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Avian Flu – Contingency plan

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1 Avian Flu – Contingency plan
Sample comprised of 405 randomly selected HR professionals. Analyzing 405 responses of s sent, s were received (response rate = 15%). Survey fielded March 22 – March 28, 2006; presentation generated on March 29, 2006. Margin of error is +/- 5%

2 Does your organization have any contingency plan to prepare for a potential Avian flu pandemic?

3 What contingency plan, if any, does your organization have to prepare for a potential Avian flu pandemic? Choice Percent of Cases Educating employees on preventative measures 51.8% Encouraging employees that are sick to stay home 41.2% Have employee(s) specifically tasked with developing avian flu policy Installing germ-killing hand washes and sanitizers 30.6% Currently have clearly stated plan that could be put in place immediately 28.2% Made/making preparations for employees to be able to telecommute Divide work among multiple sites 17.6% Secured an emergency designated site to continue business at offsite location if there is an exposure 15.3% Closing of offices 12.9% Limiting international travel by employees Holding teleconferencing meeting in place of face-to-face meetings 11.8% Relocating key employees to organization’s designated emergency site Running disaster drills in the event there is an exposure at your workplace 10.6% Storing medications 8.2% Limiting international travel of key employees 4.7% Other 3.5% Note: Excludes respondents who indicated their organization did not have a plan. Percentages do not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed.

4 What contingency plan, if any, does your organization have to prepare for a potential Avian flu pandemic? Percentages do not total 100% as multiple responses were allowed.

5 Other (please specify)
Food Control policy for our company cafeteria, Employees are required to notify our Employee Health Services when traveling out of the country Our safety department is in charge of it health concerns. Working with our local Health Department for guidelines

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