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An Introduction to writing a good composition

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1 An Introduction to writing a good composition
To: Conrad From: Angela

2 Picture compositions

3 1. Look at all the pictures and guess what they are telling you…

4 2. Ask yourself… What is happening in each of the pictures? Who is doing what to whom? What can you conclude in short sentences for each picture? Do they show a flow of events?

5 Here are some clues… Picture compositions always show a flow of events
The last picture is for you to conclude But how do you know what to conclude? (c) Picture compositions usually carry a message / idea These message/ideas are MORAL VALUES the teacher wants you to learn For eg. Cheating in exams is a DISHONEST act In this case, they want you to know the importance of integrity/honesty So, your conclusion should mention these moral values at the end (d) There are helping words at the bottom to guide you through the flow of the story

6 3. Write an outline for your composition
Introduction Event Conclusion Remember, a story always have 3 parts:

7 (A) INTRODUCTION It gives the START of a story
Introduces the characters Answers questions on: Who are the characters involved? We can always name the characters It makes the story more interesting What is the background of the story? In order to tell the story, we must at least give a short introduction to which why things happen in what we are going to talk about in the EVENT (middle part)

8 (B) EVENT (Middle) This is the most important part of a composition
It tells everything that the pictures are showing It tells WHAT IS HAPPENING It answers: What is happening? Who is doing what to whom? Why is it happening? When is it happening? NEVER LEAVE ANY INFORMATION OUT MAKE SURE THERE IS NO LOOP HOLES – Nothing happens out of nowhere!

9 (C) CONCLUSION (End) The conclusion gives a SUMMARY of the story
It ends with the MORAL VALUES the pictures are trying to tell you So in concluding, you MUST always mention the MORAL VALUE Eg. Mike learnt the importance of practicing honesty in order to become trustworthy to others

10 4. Using your outline… You can start writing your composition
Look out for your spelling and tenses If the story happened in the PAST Use only the PAST TENSE DO NOT mix the tenses in your compo This will cause you to lose more marks

11 SOME REMINDERS Always write your story in a way that
you are telling the ENTIRE story to person who has NO IDEA what is it about You are the ONLY ONE who knows the story BEST So when writing, do not miss out any detail/information A good composition is CLEAR, has good spelling, uses words from the helping words, has good tenses and punctuation and an introduction, event and conclusion Avoid repeating! Eg. The teacher…… The teacher…….




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