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Associate Director of VIP

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1 Associate Director of VIP
ECE credit for VIP Dr. Randal Abler Associate Director of VIP

2 Goal is to have a substantial experience in a VIP team
ECE Credit: If a student takes six or more credits of VIP on one team, three can count as ECE elective credits and three can count as approved elective credits. Any combination of VIP courses accumulating 6+ credits. Additional credits count as approved elective. Goal is to have a substantial experience in a VIP team 2-2-2 or or … 8/28/2018

3 VIP participation towards Senior Design if:
(a) their VIP project is suitable for an EE or CmpE culminating design project, (b) they have previously registered for the same VIP team in 3 successive semesters prior to taking Senior Design II (ECE 4012); (c) during those semesters they take VIP for at least 1 – 2 – 2 credits (d) the last two credits are taken in their senior year; and (e) they satisfy all other senior design requirements, including completion of Senior Design I (ECE 4011) Register for ECE 4012A + ECE 4012VP* by VIP permit 8/28/2018

4 ECE VIP Senior Design Course Sample
If a student follows this guideline (as a minimum), they would receive 3 ECE elective credits, 2 approved elective credits, and meet the senior design requirements. This is an approved exception to previous 6 credit rule. VIP Course Senior Design Fall 2015 ECE 3811 VP3 (1 credit)* Spring 2016 ECE 3812 VP3 (2 credit) Fall 2016 ECE 4812 VP3 (2 credit) ECE 4011 (2 credit) Spring 2017 ECE 4012A + ECE 4012VP3 (3 credit) 8/28/2018

5 (a) Suitable EE or CmpE culminating design project
CmpE needs to have some hardware/software design and build tradeoffs Teams do NOT need to be led by an ECE-based advisor Not all teams have relevant work areas Students must meet with Dr. Abler before registering for a VIP section of 4012 8/28/2018

6 ECE 4012 A + VP* Grading Major deliverables per Senior Design are required Preliminary Proposal Proposal Final Report Final Presentation Design Notebook These deliverables are submitted to Randal Abler for grading per VIP Collaboration with Team Advisor Forwarded to Senior Design for long term archival & review 8/28/2018

7 ECE 4012VP* Grading (available on
The grading rubric for ECE4012VP* is per below. This replaces the standard ECE4012 rubric. VIP Criteria Design Notebooks and other documentation % Technical Effort and Contributions 20 % Teamwork % Integration Integration of VIP team tasks and timeline in proposal 2.5% Integration of VIP team tasks and timeline in final report 2.5% Culminating Design Criteria Professionalism % Project Proposal % Final Project Oral Presentation 5 % Final Project Demonstration 10% Final Report % 8/28/2018

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