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2008 Financial Crisis.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Financial Crisis."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Financial Crisis

2 Cause # 1 - subprime People you would not loan to People you will

3 Cause # 1 - subprime subprime

4 The subprime people default
Cause # 1 - subprime The subprime people default on their loans (as was expected)

5 Cause #2- ARM Decides he wants to live

6 CAUSE # 2 - ARM So he goes to a bank and qualifies for an Adjustable
Rate Mortgage = ARM 3 years of low interest and low payments Then starts to climb….

7 Brilliant idea because of course
housing prices have been going up and will continue to…. And then use that money for a new house Once the 3 year low interest rate expires he can SELL

8 BUT…..UH OH….. The housing market collapsed and his house is worth LESS than when he bought it.

9 So meanwhile Are making these risky loans And forecasting BIG profits
(i.e they are loaning out all their money ) But…when Mr. Jones.. They find themselves with a lot of empty houses and no one to buy them…and no one to pay them back. Hard to raise capital….

10 So a bunch of investors get nervous……
And stock prices start to drop All of a sudden….the bank isn’t worth so much anymore



13 This creates a “credit crunch”
And is self perpetuating So there are a couple of options….

14 Option #1 Let them sink….this is after all a “free market”..
ex Lehman Bros. files for bankruptcy But there is a downside to that… Lehman Bros had employees What about all the other people/companies who invested in the banks? And the overall effect on the stock market?

15 Dow Jones Industrial Average

16 Option 2 Relax the rules so that some of the bigger companies can buy out the smaller ones Downside here as well.. Bigger companies now exposed And allows for less competition. Note: Merrill Lynch bought by BofA, Bear Stearns bought by JP Morgan

17 Option #3 Government to the rescue
US Federal Reserve and US Treasury provide $200 Billion in loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and incorporate them into a new conservatorship. US Federal Reserve bridge loans $85 billion to AIG in exchange for 80% of shares. Current plan - US government to provide $700 Billion to banks Maybe With or without safeguards? US Budget deficit/debt = opportunity cost

18 Worldwide ripple Morocco exchange

19 In the UK Last spring UK Central Bank guarantees Northern Rock’s assets. Designed to prevent a “run”. It worked, for now…

20 Other fun sites..
I’ll put these on Moodle along with Casablanca exchange

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