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Presentation on theme: " Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics

2 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

3 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

4 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

5 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

6 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

7 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

8 Note you have an new GeoLyx ribbon in Excel.
The section “Create Map” lets you create a map with sample data that you can directly use. “Locations” creates a map with Locations “Connectors” creates a map with Locations and Connectors Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit With the section “View” you can maximize Excel, maximize the map, split the screen or cascade the screens. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit This ribbon gives you all the functionality to do effective Geographic Analytics in Excel. With “Map Sync” you choose how to update the map: Manual sync: Press the refresh button to update Auto Table-to-Map sync: The map is updated automatically (but slower with a lot of data) Dual Sync: In addition to Table-to-map sync: Work in the map updating Excel Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit In the section “Actions” you can Choose symbols to map from the GeoLyx Symbols Font Create Latitudes / Longitudes for your highlighted or all locations Change the Settings Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Finally you can view the help file, tutorials and sample business cases in the Help Section. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

9 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

10 Let us take a look at the GLX Locations Worksheet
This worksheet defines the locations on your map. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit In row 5 you see the headers. The comment on each header shows how to use the corresponding column. Note: The headers in row 5 cannot be modified with exception of the filter headers as we see later. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Error’ column shows if there was any error while mapping – do not write into this column! If any Error, the comment field shows the reason (e.g. missing latitude). Note: If the error cell has a yellow background then the location was not mapped due to exceeding the max of visible locations (Settings  General). Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘ID’ column defines the Identifier for this location. It cannot be empty and it has to be unique for each location – otherwise there is an error. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Show’ column is TRUE or FALSE and defines if the location is being displayed on the map. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Name’ column defines the name of the location that is being displayed on the map. Note: In the settings you can define whether the name is always been displayed on the map or only if you hover with the mouse over it. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Address’ defines the address of the location. It will be used for creating Latitudes/ Longitudes - see section ‘Actions’ in the ribbon . Note: The address will not update if you change the latitude/ longitude of a location. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Lat’ & ‘Long’ columns define the Latitude and Longitude of the location. They can either manually entered or automatically created (geocoded) – just highlight the locations you want to geocode and press the button. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Description’ column can be used to give detailed Information about the location on the map. This can be any information you find useful, e.g. contact information, statistics, etc. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit ‘Symbol’ is the symbol representing the location. Use text, symbols (e.g. the GeoLyx Font - see ribbon: Actions  Symbols), or even .png graphic files. If left empty, a standard pin is being used. Text or Symbols will be fitted into the standard pin. Use XYZ.png to show graphics located in the folders: "\symbols" of the current Excel file; current folder of the Excel File; {User}\{Documents}\GeoLyx\Symbols“ or "\symbols" in the GeoLyx program files folder. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit You can modify the size of the symbols or color your symbols with the columns ‘Size’ and ‘Color’. Colors are defined with Standard Names as in the pull down menu, in HEX format or MyColor0-MyColor9 as specified in Settings  Colors. Note: In Settings  Colors you can also choose if your symbols should be recolored or they should “glow”. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit GeoLyx respects Filters in Excel: Only visible locations in the worksheet will also reflect in the map. The ‘Filter’ columns define information that you can additionally filter on the map. You can amend the headings of the filter columns to fit your purpose. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

11 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

12 This worksheet defines the Connectors on your map.
Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit In Row 5 you see the headers. The comment on each header shows how the column is to be used. Note: The headers in row 5 cannot be modified. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Error’ column shows if there was any error while mapping – do not write into this column! If any Error, the comment field shows the reason (e.g. Error in the from location). Note: If the error cell has a yellow background then the connector was not mapped due to exceeding the max of visible locations (Settings  General). Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit ‘From’ and ‘To’ define the starting and the end point of the connector. They need to refer to a valid location ID for an unfiltered location. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit ‘Show’ is TRUE or FALSE and defines if the connector is being displayed on the map. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Name’ defines the name of the connector that is being displayed on the map. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit You can modify the size and color of your connectors with the columns ‘Size’ and ‘Color’. Colors are defined with Standard Names as in the pull down menu, in HEX format or with MyColor0 - MyColor9 as specified in Settings  Colors. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The ‘Description’ columns can be used to give detailed Information about the Connector on the map. This can be any information you find useful, e.g. contact information, statistics, etc. . Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit ‘Type’ defines whether the connector is a Line, an Arrow or a Road Connector. Note: Road Connectors can take quite some time to calculate. The status of the road connector calculation is displayed in the map window. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit ‘Distance’ & ‘Time’, the length (in kilometers) and driving time (in minutes) of the connectors, are being calculated by the software – do not write into these column! Note: Driving time will only be calculated for road connectors. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

13 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

14 Let us take a look at the Map.
With the ‘View’ section you can maximize Excel, maximize the map, split the screen or cascade the screens. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit You can shift between Map Views such as Road Network, Aerial or Abstract Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit The Map Functions allow zooming & shifting the map. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit You can use Map Filters for the data in the Filter Columns in the Locations Worksheet to focus on subsets of locations. Note: The Map Filters on the map will apply additive to filters that you have already applied in Excel Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit By hovering over and left / left clicking on Locations and Connectors you can view additional information. By right-clicking on a location you can zoom on city level or see the street view of the location (if available). Note: In Dual Sync mode you can also edit the information, move locations, change symbols, reconnect connectors, etc. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit With ‘Zoom & Focus’ you make all locations on the map visible at once. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

15 Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon
Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Tutorial - Click on the section you would like to review Overview – the Excel Add-in Ribbon Working with the Locations Worksheet Working with the Connectors Worksheet Working with the Map Integrating your Data

16 Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit
Let us map a sample set of data using GeoLyx. In this case we want to map some retailers data. The detailed information of retailers is listed in the excel table. We now launch Geolyx and demonstrate the steps to map these retailers’ location. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit We activate GeoLyx by just pressing the “Locations” button, so a sample map is created. Afterwards, we maximize the table view to ease entering the data (the data integration process). Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit To enter data, we just reference to the relevant data in “Data” sheet using “=“ function. See cell “B6” as an example. Of course we could also copy / paste the data directly into the GLX Locations tab. But referencing allows to keep the original data structure - updating the data will be easier in the future. . Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit We do this correspondingly for all the other cells in row 6 Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

17 Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit
Next, we want to create Lat/Long of the locations using the Create Lat/Long button. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Next, we press refresh button to map retailers' locations and we change the view back to Split Screen view. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Note: We also changed the name of the filter. The filter columns are the only columns where you can change the name of the header. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Now we just drag down the formulas into the following rows. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit Pressing “All locations” creates latitudes and longitudes for all retailers’ locations based on their addresses. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

18 We had defined the retailers’ zone in the Filter column.
Now, we can use the “Zone” filter on the map to filter the retailers based on their locations. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit As an example, we filtered the data based on existing retailers in East Malaysia using “Zone” filter. Click/Enter to continue, ESC to exit

19 Thank you – enjoy working with GeoLyx! Unleashing the Power of Geographic Analytics Thank you – enjoy working with GeoLyx!

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