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This Is Athlete Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "This Is Athlete Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 This Is Athlete Leadership
Presenters: 1 2 3 “Welcome to the Presentation, This Is Athlete Leadership!” “Over the course of the next hour, we will take a look at what Athlete Leadership is, why it is important, what Programs need to do to get it started and how athletes can get involved.” 1 | This Is Athlete Leadership

2 Definition of Athlete Leadership
Allowing athletes to choose HOW and in what ROLE they participate in Special Olympics Athlete Congress “Choice may be new to some athletes. Choice might be something as simple as choosing which sport you want to do, or it might be choosing to take on a new challenge like becoming a coach or committee member. The key is that athlete choices and interests should be driving the strategic direction of the organization at all levels.” “Example: A decision on whether to add a new sport should be made based on athlete interest in that sport. Additions or deletion of events or activities at games should be decided based on athlete input and advice on the subject.” “Prior to Athlete Leadership, there was really only 1 ROLE for athletes in Special Olympics – as an ATHLETE. Now that we have Athlete Leadership there are many roles that you can choose from to participate in Special Olympics. We will explore those roles in a little bit.” “The athletes in this picture have chosen Governance as their major in Athlete Leadership University. They have reached a major milestone in that they are participating in an Athlete Congress. “ “We are going to cover three of the major points in the definition of Athlete Leadership Choosing how and what role you will play is number 1.: | This Is Athlete Leadership 2 | This Is Athlete Leadership

3 Brainstorm Tell us about what choices you get to make at home-work or school Clothes Hair cut How you treat others To become an Athlete Leader Ask for an athlete to volunteer to give one example of a decision that he/she gets to make at home. Ask several more athletes the same question. Record responses on a flip chart if time. Don’t show the answers until the athlete list is finished. Compare and contrast athlete list with slide. | This Is Athlete Leadership 3 | This Is Athlete Leadership

4 Brainstorm Tell us about the choices you get to make about your Special Olympics Program Ask athletes to share how they get to help make some decisions/choices about their Program. Don’t give them any more structure than that. Answers will probably come in two ways: 1. Making changes that affect a lot of people such as getting to choose new uniform design and color or what's for lunch at basketball competition. 2. Choice only affects that athlete such as I choose not to participate in bocce this year because it happens the same time as cycling. I want to do cycling Record only those answers that are correct; be polite with wrong answers. | This Is Athlete Leadership 4 | This Is Athlete Leadership

5 Further Defining Athlete Leadership
Encouraging athletes to take meaningful positions of influence and leadership throughout the organization to help determine policy and set direction “One example of influence would be an Athlete Input Council, where a group of athletes comes together to suggest how to make Special Olympics better. A group just like this today could do something like that.” “A group of athletes could get together on a regular basis and brainstorm like this and then take the best of the best ideas to your coordinator. “ “On a larger scale, Special Olympics International has held several Global Athlete Congresses. The 2005 Congress in Panama developed the dating policy and it was ratified by SOI. At the 2010 Congress in Morocco athletes discussed the SOI Global Plan. There have also been 2 Athlete Leadership Summits, one held in Vancouver, BC in 2010 and the last one in Pennsylvania in 2013 where the new definition was developed.” “Athlete participation in the governance or delivery of Special Olympics won’t just happen automatically. We need to be proactive in creating opportunities for athletes who are interested in a particular area and providing training to do it .” | This Is Athlete Leadership 5 | This Is Athlete Leadership

6 Meaningful Role What is an Example of an Athlete in a Meaningful Role?
Help with fundraising Teach other athletes to volunteer Have a voice in Special Olympics at all levels Be an assistant coach “Athletes, raise your hands and share ideas of what types of things you could do that would be helpful to your Program.” Don’t show the answers until you have several suggestions . Record the answers if there is time Then compare and contrast. Segue to next slide: “On the next few pages we are going to see some athletes in different roles. I want you to tell me what you see – what they are doing.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 6 | This Is Athlete Leadership

