyPARIS) Typical simulation study: ~400 CPU cores (8-16 cores per jobs) Heavily relying on INFN-CNAF cluster Allowed gaining new insight on scenarios that were previously inaccessible (e.g. 10k turn simulations for LHC at 7 TeV) Frequency content of the bunch motion 21/09/2016 G. Arduini - INFN CSN1

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