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Parasocial relationships
Parasocial Relationships
Describe the main features of parasocial relationships; the levels of parasocial relationships, the absorption-addiction model; the attachment theory explanation Evaluate The theories of parasocial relationships, and evaluate the evidence to support and contradict the absorption-addiction model and the attachment theory explanation
Starter Write down on a piece of paper Who your favourite celebrity is
Why is this celebrity your favourite more so than others? Do you aspire to be like them? Do you follow them on social media? Do you watch their TV shows/listen to their music? Do you have any of their merchandise? Do you buy any products they promote?
What is a celebrity? A celebrity is a famous, widely-recognised person who commands a high degree of public and media attention. It has been said that many are well known just for being well known. The rise of celebrity culture is linked to massive growth of reality tv – for example Big Brother.
National Children’s Day Poll 2008
Who is the most famous person in the world? Simon Cowell!
And then……. God…….
And then……. The Queen…
National Children’s Day Poll
Children rated being a celebrity as the best career in the world!
Are you in a parasocial relationship?
Now a days we can keep track of personalities through social media On social media personalities are very open… about their friends and family They upload photographs & videos They tell you what they are up to each day They can be in the public eye every single day You may follow Kim Kardashian on all social media, watch her snapchats, watch Keeping up with the Kardashians etc.. To the extent where you feel like you know her Are you in a parasocial relationship?
Some individuals may intensify their relationship by…
2. Purchasing memorabilia (posters, calendars, make up, clothing, perfume, music, movies, documentaries, books etc.) Some individuals may intensify their relationship by… 3. Purchasing products associated with the personality e.g. Pepsi 1. Attempting to communicate with the individual Previously: fan mail In modern society: tweets, commenting on photos
Kim Kardashian has 87 million followers on Instagram alone
That’s more than The total number of people who live in the UK The total number of people who live in 217 countries
We know this is not a two way relationship
For example, Kim Kardashian only follows 104 people on Instagram – compared to her 87 million followers Just because you know a lot about the personalities life, does not mean they know about yours
Parasocial relationships
‘Para’ – means resembling. Parasocial relationships are missing a key element normally present in relationships What do you think it is? Reciprocity They are one sided!
Parasocial relationships
One sided relationship Typically occurs with media personalities – out of individual’s real social network This can happen with Real people: Kim Kardashian, Barack Obama Fictional Characters: Harry Potter, Dr Who Groups: One direction, Bon Jovi Generally occurs without the personalities knowledge
Parasocial Relationships
Relationships with celebrities are usually entirely one-sided. The target individual is unaware of the existence of the person who created the relationship. These relationships may be appealing because they make few demands, and the individual does not run the risk of criticism or rejection as might be the case in a real relationship.
Parasocial Relationships
PSR’s are more likely if… The object of affection is perceived as attractive They are perceived as similar to us We perceive them as real The viewer is lonely and shy
Parasocial relationships typically peak between the age of 11 and 17
Level of education is an influencing factor – the less education, the greater level of attraction to media personalities Males usually more interested in sporting stars Females interested more in entertainment world Support: Giles (2000) Young people are more attracted to media personalities than older people are
Parasocial relationships were previously perceived as abnormal and thought to have derived from neuroticism, isolation, loneliness, fear and lack of social interaction However, a more recent idea suggests parasocial relationships serve to help people Specifically young people forming their identity
Some of these relationships allow observation and imitation of positive role models
Turner 1993 Does anyone have similar attitudes as a reason for their favourite celeb being their favourite? Parasocial relationships are formed with media personalities with perceived similar attitudes (like friendships) This supports the idea that parasocial relationships are similar to real, interpersonal relationships Though there was no similarity found between levels of physical attractiveness and background, which often occurs with face-to-face relationships These celebrities held strong views about the events involving Alton Sterling On July 5, 2016, Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, was shot several times at close range while held down on the ground by two Baton Rouge Police Department officers
Question Explain how parasocial relationships differ from virtual relationships?