7 Conduct Radio Interviews
Name this Role “It is easy to do a Radio interview if someone trains you or gives you tips; sometimes you can even do them sitting at home in your pajamas. These are called dial-in/remote interviews. “There are a lot of early morning radio shows who would love to host SO guests.” If you attend a Global Messenger Course and Media training, you will become comfortable with doing things like this.” Conduct Radio Interviews | This Is Athlete Leadership 7 | This Is Athlete Leadership

8 What role does he have? Be a Coach
“Many of our athletes want to give back to their sport or help younger athletes. There are many athletes who serve as coaches and assistant coaches, and they are certified or working on certification. Do you know any athletes who are certified as coaches?” “Being a coach is not an easy job; you must take several courses. We will review the framework for courses at the end of this session in the Handbook for Athlete Leaders.” The athlete coach pictured above n the blue shirt was a powerlifting coach for many years and felt like he wanted to give back and coach so he worked hard and became certified. “ Be a Coach | This Is Athlete Leadership 8 | This Is Athlete Leadership

9 What is this athlete doing?
“Everyone can do this!“ “What is it? She is talking about and promoting Special Olympics and recruiting for the Athlete Leadership program.” “Where would you do this? “Athlete Leaders learn to be Ambassadors for Special Olympics because they learn about the facts of SO and Athlete Leadership.” Promote the Program | This Is Athlete Leadership 9 | This Is Athlete Leadership

10 Further Defining Athlete Leadership
Providing training for coaches, volunteers & parents as they welcome athletes in their new roles David and Sam teach “Fruit salad” “Training is important for both the athlete leader and the present volunteers, coaches and parents who need to adjust meeting or leadership styles to make the new relationship productive and make athletes feel welcome, safe and valued as a peer.” Isolate need Athletes need to learn how meetings work and what is expected of them. Parents need to start learning how to let their son or daughter voice their own opinion and offer their help only when the athlete needs it. “It is very empowering for an athlete to become a leader. The athlete leaders above are leading an activity with other trainers!” “Today’s session is designed to help you understand all the different parts of Athlete Leadership and how Athlete Leadership can make your Program better.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 10 | This Is Athlete Leadership

11 Athlete Leadership and You
Ask yourself, as a volunteer or Program leader Why should I get involved with Athlete Leadership? What will it do for me? How will it benefit others? “Direct the question to volunteers and family members: “Would someone please volunteer to share their answer or answers to any of the questions? You may think you do not know but take an educated guess.: Jump start the discussion if there are no takers. Embellish their answers and bring their conversations to closure by restating why they feel it is good to be involved with Athlete Leadership and how it will benefit the Program. | This Is Athlete Leadership 11 | This Is Athlete Leadership

12 Why is training for volunteers, parents & coaches important?
Program leaders don’t think athletes can do it Everyone needs to learn to believe in athletes’ abilities Staff, volunteers and families need to remember that they are there to help us but not do the work FOR us Just show the heading of the slide. Pick a volunteer to stand and share why they think it is important. Pick an athlete to stand and to share why training is so important for coaches, volunteers and parents Next, show answers on the slide . Compare and contrast the two type of answers if there were any (athlete answers different from volunteer answers). | This Is Athlete Leadership 12 | This Is Athlete Leadership

13 What can Athlete Leadership do for athletes?
Confidence At school and on the job Facing fears Self-respect Self-worth Ask questions first of athletes then open up to the group. Ask athletes to give you an example. Elicit Responses for the 3 main areas Write responses on flip chart and continue adding responses for the next 4 slides for the headings i.e. Confidence, Self-Respect, Self-Worth, Knowledge, Social Skills Spokesperson, Instructors/teachers, Role Models. | This Is Athlete Leadership 13 | This Is Athlete Leadership

14 What else can Athlete Leadership do for athletes?
Knowledge Learn public speaking Learn to use technology Build leadership skills Learn sports rules Show only the heading (fly in responses after your discussion). Ask athletes for a show of hands to share one thing that they think they might learn from participating in Athlete Leadership. Seek 4 -5 answers. Continue recording responses and then compare their list with the answers on the slide. “Does anyone want to share a personal story about an athlete who has gained skills through Athlete Leadership?” (The athlete can be in the room or not.) | This Is Athlete Leadership 14 | This Is Athlete Leadership

