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ECMWF, GEOGlows, and support for developing countries

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1 ECMWF, GEOGlows, and support for developing countries
Christel Prudhomme / Fredrik Wetterhall / Jean-Noël Thépaut ECMWF Side Event: and the Harmonization of GEO Water Activities

2 Copernicus Emergency Management Service Overview
6 services use Earth Observation data to deliver … Sentinels & Contributing Satellite Missions In-situ measurements Source: ESA … added value products

3 Copernicus Emergency Management Service Overview
Flood Awareness Systems On-demand Mapping Flood monitoring & forecasting Rapid Mapping any disaster 24/7 on-demand and fast provision of geospatial information Risk and Recovery Mapping On-demand GI supporting prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction, reconstruction, recovery Forest Fire Information Systems Near real-time & historical information on forest fires & forest fire regimes

4 Flood Awareness Systems
Need: lack of coherent flood information and coordination in Europe for trans-national flood events, e.g. during Elbe and Danube floods in 2002 Aim: European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) provides added value, trans-national flood early warning information to EC civil protection and national authorities. JRC : started development in since September 2012 fully operational as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Users: European civil protection, national hydro-met authorities Expansion to global scale is ongoing => Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) An initiative to increase preparedness for riverine flood across Europe and support the decision making At the EU level to provide a congregated picture on a larger scale Provides flood early warning info for up to 10 days in advance, river basin wide, European scale Flash flood specific forecasts Bulletin and daily overview and notification Expansion to global scale is ongoing EO data use: Currently not used by EFAS directly but in ECMWF models which provide input to EFAS (weather modelling) EO is used In future, EFAS wants to investigate in EO aspects looking into 1) S1 based always on service 2) water level date von Global Land service (lakes & reservoirs, big rivers) => reference data

5 Global Flood Awareness System
Mission/Objectives and Goals Mission GloFAS mission is to deliver probabilistic, early flood warnings on a global scale using the best weather prediction tools available Objectives Deliver a 24/7 service Support national and international organizations with forecast, data and knowledge Goal Serve stakeholders with useful and timely information on upcoming floods

6 Why GloFAS? Early warning for preparation of aid assistance
World-wide comparable information Complement National/regional services Knowledge transfer & exchange Support international organisations Improved data sharing

7 Global Flood Awareness System
Geographical Scope Methodology Ensemble hydrographs Showing discharge and return period Indicating severity threshold exceedance Persistence plots Indicate forecast “jumpiness” Freely available after registration Project Governance Structure Reanalysis based model climatology to derive return period statistics Shading indicates return period exceeded: < 2 year (green) > 2 year (yellow) > 5 year (red) > 20 year (purple) Started as collaboration product between the JRC and ECMWF Now integral part of COPERNICUS-EMS Development in collaboration with several partners

8 Global Flood Awareness System
Significant achievements in Sub-seasonal and seasonal lead-time extension GloFAS will now be extended up to 30 days using ECMWF’s extended-range forecast Seasonal forecast will be launched in November 2017 Fully operational GloFAS will go fully operational in November 2017 Capacity building and collaborations Seasonal forecasts up to 4 months Regional training of hydrologists and meteorologists organised by RIMES and UN-ESCAP in Thailand 2016 Collaboration with ‘Forecast-based Financing’ Red Cross Pilot Projects

9 GloFAS Case Study: 2017 August floods India/Nepal/Bangladesh
Very early indication of the flood 3-4 weeks in advance Bangladesh Observed flood peak (16 August) Record Danger Observed water level Provided by FFWC (Hossain Sazzad)

10 Global Flood Awareness System
Plans for cross SBA linkages and SDG support Contributions to SDGs Good health and wellbeing – Forecasts trigger humanitarian aid Clean water and sanitation – Seasonal forecasts of low-flow aid planning of water resources Clean energy – Projects with water power production companies Challenges and Issues: Close to 2000 registered users Get more local data from different countries Collaboration is essential to ensure that GloFAS development is in line with user needs Data needed for better calibration of the model

11 Thank You Ervin Zsoter Fredrik Wetterhall
Ervin Zsoter Fredrik Wetterhall

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