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What is Culturally Relevant teaching?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Culturally Relevant teaching?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Culturally Relevant teaching?
Johanna Cena

2 You have 10 seconds to look at this slide
Slumber Bed Sheet Night Pillow Dream Quiet Blanket

3 Write down as many words as you can remember

4 Stand up Stand up if you wrote down the word dream
Stand up if you wrote the word bed Stand up if you wrote the word slumber Stand up if you wrote the word sleep

5 Assumptions Consider how often we make assumptions about our students.
Not only do we make assumptions but we act (stand up) with conviction them as if they are truth. How might we be making assumptions about our students or their families?

6 Culturally Relevant Teaching
What are traits of a culturally relevant teacher? What are the instructional behaviors of a culturally relevant teacher? What are a culturally relevant teacher’s attitudes and dispositions toward students? How does a culturally relevant teacher interact with diverse students’ families and communities? Would your responses to any of these questions differ if you were simply talking about an effective teacher? In 4 groups discuss one question and share out whole group All groups answer question 5

7 Video from TDSI Review Lanson billings article as a jigsaw
View video from TDSI

8 Individualist Perspective
Collective perspective Student should “achieve her potential” for the sake of self-fulfillment Student should “achieve her potential” in order to contribute to the social whole. Student should work independently and get his own work done. Giving help to others may be considered cheating. Student should be helpful and cooperate with his peers, giving assistance when need- ed. Helping is not considered cheating. Student should be praised frequently. The positive should be emphasized whenever possible. Student should not be singled out for praise in front of her peers. Positive feedback should be stated in terms of student’s ability to help family or community Student should attain intellectual skills in school; education as schooling. Student should learn appropriate social behaviors and skills as well as intellectual skills; education as upbringing. Student should engage in discussion and argument in order to learn to think critically (constructivist model) Student should be quiet and respectful in class because he will learn more this way (transmission model) Property belongs to individuals, and others must ask to borrow or share it. Most property is communal and not considered the domain of an individual Teacher manages behavior indirectly or emphasizes student self-control Parent is integrally involved with student’s academic progress Teacher has primary authority for managing behavior, but also expects peers to guide each other’s behavior Parent believes that it is teacher’s role to pro- vide academic instruction to student. Individualist Perspective Collectivist Perspective

9 Which perspective is our school or school system designed for?
What are ways that we can incorporate a collectivist perspective in our teaching?

10 We will now be taking a test….
On a piece of paper list: 5 authors 5 authors 5 female authors 5 african american authors 5 latino people in power

11 Focal Students Consider your focal students
What are some culturally relevant strategies that you are using in your teaching/interactions with these students?

12 Complete Educator check
This is a tool for your own use Please complete and discuss with grade level team if you have time Circle areas that you would like to focus on

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