15 What else can Athlete Leadership do for athletes?
Social skills Listening Respecting others while they are talking Respecting opinions of others Advocating for other athletes Show header only; wait to bring in the rest of the slide after discussion. “Let’s review what we have talked about so far. We have said Athlete Leadership can help athletes gain confidence, self-respect, self-worth, knowledge about speaking in public, technology, building leader skills, and sports rules.” “Wow, that is a lot of things. We still have another skill that Athlete Leadership can help build. Can you guess what that is?” Let athletes guess a few answers then bring up the top line of slide. Social Skills “Can anyone give me some ideas of what social skills you might learn as a part of Athlete Leadership?” With a click, bring in each item and ask for one person to explain why that is important. | This Is Athlete Leadership 15 | This Is Athlete Leadership

16 What can athletes do for Athlete Leadership?
Spokesperson Speak to others about Special Olympics Speak to companies to raise money What else? Show header only. “We have just heard what Athlete Leadership can do for athletes; now let’s see what athletes can do for Athlete Leadership.” “We have talked about roles or jobs that athlete leaders may choose to do. Let’s look at one of the things we all think about when we say Athlete Leadership.” “Every athlete who joins Athlete Leadership becomes a spokesperson/ ambassador for Special Olympics even if they don’t become a Global Messenger.” Continue recording and add spokesperson to list. “Who else can they talk to?” | This Is Athlete Leadership 16 | This Is Athlete Leadership

17 What else can athletes do for Athlete Leadership?
Teacher/Instructor Become an Athlete Leadership Course instructor Help recruit other Athlete Leaders What else? “As you become an Athlete Leader, you develop leadership skills. You should share your skills by teaching other athletes in these ways.” “Would you ever believe that you could become a teacher/instructor. It takes a while but after several years of experience you become familiar enough with the course that you can help.” “The man in this picture has helped train the Global Messenger Course and the Introduction to Athlete Leadership.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 17 | This Is Athlete Leadership

18 What else can athletes do for Athlete Leadership?
Be a Good Role Model Show other athlete the right way to do things Help younger athletes Fill in gaps when volunteers are needed. Just show the header of the slide. “Athlete Leaders are good role models. Can you name some ways you think that athletes might become good role models to other athletes? In other words how can they become good helpers?” Record their answers under the word role model. “In some Programs Athlete Leaders run Opening Ceremonies for their local Program, assist with volunteer recognition programs, volunteer with Young Athletes (athletes 2-7 years of age), and assist as awards presenters, When volunteers and athletes see athlete leaders doing those things, what do you think they think about the athletes?” | This Is Athlete Leadership 18 | This Is Athlete Leadership

19 Existing Athlete Leadership Roles
How many roles exist that Athlete Leaders can fill? “We have talked about some roles that athletes might take on in a Special Olympics Program, but now I want you to name as many roles as you can think of and we will write them on the chart.” Have someone else write on the chart as you call on the athletes one at a time. Count the number of roles and then go to next slide and compare that to the next chart. | This Is Athlete Leadership 19 | This Is Athlete Leadership

20 Existing Athlete Leadership Roles
Global Messenger or Reporter Athletes as Coaches or Officials Input Councils or Athlete Congress Athletes as Volunteers Games Management Team Members Athletes as Helpers or Advocates Athletes as Fundraisers Athletes as Course Instructors Athletes on Boards or Committees “Let’s look at the list and see if we named all the roles. Wow! There are a lot of things that Athlete Leaders can do!” “Here are the various roles that athletes fill in the Athlete Leadership program. There are 15 listed here. You all listed _________________ ; that’s quite good.” “Let’s review each role to see if you know what it means. One of the most important roles is serving on Athlete Input Councils are. Additionally, getting athletes access to committees and management teams allows them to express their opinions and help take the lead in making changes in Special Olympics.” GO THROUGH EACH BOX/ROLE AND ENSURE THEY UNDERSTAND THE DEFINITION OF THE TERMS LISTED. “Do you know if there are athletes serving in these positions in your Program at any level?” “Could athletes also be donors, photographers, writers for a newsletter? Of course, they could! It is all about finding something that you would really like to do and see how those skills can help Special Olympics. | This Is Athlete Leadership 20 | This Is Athlete Leadership

