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Chemical Nomenclature

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1 Chemical Nomenclature
Chemical name and formula for chemicals. Objectives: Molecular (covalent) Compounds Nomenclature Ionic Compounds Nomenclature-Fixed Charges (primarily representative metal ions) Ionic Compounds Nomenclature-Variable Charges (primarily transitional metal ions) Binary Acid Nomenclature (monatomic anions) Oxyacid Nomenclature (polyatomic anions) Hydrates Nomenclature (ionic compound and water)

2 Periodic Table and Chemical Stability

3 Periodic Table and Octet Rule
Most elements are not stable as neutral atoms. Exception, noble gases. Most must chemically bond with other atoms to reach stability. (Octet Rule) Why most matter is classified as compounds and mix of compounds in nature. Classes of Compounds: Molecular (covalent), Ionic, and Metallic We will focus on most common for nomenclature-molecular and ionic.

4 Periodic Table and Chemical Stablity

5 Molecular Nomenclature
Naming/Chemical Formula of Molecular or Covalent Compounds Between non-metals to reach stability. Share valence electrons to reach stability. Does not create ions(charged atoms), because they are sharing valence electrons. Use prefixes to name most, exception diatomic molecules and when H is bonded to a halogen.

6 Molecular Nomenclature

7 Molecular Nomenclature: Prefixes
Prefixes are used to identify the quantity of each non-metal in the molecule. Mon(o)=1 atom Hexa = 6 atoms Di= 2 atoms Hepta= 7 atoms Tri= 3 atoms Octa= 8 atoms Tetra= 4 atoms Nona= 9 atoms Penta= 5 atoms Deca= 10 atoms

8 Molecular Nomenclature:
Naming molecules: 1st non-metal, prefix+ name of non-metal, unless there is only one of them. 2nd non-metal, always prefix+ root of non-metal + -ide ending. Examples: CO = CO2 = carbon tetrachloride = dihydrogen monoxide =

9 Molecular Nomenclature
Naming/Chemical Formula of Molecular or Covalent Compounds Between non-metals to reach stability. Share valence electrons to reach stability. Does not create ions(charged atoms), because they are sharing valence electrons. Use prefixes to name most, exception diatomic molecules and when H is bonded to a halogen.

10 Molecular Nomenclature: Diatomic Molecules
Diatomic Molecules are composed of atoms of the same element. Most common: H2, O2, N2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2 Simply the name of the element. Examples: N2 = O2 = Hydrogen Iodine =

11 Molecular Nomenclature:
H bonded to a halogen. Ex. HCl (g)= HBr(g) =

12 Chemical Nomenclature: 10.17
Chemical name and formula for chemicals. Objectives: Molecular (covalent) Compounds Nomenclature Ionic Compounds Nomenclature-Fixed Charges (primarily representative metal ions) Ionic Compounds Nomenclature-Variable Charges (primarily transitional metal ions) Binary Acid Nomenclature (monatomic anions) Oxyacid Nomenclature (polyatomic anions) Hydrates Nomenclature (ionic compound and water)

13 Molecular Covalent

14 Ionic Compounds Nomenclature

15 Ionic Compounds Nomenclature
Transfer of valence electrons from the metal to the non-metal. When this occurs the metal becomes a cation (+charged) and the non-metal becomes an anion (-charged). They establish an ionic bond between them, opposites attract! The overall charge on ANY ionic compound is ALWAYS zero! (An ionic compound is electrically neutral)

16 Types of Ions Monatomic Ions : 1 element makes-up an ion.
Elements on periodic table Polyatomic Ions: 2 or more elements make-up an ion. Must MEMORIZE!!! Most are anions! Place parenthesis around poly when there is more than one of them.

17 Ionic Compounds: Fixed vs. Variable Cations
Fixed Cations: Variable Cations:

18 Ionic Compounds Nomenclature: Fixed Charges
* 1st name the fixed cation. Primarily monatomic ion(metal ion), but there are a few polyatomic cations( H3O1+, Hg22+ , NH4 1+) that could replace the metal ion. -If metal ion, it is just the name of the metal. -If it is a polyatomic cation, simply name of poly. *2nd name the anion. ALWAYS fixed! It can be a monatomic anion(non-metal ion) or a polyatomic anion. Most polys are anions! -If monatomic anion(non-metal ion), it is the root of the non-metal + -ide ending. -If polyatomic anion, simply name of poly. Most end in –ite or –ate.

