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Intro to Water Pollution

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Water Pollution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Water Pollution

2 What is Unique About Water?
* It is the only molecule that’s solid is less dense than its liquid. *A human cannot go more than three days without water. *60% of the human body is made up of water 2.5 % of worlds water is fresh water. In other words water is important.

3 What is water pollution?
Is the introduction of chemical, physical, and biological agents into water to degrade water quality and harm organisms that rely on water.

4 Point Source Pollution
Pollution discharged from single source. Example: a factory, a water treatment plant

5 Non-Point Source Pollution
Pollution that enters a water systems from several sources Example: a farm, a road, oil from PWC.

6 We will look at in more depth
The different types of pollutants Artificial eutrophication Waste water How to clean it up How we manage our water

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