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Investigative question:

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1 Investigative question:
Zoom – In: I Spy Virginia History Primary Sources, 2008 Understanding goal: Images can stimulate understanding of different times and life styles. Investigative question: What customs were typical in Colonial Life?

2 I Spy Looking at small things can reveal so much. Take a close look. What do you see?

3 Take another look. What do you see with this part added to the picture?

4 What location do you think this reveals?
What is in the picture that makes you think that way?

5 In this clip, describe some of the items. How would they be useful?

6 Examine this picture closely.
Can you relate to the image? Explain.

7 More seems to be going on here than earlier. What time period is this? Support you reasoning.

8 After looking carefully at this image, what connections can you make?

9 Here is a larger view of the picture.
Do the additional details support your previous decision? Clarify.

10 Which of your senses would you expect to use if you were in the picture. Choose the sense and explain why it would be used.

11 What title would you give this picture?
Support your reasoning.


13 Reflection Based on this image, explain the significance of the various customs found in Colonial Life. If you were living with this family, what chore would you prefer to be responsible for. Explain. How would you feel if you lived during that time in history?

14 Unknown. (c1876). A New England kitchen. A hundred years ago / H. W. P.
 Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs.

15         Unknown. (c1876). A New England kitchen. A hundred years ago / H. W. P. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs.

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