19 Ionic Compounds Nomenclature: Fixed Charges
Ex. NaCl = (NH4)2O = Ca3 (PO4)2=

20 Ionic Compuonds Nomenclature: Variable Charges
1st name variable cation. ALWAYS a monatomic ion (metal ion) and primarily transitional metals(shorter groups on periodic table). The name of the metal ion + roman numeral specifying the charge of the metal. Most common method. See resource for roman numerals Ex.

21 Ionic Compounds: Chemical Formula
Remember, ionic compounds are electrically neutral. -1st write down the symbol and charge for the cation and the anion. Remember most polys have an –ite or –ate ending. -If the charges cancel, the ratio of ions will be 1:1. -If the charges are not equal, use criss-cross method with charges to determine the ratio of ions, subscripts to make the compound neutral. Do not include a subscript if there is only one ion. -Drop charges for final answer.

22 Ionic Compounds: Chemical Formula
Example: chromium (II) sulfate = 2. ferric chlorite= 3. ammonium oxide =

23 Chemical Nomenclature

24 Electronegativity Values

25 Chemical Bonding : Electronegativity Difference

26 Acids and Bases dissociation dissociation
Most acids give off H+ ions in water, lowering the pH of a solution. Most bases give off OH- ions in water, increasing the pH of a solution. dissociation (HCl) dissociation (NaOH)

27 pH Scale: Neutral, Acidic, Basic Solutions
Neutral Solutions: H+ ion concentration = OH- concentration, pH = 7 Acidic Solutions: H+ ion concentration > OH- concentration, pH <7, nomenclature different, focus on Basic Solutions: H+ ion concentration < OH- concentration, pH >7, nomenclature same as ionic

28 Acidic Solutions: Nomenclautre
Generic Acidic Formula for most acids: HXA

29 Acidic Solutions: Nomenclautre
Generic Acidic Formula for most acids: HXA

30 Acidic Solutions: Nomenclautre
Generic Acidic Formula for most acids: HXA (H= H+ ion; x = number of H+ ions; A=anion) All acids are electrically neutral. H+ cancels the A- An acid’s name is dependent upon the anion. That is what is different about each acid, the anion attached to the H+ ion. Anions are either monatomic or polyatomic. Types of Acids: 1. Binary Acids are acids with monatomic anions. 2. Polyatomic Acids are acids with polyatomic anions Examples: (aq)= aqueous or breaks into ions in H2O Clue you are dealing with an acid when given formula a. H3P (aq) = Binary Acid b. H3PO4 (aq)= Polyatomic Acid

31 Binary Acids Nomenclature
Acids consisting of monatomic anions. Naming: hydro prefix + root of anion + -ic ending. When establishing the acidic formula, remember the overall charge on the acid is zero. Examples: H3P(aq) = hydrophosphoric acid HCl(aq) = hydrochloric acid Hydroiodic acid = H1+ I1- = HI (aq) (ratio of ions is 1:1) Hydronitric acid = H1+ N3- = H3N(aq) = (ratio of ions is 3:1)

32 Polyatomic Acids or Oxyacids
Acids containing a polyatomic ion. If poly anion has an –ite ending when naming the acid it will be: root of poly + -ous ending (delicious bite) If poly anion has an –ate or –ide ending when naming the acid it will be: root of poly + -ic ending. (ate something icky) Overall charge on an acid is zero. Examples: HCN = cyanic acid HClO3 = chloric acid H3PO3 = phophorous acid bromous acid = H1+ BrO21- = HBrO2 = (1:1 ratio of ions) arsenic acid = H1+ AsO43- = H3AsO4 = (3:1 ratio of ions)

33 Hydrates Hydrates are ionic compounds with water molecules physically attached to them. Example: copper sulfate with five water molecules physically attached to it.

34 Hydates: Nomenclature
1st name the ionic compound. 2nd replace the word water with hydrate and attach a prefix to it. The prefix represents the number of water molecules physically attached to the ionic compound. Examples: CuSO4*5H2O = copper(II)sulfate pentahydrate

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