21 Basic Athlete Leadership Philosophies
Respect athletes as equal partners in your Special Olympics experience Value athlete opinions and preferences “As a coach or volunteer, What can you do to create a “culture of welcome” for the athletes? 2. How can you make athletes feel comfortable sharing their thoughts when maybe they have not been able to do it in the past . 3. How can you make athletes feel that they add value to the program? Athletes, do you have anything to add? The answer is LOTS! And the rewards are plentiful!!!” | This Is Athlete Leadership 21 | This Is Athlete Leadership

22 Basic Athlete Leadership Philosophies
Listen! Take the time to be sure you understand when athletes speak to you Whenever possible, involve athletes in your work via leadership positions that are meaningful in the office, at games, at events, at fundraisers “While it is easy to sometimes hear an athlete talk, many times we do not really listen to what they are saying. “ “Why would someone assume an athlete would not understand an issue or assume they would be off topic when they answer?” “You should show them respect by asking questions to clarify their ideas.” “ASSUME that they are ON the subject, and you have not made the connection in YOUR mind. Everyone will learn from the exchange this way.” “Athletes know when you are being condescending and dismissing their ideas.” “But whatever you do, Programs should avoid having athletes in token roles. What does that mean? That means athletes are there just to be there, but not doing anything meaningful. Each athlete should be a useful and valuable contributor to the Program.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 22 | This Is Athlete Leadership

23 Why should Programs start Athlete Leadership?
Do you have all the volunteers you need? Athletes make excellent volunteers if you let them Do you need to raise money? Global Messengers and athlete leaders are the best fundraisers you can possibly have “If you want to have a quality Program, you know that it takes lots of help and money. Quite likely, you might be able to find athletes who would jump at the chance to help. Athletes can fill many of the traditional volunteer roles that are needed if someone would just take the time to offer training.” “An athlete in one Program started as a volunteer at Games, then became a member of the Games Management Team, and now he is in charge of security for all the venues.” “In one Program 5 of the top 10 polar plungers were Athlete Leaders, and they raised over $ 21,000.” “Your Global Messengers and Ambassadors make great presentations to butter up potential sponsors and donors. On your next trip, have them speak to potential donors. Our athletes have the experiences and stories to make them the best fundraisers ever!” | This Is Athlete Leadership 23 | This Is Athlete Leadership

24 Feedback “Athletes, has anyone ever ask you that question?”
“HOW DO YOU MAKE SPECIAL OLYMPICS BETTER?” “Well, we are going to give you that chance! This is the question that should be asked after competition, training, outreach, fundraising, local Program development or athlete leadership.” “We can improve every aspect of our Program so why wouldn’t we want athletes to weigh in on suggestions?” “You are the reason we do what we do. You are the consumer. Why wouldn't we ask the consumer what he or she thinks?” | This Is Athlete Leadership 24 | This Is Athlete Leadership

25 Feedback What is one thing you’d like to see improved in your Special Olympics Program? “Now that we’ve found out that is ok to ask questions and give suggestions, let’s talk a little about your Program.“ “What is one thing you’d like to see improved in your Program?” “Have someone write responses on flip chart.” “How can this be accomplished?” “How can athletes help make this change?” | This Is Athlete Leadership 25 | This Is Athlete Leadership

