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HESA Data Opportunities

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2 HESA Data Opportunities
Alison Berry and Victoria Atherstone 28th November 2017

3 HESA Overview We are a charity and a company owned by the sector
Operate as an independent, autonomous service organisation Exist to advance education by collecting, processing, and disseminating data on all aspects of the UK higher education sector Work closely with higher education providers (HEPs), sector regulators, funders, government departments, policy-makers, and other stakeholders.

4 HESA’s journey with alternative HE providers
2013/14 The first alternative HE providers subscribed to HESA 12 opted to complete the main student return 2014/15 The AP Student Record was introduced 63 providers joined HESA to submit Student, Destinations of Leavers (DLHE) and UNISTATS data 2015/16 Another 38 providers joined HESA

5 Journey continued 2016/17 The first Scottish provider opted to provide data 2018 Access to HESA’s data visualisation and analytics tool Heidi Plus and Jisc’s Analytics Labs 2019/20 APs and HEIs will report data using the same platform to collect and submit data to HESA

6 Student Data Record Through the submission of student data providers can analyse data by: Qualifications on entry Subjects of study Qualifications Profiling student population Review continuation rates HESA produces reports for: National Student Survey (NSS) population UNISTATS Destination of Leavers (DLHE)

7 Student Data Intelligence
HESA produces a Data Supply file which contains the majority of fields supplied by a provider and the HESA derived fields. With the data and the derived fields providers can import the data into analysis tools to further analyse the data using the standard HESA populations. Previewing the Performance Indicators data focused on: Widening Participation Rates Non-Continuation Rates indicators/experimental-statistics

8 DLHE Record - Graduate Data
HESA is replacing the DLHE collection with Graduate Outcomes from 2017/18 Destination of Leavers data is used in the TEF This collection will be run by a Central Survey Contractor It will be undertaken 15 months after graduation Providers will need to provide HESA with contact details for graduates through the Graduate Outcome Contact Details Record 2017/18

9 Upgrade to UK HE Data Infrastructure
HESA as a hub for data collection Agile ‘data-driven’ system In-year collection regime, connected to existing data Fit for purpose governance Initially looking at Student record (including AP and ITT) New collection process and data model, aligned with the business process and events at an Institution level

10 What is Data Futures? The Data Futures programme is moving to a model of continuous data collection, so it will be possible to submit data on a more regular basis and more closely aligned to business events. For providers this will mean a completely new schema, reporting timescales and platform From 2019/20 providers will be using the record Access Coding Manual

11 Benefits from Data Insight
Arts Educational Schools London Benchmarking success: HESA data has helped ArtsEd establish a robust evidence base to demonstrate what the school already suspected but couldn’t prove – that it is a leader, not just in the independent sector, but across UK higher education. The school’s excellent DLHE and NSS results back this up and it is now considering entering TEF on a voluntary basis to further demonstrate its strengths as a dance and drama centre for excellence.

12 Sarah Macdonald, Vice Principal (Academic Quality and Enhancement)
Pearson College London HESA subscription enhances student employment and competitive intelligence for Pearson College London “Using HESA data, we can compare ourselves reliably and consistently with our competitors in the public and private sectors in terms of retention, attainment, and progression to employment or further study. This intelligence is invaluable to our benchmarking activity.” Sarah Macdonald, Vice Principal (Academic Quality and Enhancement)

13 Developing competitive advantage
Ballet West Developing competitive advantage “We’re looking forward to be able to use the HESA data to show off who we are to prospect students. The HESA data is crucial to the TEF, NSS and DLHE – it seems like a sensible idea to get this right before these become mandatory returns for us.” Mike Rowell, Academic Administrator

14 Heidi Plus for alternative HE providers
Brand new inclusive service. HESA’s online analytics and data visualisation tool will provide access to the student and destination of leavers data sets covering all publicly-funded HE providers. Turn analytics into insights to support strategic business planning Create powerful data visualisations in minutes Access UK higher education data sets (student and destination of leavers) covering all publicly-funded HE providers Filter to review the insights you need Freely available to staff from HESA subscribing providers

15 Launch Timeframes December 2017
Data load of the AP Student Record into Heidi Plus January 2018 Access Heidi Plus for alternative HE providers (inclusive for HESA subscribers*) *Option to upgrade to access full suite of HE data sets; staff, estates and finances etc March 2018 Data load of the Destination of Leavers (DLHE) Record into Heidi Plus

16 Data Visualisations: Analytics & Insight
Benchmark . Key Performance Indicators Organisational Management Student Recruitment . Widening Participation Non-Continuation Rates Marketing . Business Planning

17 Bar & Pie Charts: Mode of Study by Age

18 Gender Split: Ethnicity & Subject Code

19 Bubble Chart: Number of Students (FTE)

20 Scatterplot: Gender vs Ethnicity
And much more analytical insight

21 Training & Jisc’s Analytics Labs
February First cohort Jisc’s Analytics Labs for alternative HE providers. Opportunity to create a new range of data dashboards specifically designed to meet the information needs of alternative HE providers. March Heidi Plus Essentials Training A fully interactive day with HESA training experts providing the opportunity to explore the new system, to create a variety of visualisations with the AP data to observe and understand the analytical dashboards.

22 Heidi Plus Registration Process
Step 1: Application Form and Information Security Questionnaire Step 2: Identification of Lead Contacts Step 3: Attendance at mandatory Lead Contact Data Protection Webinar Step 4: Signature of Organisational and Lead Contact Agreements Step 5: Welcome to Heidi Plus

23 Questions? Alison Berry Head of Stakeholder Liaison
Visit HESA’s Stand: Heidi Plus Dashboard Demos @ukhesa

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