Parasocial relationships may be beneficial..
Gabriel (2008) Ppts given questionnaire measuring their self esteem Ppts then asked to write essay about their favourite celebrity Then given the questionnaire again Findings: Self esteem increased following the essay when compared to before This suggests, they may have incorporated the celebrity characteristics into themselves, thus boosting self esteem This is something which they may not be able to do in face-to-face relationships, due to the fear of rejection stopping them getting close to people
The absorption addiction model
To test this, McCutcheon devised the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS)
Absorption Addiction Model McCutcheon et al (2002) proposed the Absorption Addiction Model to explain how parasocial relationships become abnormal. ABSORPTION: they have deficits in their own sense of personal identity – absorption is an attempt to establish personal identity. Absorption has addictive qualities so individuals go to further and further lengths to maintain a sense of fulfilment via the parasocial relationship. (Enduring Love) To test this, McCutcheon devised the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) This model therefore predicts that there will be an association between poorer mental health and the strength of parasocial relationships.
Complete the questionnaire I have given you
Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS)
Is a tool used to measure PSR; Measures social aspect associated with celebrity worship - ‘My friends and I like to discuss what X has done.’ Measures the intensity of a person’s feelings towards the celebrity along with obsessional tendencies - ‘I consider X to be my soul mate.’ Measures the potentially harmful aspects of feelings towards the celebrity - ‘If X asked me to do something illegal as a favour I would probably do it.’
Levels of Parasocial Relationships
Maltby et al (2006) used the Celebrity Attitude Scale developed by McCutcheon 2002 to identify three levels within parasocial relationships
Celebrity Attitude Scale
Entertainment-Social: talk with friends about celebrities/gossip. Intense-Personal: intensity of feelings for celebrities. Can become an obsession. Borderline-Pathological: potentially harmful aspects of feelings for celebrities. Can lead to uncontrollable behaviours e.g. stalking. Most people never move beyond ES level but PSR’s can become addictive.
Levels of Parasocial Relationships (Giles & Maltby, 2006)
Entertainment/social Intense-personal Borderline Pathological Celebrity is a source of gossip/interaction Intensive, Compulsive feelings towards celebrity Uncontrollable behaviours/ fantasies
McCutcheon (2003) Of 600 participants
20% fell into the first category of ‘Entertainment-Social’ 10% the second ‘Intense-Personal’ 1% the third ‘Borderline-Pathological’
A lot of time is spent by the fan
One sided Unreciprocated A lot of time is spent by the fan She has sent this tweet over 10,000 times!
The most terrifying celebrity fan obsessions
Your task Using information from the tutor2U course companion pack “parasocial relationships”, and Complete the next 2 pages of the activity pack
Theory 2 The Attachment Theory Explanation
Attachment styles and Parasocial Relationships
This theory proposes that insecure attachment leads to an increased interest in celebrities. PSRs make no demands, and do not involve criticism or the risk of rejection. Which attachment style is MOST likely to form a PSR?
Attachment styles and Parasocial Relationships
Anxious-resistant Most likely to form PSRs They have concern that others will not reciprocate their desire for intimacy. They turn to TV characters to satisfy their “unrealistic and often unmet relational needs” Anxious avoidant Least likely They find it difficult to develop relationships and therefore are very unlikely to seek them from real or fictional people. Secure attachment Not likely Often have satisfactory real-life relationships and do not seek an additional relationship with a celebrity.
Attachment styles and Parasocial Relationships
It is thought that people who can be needy and clingy in relationships may be more likely to develop PSRs. This type of attachment style is known as insecure-resistant (anxious ambivalent)
Evidence: Cole and Leets 1999
Those with an insecure resistant attachment style turn to TV celebrities as a means of satisfying their ‘unrealistic and often unmet’ relational demands
Further supporting evidence
Kienlen et al (1997) Disturbed childhood attachment could lead to the development of borderline-pathologicial level of PSR. 63% of stalkers lost a caregiver at an early age 50% experienced emotional and physical abuse
Counter argument
McCutcheon (2006) Tested 3 hypotheses Sample: 299 students (age 16-42)
1. Adults with insecure attachment are more likely to become attached to celebrities than those with a secure adult attachment type. Procedure: used Celebrity Attitude Scale and a Stalking Scale. Measured adult attachment using a relationship questionnaire. 2. Insecure adults are more likely to agree with/condone stalking and obsessive behaviour towards celebrities. Measured childhood attachment type through the use of a parental bonding scale based on their recall of the relationship with their parents before the age of 16. 3. There is a correlation between stalking and pathological tendencies towards attachment to celebrities.
