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“Vocational Training & Labour Market”

2 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
Connecting businesses and training centers: the role of Chambers of Commerce

3 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
The ultimate goal of the implementation of a Dual Vocational Training system is to improve the professional qualifications of young people and thus contribute to the reduction of the youth unemployment rate. To achieve this, systematic models are needed to establish links between the training centers and the companies, which in Spain, despite the notable increase in recent years of specific actions in this regard, do not exist

4 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
In addition, the productive structure of Spain and the size of its productive framework (99.8% of SMEs) make it necessary to make additional efforts to achieve the commitment of companies and to dedicate resources to training within the company. In this sense (as in Europe) the role of chambers of commerce is essential to achieve the link between two worlds so different but so complementary to obtain the qualification

5 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
Having a robust Dual Vocational Training system, which ensures the insertion of students in the labor market during the training period, requires the following elements:

6 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
1. Close cooperation between Administrations (labor, education, national and autonomous), companies, training centers and social agents

7 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
2. Constant search for quality in the qualification, which implies the participation of suitable companies in the process and that the training imparted adapts to the business needs

8 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
3. Existence in the companies of qualified tutors, both professionally and pedagogically (methodology) to help the student / trainee throughout the process to reach the qualification

9 4. Conduct a continuous and thorough evaluation of the entire system
The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes 4. Conduct a continuous and thorough evaluation of the entire system

10 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
Due to the extensive knowledge of the productive framework, the structured network operation in many points of support and the wide experience in the coordination of practices in companies for vocational training students, the chambers of commerce have the capacity to carry out the following general tasks:

11 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
a) Coordinate the system, give information and offer recommendations for the proper functioning of it

12 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
b) Facilitate the connection of training centers with companies and support them in technical, pedagogical, etc

13 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
c) Offer services, documentation, training and training materials for company tutors

14 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
d) Contribute to improving the legal and practical conditions of professional training within the company

15 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
e) Transmit the concerns or needs of companies to the public decision-making powers in matters of educational or training policies

16 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
f) Evaluate the quality of the system and the achievement of its objectives

17 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
In order to strengthen the Vocational Training system and involve SMEs in it, 16 European Chambers of Commerce participate in the project Apprenticeship Coaches for SME (AC4SMES) coordinated by Eurochambres

18 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes
This project aims to create an European platform of reference and free access with the necessary tools and support to SMEs, educational centers and Chambers of Commerce in the process of recruiting talented young apprentices and, of course, during their training process in business

19 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes

20 The role of CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE in the formulation of Vocational Training Programmes


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