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Warm Up Take out your spiral notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Take out your spiral notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Take out your spiral notebook.
One the next page, label the page Neolithic Revolution C-Notes. Define these words in C-Note Style. Nomad Civilization Domestication

2 Unit 1 Definitions Nomad - A person who moves from place to place.
Civilization - A complex culture in which large numbers of people share a number of common elements such as social structure, religion, and art. Domestication - Adaptation for human use.

3 Agenda Vocabulary Neolithic Revolution C- Notes

4 Any History before written History is called
In the Beginning…. Old Stone Age Last Ice 18,000 BC New 8,000 BC Bronze Age And Early Civilization 3,000 BC Any History before written History is called “PREHISTORY”

5 Nomads
Stone Weapons and Tools Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Hunters and Gatherers Neanderthals and Cromagnons Nomads Cave Paintings Ended with 4th Ice Age Land warmed, migration, humans survived

6 Stone Age Tools

7 N e a n d r t h l



10 Neolithic Revolution What caused the Neolithic Revolution?
Hunter-gathering bands scattered seeds near campsites that resulted in growth of new crops. Climate change Growing populations

11 Old Stone Age Last Ice Age 18,000 BC New Stone Age 8,000 BC Neolithic Farming and Settlements Domestication of Animals Safer and more reliable Village Growth Artisans, trade, and barter Refined tools – stone-to-stone eventually to copper, then Bronze

12 Neolithic Man

13 Neolithic Home

14 Neolithic Pottery

15 Neolithic Needle


17 Late Neolithic Tools

18 Neolithic Revolution What were the positive effects of the Neolithic Revolution? Establishment of permanent settlements. Development of culture (art, religion, and specialization of labor); irrigation systems developed as crop production increased.

19 Neolithic Revolution What were the negative effects of the Neolithic Revolution? Spread of disease, villages and cities susceptible to attacks, settlements could be destroyed by natural disasters.

20 Thinking like a Neolithic
Imagine you are alive during Neolithic times. Address each of the following Neolithic problems… 1. How do we keep our village safe from invaders? 2. Who should control the irrigation canals? 3. How can we stop bad things from happening to us? (like floods) 4. How should the land be divided in our village?

21 Old Stone Age Last Ice 18,000 BC New 8,000 BC Bronze Age And Early Civilization 3,000 BC Bronze was smaller and sharper Organized Government Organized Religion Division of labor Class Structure Writing System Lead to First Civilizations

22 Bronze Age Tools

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