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6th form EPQ students and information literacy

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1 6th form EPQ students and information literacy
ILG / ISG course Wednesday 30th November 2016 Simon Finch and David Bowles, Shared Service (Bexley and Bromley Libraries)

2 Background Online resource promotions at secondary school librarian network meetings Hayes School request for a session to support Extended Project Qualification students, repeated sessions requested Adapted session at Chislehurst Girls School Online resource promotions at secondary school librarian network meetings – this led to Hayes and Chislehurst enquiries 2

3 Planning List of topics supplied by school
These were used as “worked examples” of information searches If large group of students general advice might be all that could be offered in time available Add examples and show how took questions and used them to illustrate on how to do research – resources and organisations – e.g. Drugs in Colombia / FARC – online resuorces, books in stock, organisations and news channels online - Time = usually about an hour. 3

4 Later more general advice using ‘step-by-step’ PowerPoint
Initially advice to individual students on their topics that others could use too Later more general advice using ‘step-by-step’ PowerPoint this was requested by the teachers because they did not want us to influence the questions as they interpreted the EPQ rules as disallowing this. 4

5 EPQ topics “Does gender neutrality really exist?”
“Health and safety at theme parks” “Nature / nurture of criminality” “Does strong currency in the UK make people better or worse off?” Some are easier than others – initially able to 5

6 School Librarians requested explanation / promotion of what Public Library holds and offers (many students not used the Library recently) Visiting school preferable to visit to library as it emphasises “Open when we’re closed” – remote access 24/7 resources (visiting physical location off-putting for students)

7 How? Ask how many have a Library Ticket? Etc.
There is very low current usage and so limited understanding of basic library services Important not to overestimate the students’ understanding of how to use, access or learn about library resources This is what we went through with students – realise you all know this but what we have found they needed / requested this information etc. 7

8 So need to explain to them:-
It is for them – (no age restriction) Will have information to help them Will have staff who are knowledgeable Does have study space they can use Lots of resources available at small branches (A2R etc.) so no need to travel Open when we’re closed – 24/7 services Some services require a Library Card (Guarantor needed if under 18)

9 Issues They seem to have perception that the Library is place for light general fiction and picture books Genuinely surprised we had things that would help them Perception carries over to Colleges so tendency to assume library there is the same

10 Finding resources - book searches
Illustrate using the catalogue also the online resources on library website Step-by-step approach needed Can’t assume they know how to search the catalogue Or how to interpret results / access materials





15 Reminder of relevance of contents pages – indexes etc.
Continuing value of books emphasised – especially for specialist topics Show the basics:- How to look up a book Where is the catalogue? Where is the Library? Explain access arrangements –and holdings screens showing branch availability Outline lending procedures Reminder of relevance of contents pages – indexes etc.

16 Google books Value and limitations of Google books
Flags the book up but usually only sampled Need to use links on left to locate actual copies, e-books or print Either buy or in libraries via “Find in Library link” to WorldCat



19 Using experts / special collections
Use experts - speak to Tutors – contact specialist organisations / Colleges etc. Often much material they need in FE College Libraries to which they may have no access. (More liaison between 6th form heads and FE Colleges?) In some boroughs interloans may be a way around this but in Bexley and Bromley, for instance, they will be beyond the pockets of most 6th formers (60p - £6-30 interloan £16.10 BL – 85p - £6-05 interloan - £16-10 BL). Other authorities may be less than £1 and worth highlighting. 19

20 Assessing materials Need to spell out:- Who is the author/creator?
What can you find out about them? Publisher, what is their reputation? When published? How important is currency?

21 Assessing materials Online sources – state if selected by Public Library then you can rely on it Ask them “Do you trust what you see online?” ask who produced it If can’t find that out be suspicious. Wikipedia Explain relevance of domain extensions (.gov; .org; etc.) Ask same questions as for printed book Include examples to illustrate sources they might not have come across (

22 Citations and bibliography
Ask for help if not sure Specific styles for citations and referencing but need to check with tutor/board to make sure using the right one We can recommend sources to help e.g. RefME etc.

23 Further resources Google Advanced Search / Google Scholar / demonstrate and illustrate Access to Research – a great resource available free but reinforce point can do initial search for articles anywhere can get online but must come to the library to view them Students were unfamiliar with these

24 Online Resources E.g. Newsbank which is a research tool with a broader range of titles than free online services


26 Summary Dialogue with contacts important- teachers / tutors / librarians – as what required will vary Students seemed to respond positively – interest shown – notes taken – questions asked Those attending were positive at the end and indicated found sessions useful “I never realised the library had so many useful resources” 26

27 Any questions?

28 Contacts:- Shared Service (Bexley and Bromley Libraries) Simon Finch
David Bowles

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