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Personality Disorders

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1 Personality Disorders
Thomas G. Bowers, Ph.D. Penn State Harrisburg

2 General Characteristics
Long-standing, maladaptive patterns of behavior Generally recognizable by adolescence Tend to be inflexible, persistent, and resistant to change Must also be associated with significant life problems

3 Three W’s: Wild, Weird and Withdrawn
Easier to remember than Clusters A, B, C Wild 1. Borderline Personality Disorder 2. Histrionic Personality Disorder 3. Narcissistic Personality Disorder 4. Antisocial Personality Disorder

4 Three W’s: Wild, Weird and Withdrawn
1. Paranoid Personality Disorder 2. Schizoid Personality Disorder 3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

5 Three W’s: Wild, Weird and Withdrawn
Avoidant Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

6 Borderline Personality Disorder
Intense, unstable relationships Instability in mood, self-image “Who am I?” Unpredictable and impulsive behavior Often self damaging, as gambling, sexual behavior, spending sprees

7 Borderline Personality Disorder
Intense fear of aloneness Extreme fears of abandonment Demand attention Alternate between idealization and devaluation Chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom Often suicidal feelings and gestures

8 Borderline Personality Disorder
Long interest from psychoanalytic field (as Kernberg) Thought to be “borderline” between psychosis and neurosis Tend to decompensate into psychotic state under stress

9 Borderline Personality Disorder
Object relations theory Introjection of important values and images of other important people (as parents) may be faulty Frequently see issues as a weak, ineffectual father (often totally absent, or even abandoning family) Domineering mother

10 Borderline Personality Disorder
Inconsistent provision of warmth and affection Frequently reported childhood physical and sexual abuse Some biological relationships Respond positively to SSRI Familial, thought to be be genetic links Related to bipolar affective disorder

11 Borderline Personality Disorder
Video assignment: “Fatal Attractions” note Glen Close in her role

12 Histrionic Personality Disorder
Overly dramatic, attention-seeking Display excessive emotion, but in fact are emotionally shallow Self-centered Inappropriately sexually provocative and seductive Pseudohypersexuality

13 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiose and exaggerated sense of self Literary in love with themselves Require constant attention and admiration Lack of empathy, strong feelings of arrogance, entitlement Take advantage of others

14 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Psychopathy (or sociopathy) Cleckly - The Mask of Sanity Emotional aloofness and detachment Hare - contemporary researcher Psychopathy appears to be distinct from ASPD

15 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Little ability to profit from experience In particular, ASPD individuals do not seem to learn well to aversive stimulus conditions Genetic factors appear to play a role, as do environmental factors Lack of affection, severe rejection, inconsistent discipline, fathers often are antisocial

16 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Chronic cortical under arousal Impulsivity, difficulties in goal directed behavior Noted increased slow wave activity, temporal region spikes on EEG

17 “Weird” Cluster Paranoid Personality Schzoid Personality
Highly suspicious of people, tends to mistrust others, expects to be mistreated Extremely jealous Schzoid Personality Does not desire or enjoy social relationships Bland, aloof, loners

18 “Weird” Cluster Schizotypal Personality
Attenuated form of schizophrenia Interpersonally similar to schizoid, with eccentric nature Odd beliefs, magical thinking Illusions

19 “Weird” Cluster Etiology
May be a variant of schizophrenic range disorders Family patterns noted

20 Withdrawn Cluster Dependent Personality
Lacks self-confidence, independence, self-reliance Passive and dependent stance Intense need to be taken care of, unable to make demands on others Tends to sacrifice needs of self for others Fairly common

21 Withdrawn Cluster Avoidant Personality
Keenly sensitive to rejection, disapproval Extremely restrained, easily embarrassed Exaggerate risks, dangers

22 Withdrawn Cluster Obsessive Compulsive Personality
Perfectionistic, preoccupied with rules, details Work excessively Stubborn, rigid, demanding Tend to be rigid and inflexible, moralistic

23 Diagnostic Issues Reliability problems been noted
Structured interviews are now helpful Considerable comorbidity

24 Interrater and Test-retest Reliability

25 Treatment of Personality Disorders
Psychodynamic therapy Object relations therapy (Kernberg) Focus on ego development Interpretative “Reality testing” Dialectical behavior therapy Linehan - Empirically tested Client centered and cognitive methods

26 Treatment of Personality Disorders
Dynamic-Cognitive Therapy Turner Cognitive Therapy Beck Negative schemata of world thought to operate

27 Treatment of Personality Disorders
Psychopathy is very difficult to treat effectively May be unsuitable for psychotherapy (or any type of personal relationship)

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