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Limbrick News Date: 18th December 2015
Points exchange winners – Autumn term 2015 Special mention certificates were awarded to: Reception – Louie Yr 1 – Lucas Yr 2 – Whole class Yr 3 – Jack Yr 4 – Iosif Yr 5 – Whole class Yr 6 – Sarah Reading raffle winners: Reception - Phoebe Yr 1 – Aiden Yr 2 – Amelia Yr 3 – Daniel Yr 4 - Arron Yr 5 – Ana Yr 6 – Demi-Lee ALG - Lucas Year 3 Roman feast Thank you to all the parents who attended the ‘Singing and Dancing performances’ and the ‘Nativity.’ It was lovely to see so many of you there supporting your children. We raised £ from the refreshments and tombola. LIMBRICK WOOD CONTINUE TO FLY HIGH IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL LEAGUE TABLES The Primary school league tables 2015 have been published this week, where you can compare our school performance with others. Here are a few headlines: Limbrick was one of only two schools in Coventry, where 100% of the children made expected progress in reading, writing and maths. Limbrick came 4th in the city for children achieving level 5 (higher level) in spelling, punctuation and grammar at 81%. Limbrick came 4th in the city for children achieving level 5 (the higher level) in reading, writing and mathematics at 38%. These outcomes are achieved as a result of the exceptional staff that teach your children. It is an honour and privilege to work with such a dedicated team who are always striving for the absolute best for your children. I am sure you would like to join me in thanking them for their continuous hard work and commitment. 100% Attendance and Punctuality: This week our reception class achieved 99.7%. Lates – 18 lates which affected 6 classes. I appreciate your help by ensuring your children are on time. Breaking news – New this year: As a reward for achieving 100% attendance as a class, which is shared during Friday’s assembly, all the children in that winning class will be allowed to wear non uniform the following Monday. Unfortunately no class achieved 100% attendance this week. I will continue to focus on improving punctuality this academic year. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. We continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why. Mrs Devine continues to closely monitor children who are continuously late for school, offering support to those families who need it. If children are regularly late for school, then I will also ask parents/carers to attend a meeting with myself and the Children and Family First Team to address this issue more formally. I will keep you all informed via the weekly newsletter, the number of children who arrive late each week and whether this improves. REWARDS – I will continue to reward 100% attendance, and the children will be given a band each term if they achieve 100% attendance. However 100% attendance can only be achieved if they are in school every day and on time. Therefore if children arrive late they will not receive a 100% attendance award. NEW THIS YEAR: Having listened to parent feedback, children who achieve 100% attendance for the whole term, will have the chance to win a tablet every term. For children who are in every day and on time for the entire academic year they will be awarded vouchers and will be entered into a draw to win an iPAD.
Turkey noodle soup – Serves 4 Perfect for Christmas leftovers
Limbrick News Diary dates: Last day of Term – Friday 18th December Teacher day – Monday 4th January 2016 – school closed to pupils Tuesday 5th January 2016 – School reopens for all pupils Snowy weather: As winter approaches, we will use Parentmail to get in touch with you by text, if there is any news about the school being open or closed if we have a heavy snowfall. Please ask for a login code if you aren’t registered yet. Reading books & diaries: I have noticed that we have a number of children who are not bringing their reading books and diaries to school. Can I reiterate that we expect all children to bring their reading book and reading diary to school everyday. This weeks letters: 12 activities for the Christmas holidays The recipe was kindly written by Anne Leek. We hope you enjoy making this soup with your children. Turkey noodle soup – Serves 4 Ingredients 1.2 litre chicken stock 4 small carrots, peeled and chopped 140g egg noodles 200g/7oz shredded, cooked turkey or chicken 200g peas 1 bunch spring onions sliced, white and green parts separated Method Bring the stock to the boil and throw in the carrots. Boil for 4 minutes, then add the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes. Stir in the turkey, peas and the white part of the spring onions, heat for 1 minute or until everything is hot throughout. Ladle into bowls, scatter with the green part of the onions to serve. Perfect for Christmas leftovers New Faces: None this week We are planning to have chicks in nursery and reception in January. Can you let us know if your child is allergic to bird feathers or would be affected by this in some way. Parking Please refrain from parking in front of our local residents drives on Bush Close. Given the current building situation, it may be wise to park on Jardine crescent. Free school meals: You may have received a letter from The Benefits Service advising you that you may be eligible to claim for free school meals. If you have receive a letter, please can I urge you to complete and return it as soon as possible. Even if you do not want your child to have a free school meal, by completing this letter you could raise up to an extra £1320 per annum for 6 years for our school, funded by central government. Reception places If you have a child or know of a child who will be 4 years old by 31st August, please ensure you have applied for a reception place for September 2016, by Friday 15th January Please ask at the office for a form or website details. Costs: Dinner money: £2.00 per day £10.00 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day Nursery places We still have nursery places available, please contact the school office if you require a place. Expected School Conduct: It has been brought to my attention that parents are spitting on the playground. Can I please ask you not to do this, it’s unhygienic and certainly not the example we wish to set for our children. Once loved ……… If you have any second hand PE shorts, socks or tights we would be grateful of any donations.
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