26 Governance – Input Councils
You just had an Input Council! Plenty of ideas How to accomplish the change Athlete involvement “A very important part of Athlete Leadership is having Input Councils – getting ideas on how to make our Program better.” What are they? “On the local level, this council is a forum for athletes to report to other athletes and local government leaders what is happening, voice their opinions about important issues, and gain leadership training and experience. The council should focus on local or area issues but perhaps could also talk about issues at the Program level.” Why would you have an Athlete Input Council? “Having an Athlete Input Council provides athletes opportunities to develop leadership skills, serve as volunteers, provide valuable input to the operation of Special Olympics, be role models for other athletes, and serve as ambassadors in the community.” “Having athletes involved in meaningful ways conveys how much we respect and value them as an integral part of our organization. It also gives Program leaders (like your coordinator and coaches) valuable insight into what interests and motivates athletes in your county. This insight will help us develop programs that will attract new athletes and retain existing athletes.” “The Athlete Input Council at each level of the organization will have the best results if there is a volunteer who will guide and facilitate the Athlete Leadership program. This person could be a coach, volunteer, speech coach or other individual who would be interested in supporting this group. It could be the mentor that you have in this class. It could also be your Athlete Leadership coordinator.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 26 | This Is Athlete Leadership

27 How Do We Get Started? The following video portrays what many athlete leaders are capable Beyond the Vision … A Video Produced by Special Olympics Indiana Athlete Leaders “This is one of the best examples of Athlete Leadership ever!” “The young man who produced this video was discovered and then encouraged to use his talents and share them with the Athlete Leadership Program. He got better and better. You will see other athlete leaders in the video, too. What a team!” “After the video is over, I want to see if you athletes can tell me the things that they say are needed to start Athlete Leadership.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 27 | This Is Athlete Leadership

28 Lets Get Started! Learn about Athlete Leadership
Recruit a facilitator/helper Offer training Ask other athletes what they think! Questions? “Let’s review what we just heard in the video.” “If you want to start an Athlete Leadership or join an existing program, then you will have to ask your coordinator if there is a program near you. If not, start one!” “But first, someone, a volunteer, has to be recruited to work with the new Athlete Leaders. They will serve as a facilitator for the group. In the beginning we hope that each athlete can find someone to be their helper that will go through this process with them.” Pass out the one-pager which reflects the model of Athlete Leadership Training your Program is going to offer. Currently, there are two models – taking a series of courses based on interest with the ability to change areas of focus or focusing on one area and obtaining a major in it. Athlete Leadership University allows an athlete to choose a major and pursue courses in that major. (Remove the model that you will not be using. However, if you may be working toward a University Curriculum, feel free to keep it in.) “Together, the athlete and mentor can go through training. The first training they would attend is the Introduction to Athlete Leadership where you will create a purpose statement and declare what role you are interested in doing.” (It will be a major Athlete Leadership University or area of focus.) “Last, but not least, encourage the management team, committees and coaches to seek athletes and their involvement.” “In the meantime, let’s review where Athlete Leadership fits.” | This Is Athlete Leadership 28 | This Is Athlete Leadership

29 Mission Statement and Purpose
The Mission of Special Olympics To provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. The Purpose of Athlete Leadership The purpose of Athlete Leadership is empowering athletes to develop leadership skills and utilize their voices and abilities to undertake meaningful leadership roles, influence change in the Special Olympics movement and create inclusive communities around the world. ~ Athlete Leadership Summit, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2013 “Everything we do is based on our mission. How many of you know our Mission Statement? Let’s read it together.” “We also have an Athlete Leadership Purpose Statement which was revised in Let’s read this one, too.” “Special Olympics Athlete Leadership has put together a Handbook for Athlete Leaders. You will find many helpful facts about Athlete Leadership in this Handbook.” Ask them to turn in their books and look at the specific pages noted: Athlete Leadership on page 1 Athlete Leadership Training Series of courses available to athlete leaders on page 18 Many Roles that Athlete Leaders Can Play on pages 4-5 Sample Practicum Form if you should decide to start taking courses and become an Athlete Leader on page 27 | This Is Athlete Leadership 29 | This Is Athlete Leadership

30 Athlete Leadership transforms individuals from receiving services to individuals providing services
Read then explain how this statement affects the Athlete Leaders over time. Have anyone in the audience share stories about athletes who have become leaders and the effect it has had on the Program, the community and the athlete. Share when the next Athlete Leadership training might take place in your Area. Share the name and address of the Athlete Leader that is on your Program Input Council. Ask for any last questions. “You are on your way!” SHOW ME THE ATHLETE! | This Is Athlete Leadership 30 | This Is Athlete Leadership

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