McCutchon (2006): Findings
There was no relationship between insecure attachment and the tendency to form PSR with celebrities. However those with insecure attachment types were more likely to think that stalking was acceptable and there was a relationship between pathological attachment and the tendency to stalking. Therefore insecure attachment is a predisposing factor.
Support for absorption addiction
Real World Application – Understanding Eating Disorders ==
How does this link to mental health?
Links to Mental Health Maltby et al (2003) used the Eysenck personality questionnaire to assess the relationships between parasocial relationship level and personality. Entertainment Social = Extraversion (socialable, lively) Intense Personal = Neuroticism (tense, emotional, moody) (Neuroticism is also linked to depression and anxiety) Borderline Pathological = Psychoticism (anti social, ego centric) Certain people – eg those with depression are potentially vunerable to getting addicted to PSRs How does this link to mental health?
Methodological issues
Self report measures – can bias the findings as people may give socially desirable answers. This may make the explanations found for PSR less valid Correlational analysis – parasocial relationships CAUSE women to have poor body image Could it be the other way around? Could address with longitudinal research
Developing A03 How can we further develop this evaluative point?
Questionnaires use Universality – lack of cultural bias Link to validity
Have a go at the question sheets
Challenge Explain two limitations of the absorption addiction model of parasocial relationships. (Total 6 marks)
Possible limitations:
• Views parasocial relationships as psychopathological and thus is negative in contrast to the positive/active view • Evaluative comparison with attachment explanation • The absorption–addiction model provides a description rather than an explanation of the processes involved in parasocial relationships. • Use of evidence against the absorption–addiction model • Broader scientific issues eg difficulty showing cause and effect • Limited availability of evidence – problems of testability Credit other relevant limitations. Level Marks Description 3 5 – 6 Explanation of two limitations is clear and effective. The answer is coherent and well organised with effective use of specialist terminology. 2 3 – 4 Explanation of two limitations is mostly effective although one or both lack explanation. The answer is mostly clear and organised, with appropriate use of specialist terminology. OR One limitation is explained at top of Level 3. 1 1 – 2 At least one limitation is presented. Explanation lacks detail/is minimal/is muddled. Specialist terminology is either absent or inappropriately used. OR One limitation is explained at top of Level 2. No relevant content.
Problems with the absorption addiction model
Psychologists believe a good theory should be able to describe, explain and predict behaviour. Any theory that meets only the first of these aims is lacking validity because it is not a full explanation of the behaviour. However, it also means that there is no significant conflict between the absorption-addiction model and attachment theory. The model describes the various levels of parasocial involvement, and attachment theory explains how they develop out of childhood attachment experiences. Perhaps a combination of both would be the most valid and useful explanation of how parasocial relationships form and develop.
Cultural Influences The finding tells us that the need to form parasocial relationships may be a universal (or at least very widespread) feature of human behaviour. It may even be innate, or at least tap into an innate relationship-formation mechanism, and have a genetic or evolutionary basis. This could support the absorption-addiction model’s assumption that parasocial involvement arises out of poor psychological adjustment, deficiencies in everyday functioning or lack of fulfilment in relationships. Perhaps people generally have a need to escape into parasocial relationships to cope with the stressors of everyday life.
Extension Activity Apply explanations of parasocial relationships to these cases. Barbie - Ken - Katie Price - Justin Bieber -
Imaginary friends and real world consequences – TED talk
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