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Zaupanje v usposobljenost.

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1 Zaupanje v usposobljenost.

2 Accreditation: a tool to overcome the challenges of our time in construction and the built environment Sébastien LABORDE - Cofrac

3 Worker safety on sites Health & safety protection coordination
Noise exposure measurements Lifting equipments verification: from placing on the market to common use Safe driving aptitude certificate (CACES®)

4 Cofrac, an important player for worker protection in France

5 Role of the SPS coordinator
Worker safety on sites Health and safety protection coordination Role of the SPS coordinator Identify and prevent work-related risks inherent to co-working and subcontracting on the building site Provide for safety and security of workers and ensure the good organisation on the site in line with the budget and contractuals deadlines Anticipate and optimize future building maintenance

6 Certification objectives
Worker safety on sites Health and safety protection coordination Scheme issues Ensure appropriate and competent interventions Improve level and quality of training provided to CSPS To date, over 3,500 CSPS hold a competence certificate Certification objectives Ensure the quality of training provided and the evaluation of CSPS competences, regarding requirements

7 Worker safety on sites Health and safety protection coordination
Accreditation objectives Ensure An homogeneous level of control performed from the CB An independant control, performed with competence, and in compliance with rules defined by the regulatory authority (French Directorate-General of Work) That the CSPS mission will be effective, for health and safety of workers

8 Worker safety on site Lifting equipment verification: from placing on the market to common use Placing on the market governed by a European directive EC design examination before mass production Carried out by a notified body already accredited

9 Worker safety on site Lifting equipment verification: from placing on the market to common use In compliance with safety and maintenance rules to ensure that the equipments remain in conformity Periodic verifications based on French regulatory obligations Carried out by competent and qualified inspectors Accreditation on a voluntary basis guarantee the competences

10 Worker safety on site Lifting equipment verification: from placing on the market to common use Failure to respect regulatory obligations or following an accident Conformity verifications at the request of the labour inspector Carried out by accredited inspection bodies

11 Worker safety on site Lifting equipment verification: from placing on the market to common use Benefits of accreditation: Appropriate response to health and safety workers issues Usable in a voluntary or a mandatory framework Guarantee of CABs competence Improvement of public authorities and operators confidence, in compliance with regulatory obligations

12 Worker safety on sites Safe driving aptitude certificate (CACES®)
Used to validate driver’s knowledge and know-how for driving safety of: Cranes Self-propelled industrial truck Mobile elevating work platforms Construction equipments (excavator, drill, …) An important part for the employer to deliver the driving autorisation

13 Certification objectives
Worker safety on sites Safe driving aptitude certificate (CACES®) Scheme issues Verify the reliability of certificates by validating the training required by French labour code 147,816 CACES® certificates delivered in 2016 for construction equipments (including 35,523 CACES® for cranes) Certification objectives Ensure that bodies responsible for delivering CACES® set up the necessary organisation for carrying out tests according to preventers’recommandations

14 Worker safety on sites Safe driving aptitude certificate (CACES®)
Accreditation objectives Ensure that tester bodies for CACES ® are controlled: By competent and independent assessors On the all stages of the assessment laid down by the frame of reference Taking into account the complaints received by the different players in the scheme  Accreditation ensure strengh of the system, which is necessary regarding accident risks incurred

15 Worker safety on sites Noise exposure measurement
Regulatory imposes obligations to the employer to: Determine the risks employees are exposed Decide appropriate preventive measures Evaluate the risks that remain Implement protective measures for exposed workers That employees encounters while on the job

16 Worker safety on sites Noise exposure measurement
Accreditation is a tool to support public policies Accreditation is mandatory in case of formal notice of employers by labour inspectorate Agreement with the General Labor Directorate : Definition of specific requirements to be specified by laboratories Harmonisation of assessors with the cooperation of INRS and DGT (General Labor Directorate) Biannual follow-up meetings DGT/Cofrac That employees encounters while on the job

17 Energy transition: from material to building
Hybrid heater performances Certification of building materials Energy performance labels

18 Accreditation: a guarantee of improving
energy performance

19 Energy transition: from material to building
Energy transition: from material to building Hybrid heater performances Accreditation benefit Hybrid system = innovative concept for which there is no recognized standard = system combining several devices, each of them being the subject of standard To know how to perform testing on different type of devices To know how to perform them on a specify hybrid device ACCREDITATION WITH A FLEXIBLE SCOPE

20 Energy transition: from material to building
Energy transition: from material to building Hybrid heater performances Accreditation with a flexible scope allows: To recognize the competence of laboratories to implement testing programs on innovative products To confirm the performance expectations  help to have confidence in technological innovation

21 Energy transition: from material to building
Certification of building materials Relevant products Building materials (glazing, insulator, concrete…) Evaluated criteria by the certification body Thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, water behaviour, mechanical behaviour, … Issues Technical quality of materials, contributing to energy efficiency of buildings Market opening for manufacturers (products involved to obtain an energy efficiency building label )

22 Energy transition: from material to building
Certification of building materials Why certification? The certificate is the demonstration of product compliance with quality criteria and provides confirmation of performance expectations as claimed by the manufacturer Accreditation Ensures the transparency of the market place: final control to guarantee that the certified products deliver performance expectations Contributes to a real improvement of buildings energy performance Ensures that controls are carried out according to the same criteria and methods for all manufacturer of certified materials

23 Energy transition: from material to building
Energy performance labels Various labels related to All types of buildings (housing, tertiary building, industrial building…) under construction or renovation Issues Energy savings Keep comfortable living conditions and ensure in-door air quality Tax and financial advantages HPE, BBC, H&E, E+C-, bio-sourced building…

24 Energy transition: from material to building
Energy performance labels Why certification? Criteria on programming, conception, insulation, thermal bridges, glazing, ventilation, air permeability, heating, hot water heating, building construction… Checked by an independant third-party body Certification guarantees the final outcome of the whole operations Accreditation Objectives Ensure that the controls are actually executed in totality

25 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Cableway installations designed to carry persons Charging infrastructures for electric vehicles Urban air quality

26 Accreditation: a tool to support initiatives
for susbstainable cities

27 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Cableway installations designed to carry persons Safety objectives set by European regulation for manufacturing and selling safety components Evaluation of the conformity for the EC marking by a notified body Accreditation on a mandatory basis to guarantee impartiality and competence

28 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Charging infrastructures for electric vehicles Issue and functioning of the scheme Development of clean transports Objective from 15,000 recharging point in 2015 to 100,000 in 2020 Safe and reliable charging infrastructures Mandatory since mid-2017, application of a European Directive

29 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Charging infrastructures for electric vehicles Qualification of firms A simple procedure that requires: A training certificate of the professional A provision of two recognized references to work (customer testimonial or control office) Accreditation Ensure the verification by the CAB of the workers training Support charging infrastructures for electric vehicles in order to support low emission car development

30 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Urban air quality Public health issue Mandatory monitoring of the ambient air Obligation of accreditation for national reference laboratories Accreditation recommended for air quality laboratories

31 The benefit of accreditation: Airparif example (1-1278)
Substainable cities / Smart cities Urban air quality The benefit of accreditation: Airparif example (1-1278)  Guarantees the reliability of results Credit : Airparif

32 Substainable cities / Smart cities
Urban air quality The benefits of accreditation: Support air quality monitoring system Take serenely the necessary measures to protect the health of the public Rely on reliable measures to support cities in their strategy of substainable development

33 Conclusion Accreditation is a tool to: guarantee worker protection measures improve energy performance and support initiatives for a substainable city

34 Thank you for your attention

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