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Prefix, Suffix, Roots Med Term PP.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefix, Suffix, Roots Med Term PP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefix, Suffix, Roots Med Term PP

2 a-, an- negative, without

3 ante- before

4 anti- against

5 ad- towards

6 ab- away from

7 dors- back

8 dys- painful, difficult

9 brady- slow

10 brachy- short

11 bi- two, both

12 endo- inside

13 epi- above, upon

14 hemi- half

15 hyper- excessive, above, more than

16 inter- between, among

17 intra- within, inside

18 macro- large, big

19 mal- bad

20 micro- small

21 neo- new

22 para- beside or below

23 peri- around

24 poly- many

25 post- after

26 sub- below

27 super- above

28 tachy- fast

29 -algia painful

30 -asthenia weakness

31 -cele hernia

32 -centesis surgical puncture

33 -ectomy removal

34 -itis inflammation/infection

35 -gram picture

36 -malacia abnormal softening

37 -megaly enlargement

38 -necrosis death of tissue

39 -ology study of

40 -osis abnormal condition

41 -ostomy surgical opening

42 -otomy surgical incision

43 -rrhea flow

44 -pathy disease

45 -plasty surgical repair

46 -rrhaphy suture

47 -sclerosis abnormal hardening

48 -scope instrument to view

49 plegia paralysis

50 -stenosis narrowing

51 acr/o extremities

52 angi/o vessel

53 arthr/o joint

54 cardi/o heart

55 cerebr/o brain

56 chrondr/o cartilage

57 cost/o ribs

58 cyte cell

59 gastr/o stomach

60 hepat liver

61 lapar abdomen

62 latero side

63 mamm/o breast

64 medial middle

65 my/o muscle

66 nephr/o kidney

67 oophor ovary

68 ot/o ear

69 pneum/o lung/air

70 rhino nose

71 tend/o tendon

72 trachi trachea (wind pipe)

73 thorac chest

74 salpingo fallopian tube

75 procto rectum

76 oste/o bone

77 neur/o nerve

78 nas/o nose

79 myel/o spinal cord/bone marrow

80 mast/o breast

81 lip/o fat

82 laryng larynx (voice box)

83 hyster/o uterus

84 hemo hemat blood

85 enter/o small intestines

86 cyst/o sac/bladder

87 col/o large intestines/colon

88 cervi/c neck

89 carp wrist

90 brachi arm

91 arteri/o artery

92 aden gland

93 tonsill tonsills

94 cyan/o -blue

95 lith stone

96 appendic appendix

97 myc/o fungus

98 py/o pus

99 pyr/o fever

100 eryth/o red

101 leuk/o white

102 melan/o black

103 poli/o gray

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