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Freshman Parent Night Quarter 1 Check-In

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1 Freshman Parent Night Quarter 1 Check-In

2 Freshmen Staff Mr. Doug Fulton-Principal
Mr. Ken Christopher-Director of School Counseling Mr. Calvin Adams-Administrator Intern Mrs. Kathryn Koscinski-Administrator Intern Ms. Jennifer Schrader-School Counselor Mr. Eric Cusick-School Counselor

3 Freshmen Year Taking steps towards independence *Communication
In order to learn how to get up, one must be allowed to fall *Resilience Know your Resources Know your student is not alone *Support

4 FHS School counselors If your last name starts with….
A-Cap Mrs. Schrader Car-Fr Mrs. Goldberg Fs-Kas Ms. D (Adu-Gyamfi) Kau-Mc Mrs. Eck Me-Po Ms. Hurley Pr-St Mr. Cusick Sti-Z Ms. Burke Director Mr. Christopher

5 When you have questions or concerns about…
Why see your counselor? When you have questions or concerns about… Academics Social/relationships (school & home) College and Career GPA= Grade Point Average Transcript How do I see my counselor? “Request to see counselor” slips us Check in at the counseling office

6 Student Vue/Parent Vue

7 What’s my GPA? Why do I care what my GPA is now?
It’s an average of all of your grades Gives you an overall picture of learning It’s a common measure used in all high schools Colleges use it for admissions

8 Grades & Quality Points

9 What is a transcript? Your official record
Proof you graduated from high school The document sent to colleges, the military, for employment, for scholarships

10 GPA Start the Video at 12 seconds Video is 6 Min


12 What is my 1st quarter GPA?
Convert your grades to Quality Points (e.g. B+ = 3.7) Add .5 for Honors classes (B= for Honors) Add all Quality Points Divide by the number of classes

13 Where can you get help? Meet with the teacher: students can them or ask in person about setting up a time Math lab: every study hall in room #L408 Academic Support Center/ Student lounge: during study hall, room #400 Science study halls: Earth science is by appointment, Biology is Tues- Thurs before and after school Use the teacher’s electronic site: VISION, Google Classroom, Edmodo, etc. Tutor list: FHS website  school counseling  tutor information (downloadable list) National Honor Society Tutors: can contact sponsors (Ms. Short & Mr. King) to link students up, plus they will begin weekly tutoring sessions Tuesday mornings in the Media Center World Language Tutors: Sign up with your world language teachers

14 Get involved! Have fun! Club Fair (on website) Music Theater Sports

15 Students Need to Know… Wellness

16 How are YOU feeling? Parent Q & A?
Freshmen Parents How are YOU feeling? Parent Q & A?

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