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The Great Depression & New Deal

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1 The Great Depression & New Deal
The 1930s

2 Herbert Hoover Hoover’s background—He was orphaned at a young age, but became a self-made man as a mining engineer and businessman. Hoover’s election—After winning a landslide election, Herbert Hoover’s presidency was looking hopeful. [View 1] [View 2]

3 Causes of the Great Depression
Some suggestions… 1) Easy Credit 2) The Stock Market 3) Bad Economic Policies With Europe 4) Risky Investments

4 The “Great Crash” of 1929 [video on the stock market] Black Tuesday—On October 29, 1929, the stock market plunged detrimentally, leading to $30 billion in losses. [modern example of private markets]

5 The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl—Not only did many American farmers lose their farms for not making mortgage payments, but they also suffered from a severe drought in the Midwest. [Video, M 3:57]

6 Hoover’s Policies Battling the Depression—President Hoover promoted a “rugged individualism” for America’s hope to get out of the Depression. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Video—

7 Franklin D. Roosevelt Election of 1932—Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s campaign of proposing a “New Deal” by government intervention to an American populace that was deep in the Depression proved to be an irresistible promise for many. [Video]

8 The New Deal Roosevelt’s Three R’s: Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Numerous Government Programs: FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration), the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), the PWA (Public Works Administration), the WPA (Works Progress Administration), and more. [Video, 3:15-8:10] The New Deal’s Dilemma: [the good] more jobs were created [the bad] someone had the pay for these jobs (taxpayers) and government was now involved in more places than ever before

9 Perspectives on the New Deal
[Pro-New Deal] [Anti-New Deal, stop at 5:23]

10 “To Kill a Mockingbird”
Up to 40:05 min

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