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Year 7 Induction Evening 27 June 2017

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1 Year 7 Induction Evening 27 June 2017

2 Student Presidents Pedro Malheiros, Jack Carlton and Charlie Cayzer

3 Mrs Elliott What’s important here?

4 Nailsea School is a community where aspiration is nurtured, belief is developed and success is celebrated.

5 Values Students first Every child will be successful
A positive regard for all members of our community Teach our students a moral purpose Develop independence and teamwork Inspire a lifelong appreciation of learning Involve parents/carers at all times

6 Year 7 students How has the first year been?

7 How is the school divided?
Griffin Unicorn Mrs Shoesmith Mr Mawford Dragon Phoenix Mr Morris & Mr Hellier Mrs Gardiner (Maternity leave) Mr Graffagnino

8 Mr Craig Mawford Head of Unicorn House Nailsea Pastoral System

9 8 tutor Groups 4 Heads of House 2 Assistant heads of house Student Focused Personal Development Curriculum School Council Vertical System

10 Dragon 7 8 9 10 11 b 13 27 g 14 Tutor groups 8 Vertical Groups EXAMPLE

11 Helps significantly to combat bullying
Helps significantly to combat bullying. Older students are not seen as remote. Allows students to associate with other students and share common interests, regardless of age. Helps students of various ages to work together in mutual co-operation. Smooth transition through the years.

12 Mr Dom Graffagnino Head of Phoenix House Praise, Rewards and Competitions

13 House Competitions Praise – HP's, Postcards, Newsletter, Head's breakfast, Zero Heroes Termly Rewards Events  Competitions e.g. Sports Day, Notice boards, Curriculum

14 Mrs Nicky Shoesmith Head of Griffin House Communication

15 Parents to look through student books and discuss work.
What can parents do? Parents to maintain up to date contact information and medical/SEN information. Parents to look through student books and discuss work. Keep us informed about absence and reasons for it. The government demands average attendance of 95%.

16 Daily behaviour reports run so contact made with home is timely.
What will you get from us? Daily behaviour reports run so contact made with home is timely. Head’s weekly bulletin and termly newsletters on ParentPay. Website, Twitter and Facebook pages update on life in school. Different people for different issues to contact; Tutor, Head of House, Assistant Head of House, SENCO, Curriculum Leaders, Class Teacher, Senior Team.

17 Mr Jeff Morris & Mr Will Hellier Heads of Dragon House (Maternity Cover) Safeguarding and Support


19 Anti-Bullying Student Support Tutor Assistant Heads of House
Head of House Student Counsellor directly to Anti-Bullying Coordinator

20 What next? 5 September 2017  1st Day of Term - only year 7 and 12 in school. 6 September 2017 Period 1  - meet the tutor group. Period 2 onwards – lessons Wk comm. 11th September 2017  Cognitive Ability Tests completed

21 What next? 13 September 2017 Information and Settling In meeting with tutors December 2017 Year 7 Christmas Disco March 2017 Year 7 Parent Consultation Evening

22 Enjoy your summer holiday See you on Tuesday 5th September at 8:40 am
What next? Enjoy your summer holiday See you on Tuesday 5th September at 8:40 am

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