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Year 1 Welcome Information for Parents and Carers

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1 Year 1 Welcome Information for Parents and Carers

2 Foundation to Key Stage 1
Transition- Our aim is to ensure that children experience a smooth transition from reception to Year 1. We provide different areas of learning for children to explore and develop their skills. English and Maths are taught as specific sessions with additional writing areas, maths areas, reading and phonics areas available to support and extend learning.

3 New Curriculum Year 1 will be taught using the national curriculum 2014 for all subject areas. They will learn key skills in all subjects. The subjects include English and Maths Reading and Phonics Science, Computing,R.E,Art,Design Technology,PE, PSHE, History,Geography,music.

4 Phonics Screening Children are now screened for phonics at the end of year 1. This is a statutory part of phonics . The test consists of real words and made up words. The children need to be able to blend and sound real and made up words. Eg shopping and shoiking

5 Reading Your child will be set a guided reading book which will be read in detail in school as part of a group. In addition to this your child will bring home an individual choice book based on their reading stage. This is to be read at home and changed as and when your child has completed it. The guided book will come home several times a week for your child to discuss with you. We aim for children to read every day with an adult and encourage parents to listen to their child read at home daily Please comment and sign in the reading diary . Reading record books are used to exchange information so please remember to write a comment in the book when appropriate.

6 Homework Children will receive homework on a Friday . This should be completed at the latest by the following Wednesday with lots of encouragement. Please remember the work should be completed by the child. This will normally be in the form of maths, literacy , phonics or project work.

7 Spellings Spellings Children are asked to spell many words in year 1 . Lists will be sent home for you to work on. This is in addition to phonics spellings and key words. Common exception words list

8 Rules and behaviour In Year 1 we use Nelly’s rules as a reminder of appropriate behaviour. We have high expectations of behaviour and work with families to overcome any issues. Positive praise always!! In year 1 we feel it is essential to encourage and praise children as much as possible as they are developing all their skills and we would appreciate your support. There are clear consequences for children.

9 Final Statement Children are praised and listened to as in Year 1 we feel that … EVERY CHILD IS IMPORTANT AND WE AIM TO DEVELOP THE WHOLE CHILD

10 Finally I look forward to working together and having a successful year. Thankyou

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