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Match the Following: Coal Nuclear Fusion Natural Gas Petroleum A. C.

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1 Match the Following: Coal Nuclear Fusion Natural Gas Petroleum A. C.
B. D.

2 Today, we will summarize nonrenewable resources


4 Nonrenewable Resources
Many of Earth’s resources are used to generate energy. Energy is used for transportation, manufacturing and many other things. Energy resources that exist in limited amounts and that cannot be replaced quickly once they are used are called nonrenewable resources.

5 Fossil Fuels Some of the most important nonrenewable resources are buried within Earth’s crust. These natural resources formed from the remains of living things. Coal Petroleum Natural gas Because of their organic origin, they are called fossil fuels.

6 Formation of Coal The most commonly burned fossil fuel is coal.
Coal is formed from the remainder of plants that have undergone a process called carbonization.

7 Petroleum and Natural Gas
When microorganisms and plants died in shallow prehistoric oceans and lakes, their remains accumulated on the ocean floor and lake bottoms buried by sediment. As heat and pressure caused chemical changes, the remains converted into petroleum and natural gas

8 Petroleum and Natural Gas
Petroleum and natural gas are very important sources of energy for transportation, farming, and many other industries. Because of their importance, petroleum and natural gas are valuable and highly sought after.

9 Fossil-Fuel Supplies Fossil fuels, like minerals, are nonrenewable resources. Globally, fossil fuels are one of the main sources of energy. Cure oil or unrefined petroleum is also used in the production of plastics, synthetic fabrics, medicines, waxes, synthetic rubber, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, detergents, shampoos, and many other products.

10 Coal Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world.
Every continent has coal, but almost 2/3 of known deposits occur in 3 countries: United States Russia China

11 Nuclear Energy Nuclear reactions are used to make electricity.
Energy that is produced by using techniques involving the study of atomic nuclei and high-energy particles is called nuclear energy. One form of nuclear energy is produced by splitting the nuclei of heavy atoms. This splitting is called nuclear fission. Controlled fission produces heat that be used to generate electricity from a nuclear reactor.

12 Nuclear Reactor

13 Advantages/Disadvantages of Nuclear Fission
Nuclear power plants burn no fossil fuels Produce no air pollution Wastes must be safely stored for thousands of years Waste products give off high does of radiation

14 Nuclear Fusion All of the energy that reaches Earth from the sun is produced by a kind of nucelar reaction called nuclear fusion. During nuclear fusion, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms combine to form large nuclei of helium. This process releases energy. Fusion reactions occur only at temperatures of more than 15,000,000 degrees C.


16 How does human activity affect nonrenewable resources?

17 Your assignment: You will select on of the sources of energy that we discussed today. You will use the computer to learn about that source of energy. Complete the Non-Renewable Energy Diagram. Picture Describe how it is obtained Answer 5 questions This is due at the end of the period.

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