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Theme № 6. Reliance on national - spiritual foundations - a necessary condition for building a democratic society in Uzbekistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme № 6. Reliance on national - spiritual foundations - a necessary condition for building a democratic society in Uzbekistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme № 6. Reliance on national - spiritual foundations - a necessary condition for building a democratic society in Uzbekistan.

2 Plan: 1. Revival of spiritual values ​​and the growth of national consciousness. 2. Spiritual - moral principles and their importance in the development of society.

3 The sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan is not possible without the revival of spiritual, national, religious and historical values. Therefore, from the first days of independence, along with political, socio - economic changes, special attention has been paid to the revival of the spiritual heritage and cultural values ​​of the people.

4 Spiritual perfection of society, the formation of ideas of national independence has become an integral part of strengthening the sovereignty of our country. No society can not see his future without the development and strengthening of the spiritual building of the spiritual and moral values ​​in the minds of people.

5 Cultural values ​​of the people, their spiritual heritage for thousands of years were the source of spirituality to the East. Despite the hard ideological pressure for a long period, the people of Uzbekistan managed to retain its historical and cultural values ​​and distinctive traditions, which are carefully passed on from generation to generation

6 Since independence in our country the greatest challenge was the revival of the enormous, invaluable spiritual and cultural heritage, which for centuries by our ancestors.

7 The spiritual values ​​are universal and national values
The spiritual values ​​are universal and national values. Human values ​​- this phenomena and objects that are relevant to all humane society as a whole, regardless of race, nationality, gender, position and profession. Normal -value is the estimate of people of high morals and culture,

8 the concept of social - political problems occurring in the world, the formation of the overall direction of the socio - economic community of different countries, the development of the spiritual, cultural, scientific and technical ties, and on the military industry.

9 To universal values ​​also include conservation, environmental education and the development of culture, health, prevention of infectious diseases terrible, production of food, reasonable use of energy, conservation of cultural property, and the inadmissibility of the war to preserve peace in the world.

10 National values ​​are universal, so that the latter is much deeper and broader in content. Normal values ​​are expressed in its essence common and common goals of all nations. National values ​​- a set of spiritual wealth and material goods created by a particular people or nation.

11 National traditions, customs and rituals - these are the elements of social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved in during long time. As traditions are the specific social norms of behavior, values, ideas and practices.

12 National spiritually connected to the national consciousness and is a stimulus for the development of national identity, while at the same time, an indicator of its level. By definition, experts, national identity - is inherent in ethnicity.

13 Totalitarian regime in Uzbekistan has been well developed tan wide network of educational system, with a purpose - planting communist ideology, which clearly ignored and could not prevent the formation and development of national consciousness.

14 In the Soviet period, national and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies were forbidden, subject criticized and ostracized by the life of nations. Independence made ​​it possible to restore them. So, for us to return holiday "Navruz", which became a national society. Restored the holy celebration, festivities "Ramadan - Khayit" and "Kurban - Khayit." With the financial support of governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan every year thousands of Muslims have made the pilgrimage to the holy Mecca.

15 Reconstructed old mosques and building new, the network of educational institutions, published new literature. Communities must touch and man's relationship to the land and its riches. In a region where agriculture for anniversary were based entirely on irrigated agriculture, respect for the land and water is equally important imperative than respect for the subjects of civilization.

16 Earth, air, water and fire (sun), anciently worshiped in Central Asia, they paid homage to all the religions of our ancestors, from Zoroastrianism to Islam. Another powerful source of spiritual values ​​is traditionally ethics kindred family and relationships, the basic principles of which was respect for elders, mutual assistance, child care.

17 To yet and these values ​​have been severely deformed with Soviet period. Renaissance spiritual values ​​also means adapting them valuable the modern world and the information civilization. To positive values ​​that come with the modern civilization we attribute values ​​associated with the process of building a democratic society is the respect for human rights, free enterprise, freedom of speech and of the press, etc.

18 Spiritual rebirth - is a new generation of intellectuals, thinking that defines the spirit of independence.

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