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How to Submit e-DMRs as a Signatory with a Preparer.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Submit e-DMRs as a Signatory with a Preparer."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Submit e-DMRs as a Signatory with a Preparer.
E2 Signatory How to Submit e-DMRs as a Signatory with a Preparer.

2 E2 Signatory Information:
To create an E2 Signatory account, you must go to DEQ CROMERR account registration system and follow the screen instructions to complete the registration. Each Signatory will manage his/her own preparers. DEQ will not be involved. Each Signatory could link any existing E2 Preparer or Signatory account to his/her facility. If the Signatory is unable to find the Preparer, or Signatory, in the E2 system, they will instruct the them to go to the following web address to set up a Preparer Account: If they are searching for a Signatory and can’t find them, they will need to have them set up a Signatory account through the ERS system (aka: CROMERR).

3 Starting from the E2admin email:
Login info for E2 Web address for E2

4 E2: Login Page Login for E2

5 E2: Home Page (After Login)
Click Here to add a Preparer or another Signatory to your account.

6 E2: Signatory with Preparer
List of Preparers and Signatories who have been linked to this Signatory If the Preparer or Signatory is not listed, clicking here will let the Signatory add them to the list.

7 E2: Adding a Preparer Account to a Signatory
Enter Preparer’s, or Signatory’s information into these fields. Click here to search for the them

8 E2: Adding a Preparer Account to a Signatory
This is the list of Preparers and Signatories found after you preformed the search. Use the bubbles to select the Preparer, or Signatory, you want to add. After you have selected the Preparer/Signatory, click here. Can’t find the Preparer? Notify the person who will act as a Preparer to go to E2 and create a Preparer Account. Can’t find the Signatory? Notify the person to create a Signatory account through ERS.

9 E2: After the Preparer is selected
This information is Read Only, a Signatory cannot change anything in these fields. Only the Preparer can.

10 E2: After the Preparer is selected
Active: approving the Preparer to access the Signatory’s Account. Inactive: disapproving the Preparer to access the Signatory’s Account. Signatory’s can use this drop down to change a Preparer from Inactive to Active, or visa versa. (Set to Inactive by Default) List of all facilities approved by DEQ for this Signatory will be listed here. Check the facilities that the Preparer will be granted data access privilege. After you have completed everything, click here.

11 E2: Return to the E2 Home Page
After adding a Preparer, or Signatory, to an account you will return to the E2 home page to review an eDMR created by a Preparer or a Signatory. Click Here to edit an eDMR submitted by a preparer/signatory

12 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Enter Facility Information Here Enter Monitoring Start and End dates here Remove any information in these fields Click here to Search by the given criteria List of search results Click here to edit and review a particular eDMR

13 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Choose Edit Form Click Continue

14 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Click through each Parameter Make sure the values for each parameter are correct If everything looks correct, click Next Click here to preview what the eDMR will look like

15 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Use this field to add any comments you may want (Optional) Click Next Enter your name Enter your phone number

16 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
This page is optional. If you have a “Non-Compliance Report” and/or “Waste Water MORs” you can use this page to attach it to your eDMR submission Click Next

17 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Click here to view a copy of the eDMR you will be submitting Click Next

18 E2: Reviewing and Submitting a Saved eDMR
Read the Agreement Click Submit Check the “I acknowledge that I have read the certification statement”

19 E2: Submission Receipt

20 ERS Signing an eDMR submitted by a Signatory
After a Signatory, submits an eDMR through E2, the Official Signatory, the person who actually signs the eDMR (which can be the same person that submits it), will need to do the following steps to complete the submission: All Signatories associated with the Facility will receive an telling them that an eDMR has been submitted and is ready to be signed. Before signing, a Signatory should look at the submitted eDMR and make sure everything is correct, then they will sign and submit it to DEQ. This is done through the Signatory’s ERS account.

21 E2: Signatory Notification Email of Submittal

22 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR
From the ERS Home Page, after you log in Click here to view all e-DMR submissions.

23 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR
Click “Review” to review the eDMR before you sign it.

24 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Review eDMR)
Click Open Double Left Click to open

25 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Review eDMR)
Review the eDMR for any errors. If there are any errors, you can instruct the preparer/signatory to follow the instructions for revision.

26 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Sign and Submit)
Click “Sign and Submit” to sign the eDMR and send it to DEQ.

27 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Sign and Submit)
Read the Warning, then click “Accept and Sign”

28 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Sign and Submit)
Enter your ERS password then click “Accept & Sign”

29 ERS: Signatory Sign and Submit eDMR (Sign and Submit)
After you submit the signed eDMR, you will come to this screen and you will receive a confirmation that it was submitted successfully.

30 ERS: Signed eDMR Confirmation Email


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