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The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

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1 The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Jean Jennings IEEE Director, International Sales



4 What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The fourth industrial revolution is the current  and developing environment in which disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the way we live and work.

5 Manufacturing Operations Management, Quality and Aerospace Talk

6 “Electrical Revolution”
Manufacturing Operations Management, Quality and Aerospace Talk

7 “Electronic Revolution” “Internet Revolution”
Manufacturing Operations Management, Quality and Aerospace Talk

8 “Smart Manufacturing Revolution” “Cyber Physical Revolution”
Manufacturing Operations Management, Quality and Aerospace Talk

9 Technologies Fueling the 4IR
Conrad Leiva, VP Product Strategy and Alliances at iBASEt

10 Greek PM: Greece must act now to enter the fourth industrial revolution 11.03.2016
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced the establishment of the General Secretariat of Digital Policy - Greece must not lose a historic opportunity to enter the fourth industrial revolution. “We have to make the big leap towards knowledge economy and our universities can accomplish this, which is proven by the graduates of our universities who excel abroad,” Tsipras said at the event organized by the Hellenic Association of Information Technology Companies.”

11 4IR is…. Entrepreneurial Innovative Disruptive
Evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace.

12 Preparing/ Participating in the 4IR
Leaders from business, government, civil society and the education sector will all be involved Preparing for what the 4IR will bring tomorrow must begin with education today How should we educate tomorrow’s citizens and leaders to innovate and capitalize on unforeseen opportunities?  Universities are society’s main institutions for educating tomorrow’s leaders in large part for their continuing role in shaping future technology by being the testbeds for innovation and educating future generations. 



15 HEAL Link and IEEE Universities students and researcher have
access to over 180 IEEE journals 22 of the top 25 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 13 of the top 15 journals in Telecommunications The top 3 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture The top 3 journals in Computer Science, Information Systems 4 of the top 5 journals in Artificial Intelligence 3 of the top 5 journals in Automation & Control Systems 2 of the top 5 journals in Imaging Science & Photographic Technology The Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals. Based on the 2016 study released June 2017 More info:

16 HEAL Link and IEEE Universities students and researcher have access to IEEE Conferences IEEE sponsors more than 1,800 annual conferences and events worldwide, curating cutting-edge content for all of the technical fields of interest within IEEE. IEEE produces conference publications in various technology areas that are recognized by academia and industry worldwide. Articles submitted for publication follow a paper selection process and are peer-reviewed before they are published. IEEE conferences are a critical component of the technology landscape.

17 20 2017 IEEE Conference in Greece

18 IEEE Authors in Greece Access to IEEE content helps increase boost the scholarly productivity of an institution and authorship overall In 2007, there were 8,785 articles in IEEE Xplore by authors from Greece In 2017, there are 26,155 articles by authors from Greece (>20K Cnf Articles, >5.5K Jnls Articles) In the period from 2007–2017 there are nearly 3 times more articles published by authors from Greece Over 1600 articles cited in patents Use author query and refine years Beginning of time-2006 Then beginning of time to 2016 144,562-53,618= 90,944 90,944/53,618=1.69*100=169% *Results based on author affiliation search of Greece in IEEE Xplore

19 Highly Cited Paper from University of Thessalonki
IEEE Xplore:


21 IEEE Research Powers New Patents
Studies have shown that IEEE publications are critical to the patent process: IEEE is cited in patents three times more often than any other publisher. Source: 1790 Analytics LLC, Copyright 2017.

22 InnovationQ Plus Innovative patent discovery and analytics platform, powered by IEEE and Semantically searches IEEE full text publications alongside a comprehensive global patent literature database. Content includes: Nearly 4 million documents from IEEE journals, conference and standards Global database of 90+ million patents and applications’s Prior Art Database (largest and oldest database of invention disclosures) Licensable technology from universities Other non-patent literature including Pub Med, IETF Developed for IP professionals at corporations, IP law firms, patent offices, and academic technology transfer offices

23 IEEE Greece Section is received the Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment Performance award, for meeting its recruitment goal for the 2017 membership year. The membership development goals were developed based on Greece Section’s three year performance.


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